Daming: The Sims, Lao Zhu’s mentality collapsed

Chapter 47: Repay your favor on the golden stage, guide the Jade Dragon to die for you

Chapter 47: Repay your favor on the golden stage, guide the Jade Dragon to die for you

[Zhu Jianshen is a very strange person. Because of his father, he always worries about gains and losses. 】

[During the Jingtai Dynasty, although Zhu Jianshen was deposed as the crown prince, after the death of Zhu Jianji, the only son of Emperor Jingtai, Zhu Jianshen was still the successor to the Ming Dynasty. As early as the eighth year of Jingtai, he had restored the title of crown prince. Treated. 】

[At that time, Emperor Jingtai was not in good health and often coughed up blood. All the courtiers, including you and Yu Qian, felt that if Emperor Jingtai died suddenly, Zhu Jianshen would succeed him. 】

[It is for this reason that Zhu Qizhen was so relaxed when he rebelled. The main reason was the indifference of the courtiers. 】

[It is treason for a son to usurp his father's throne, but there is no reference experience for a father to usurp his son's throne. They didn't know how to deal with it. They, including Yu Qian, just watched Zhu Qizhen usurp the throne. 】

[If it were just like this, Zhu Jianshen wouldn't hate Zhu Qizhen so much that he would like to crush him to ashes. He hates Zhu Qizhen because his father hates him. 】

[After usurping the throne, Zhu Qizhen placed Zhu Jianshen under house arrest in the cold palace. The attitude he wanted to express was very obvious. He did not like his eldest son. Zhu Jianshen had already guessed when he was in the cold palace that even if this stupid father became the emperor, he would probably not pass the throne to him. 】

[Zhu Jianshen was not a man of faith. As soon as he ascended the throne, he showed his ruthlessness and decisiveness. He directly revoked Zhu Qizhen's imperial title, gave him an evil posthumous title, and even did not allow Zhu Qizhen to enter the ancestral temple. After doing all this, he still felt angry and threw Zhu Qizhen's remains into the mountains to be exposed to the sun, and did not allow anyone to collect the body. 】

[The reason why Zhu Jianshen did this was firstly to relieve himself, and secondly to express his position to you, the regent. What he wants to express to you is: Uncle, we are allies on the same front. Why don't you just kill my father? What a big deal. If you feel sorry for me, you can just be my father. 】

[The Chenghua Emperor Zhu Jianshen’s governing ability will surprise you greatly. 】

[Zhu Jianshen, who was only twelve years old, although he had just ascended the throne, was very mature and steady in his way of governing people. He cultivated his confidants and placed his cronies in the court. 】

[This is an emperor who loves war as much as his life. In the first year after taking the throne, he first asked for your opinion, and then appointed the governor and fellow magistrate Zhao Fu as the general to conquer the barbarians, to lead all the general troops to conquer the rebellion of the Yao people in Guangxi. In March, palm barbarians in Shandu, Sichuan, went on a riot. In December, Han Yong defeated the Yao rebels in Dateng Gorge in Guangxi and renamed Dateng Gorge "Duan Teng". 】

[Every year thereafter, Zhu Jianshen would launch a war, whether it was to quell internal rebellions or expand territory externally, the wars were continuous. 】

[To be honest, the Ming Dynasty is very weak now and cannot afford frequent wars. Zhu Jianshen's strategy is to use war to support war, put down rebellions to reduce internal friction, and launch external wars to plunder resources. The most important thing is that the wars he planned have never been defeated. The Ming army was like locusts passing through the border, leaving no grass on the land it plundered. 】

[Zhu Jianshen's prestige is as high as the sun among the army and the government and the public. 】

[He said to you: "The sky is 30,000 feet high, the earth is 30,000 feet deep, and the human body is less than seven feet, where does it stand with the heaven and the earth? There is no determination to put an end to all sins in the world, no ambition to rule the world, no ambition to kill all the enemies outside the wall. How can we save the country and the world with such ambition?"]

[You see the future of the Ming Dynasty from this young emperor who is less than seven feet tall. 】

[Emperor Chenghua is not without his shortcomings, but his shortcomings may not be considered shortcomings. This child is particularly fond of him. 】

[He likes a woman named Wan Zhen'er who is the same age as his mother. When Zhu Jianshen was young, he was inseparable from this palace maid who accompanied him. Wan Zhen'er grew up with him, suffered with him, and ran the empire with him. 】

[It was only because of the opposition of his biological mother, Queen Mother Zhou, that he could not appoint Wan Zhen'er as his queen when he ascended the throne. 】

[Looking at the young man's unrequited love, you feel a little funny, and you seem to see your own sadness. 】

[You left your best years to the Ming Dynasty. Until the day when Fa's wife died of illness, you still stayed up all night annotating memorials at the Wenhua Hall. Even Fa's wife's funeral was handled by your son, and you were not present. 】

[You decide to give Emperor Chenghua one last gift before you die. 】

[You found an excuse to depose Queen Wu and make Wan Zhen'er your queen. This was something Emperor Chenghua had always wanted to do but didn't dare to do, so he couldn't help but be extremely surprised. 】

[In November of the fifth year of Chenghua, it is rare that you are not busy with official duties today and set out to pay homage to Mount Tianshou. 】

[In the 22nd year of Yongle, Emperor Wen of Taizong and Emperor Wu of Chengzu were buried together in Changling in Tianshou Mountain. When you paid homage to Jie, you did not mobilize any troops. You only brought a young eunuch named Wang Zhi with you. 】hhhhhh【Emperor Chenghua saw something was wrong with you and wanted to go with you. He also had someone to take care of you on the way, but you declined. 】

[On this day, it snowed heavily in Beijing. 】

[Celestial jasper Qiongyao, dots of flowers, and pieces of goose feathers. 】

[Chenghua Emperor Zhu Jianshen stood outside the palace gate, watching your back gradually disappearing with reluctant eyes. He couldn't help shouting: "Great uncle, have a good trip..."]

[You smiled and waved your hands behind you, then walked forward with Wang Zhi’s support. 】

[By the time you reach Changling, you will be exhausted. 】

[The Changling Mausoleum is juxtaposed from east to west, with Taizong's Mausoleum in the west and Chengzu's Mausoleum in the east. The tombs of the two tombs are almost identical. After arduously walking to the Chengzu Mausoleum, you glanced at the young eunuch Wang Zhi who accompanied you all the way. 】

[This child is very delicate-looking, rather young, but has delicate features and delicate features. Although he has the feminine body of a eunuch, he still reveals a masculine and heroic spirit. 】

[This child looks somewhat similar to an old friend of yours. The old friend was given the surname "Zheng" by Emperor Taizong Wen and was named Zheng He. He eventually died at sea. 】

[You took off the jade pendant from your waist, handed it to Wang Zhi, and said tiredly: "Take this piece of jade back and go to my grandson. He will give you a future. Remember to give it to me on my behalf." People in the capital spread the word, saying, this king... will not go back."]

[Wang Zhi didn’t say much, just took the jade pendant and left without saying a word. 】

[After he left, you sat on the three-story white marble pedestal of Ling'en Hall, looking at the throne of Chengzu and Emperor Wu, with a smile on your lips. You asked softly: "Dad, Yu'er didn't embarrass you, did he?"]

[A scholar of the Ming Dynasty served as regent for three times, helping the building to collapse and turning the tide before it collapsed. You are the last backbone of the Ming Dynasty. After your old friends left one after another, you guarded the entire empire alone. 】

[Your greatness does not need to be stated by yourself. Even if eight hundred years pass and the sun, moon, mountains and rivers sink with time, future generations will recite your achievements over and over again. 】

[The last remnant of the Yan-Wu era stood up again and again when the Ming Dynasty was in crisis, pouring his own blood on the lifeline of the dynasty and forcibly extending the life of the empire. 】

[Everything in front of you is gradually dimming. When you finally wake up, you think of a poem. 】

["Dark clouds are pressing down on the city to destroy it, and the armor's light is shining towards the golden scales of the sun."]

["The sound of the trumpet fills the autumn sky, stuffed with swallow fat and the night is purple."]

["A half-rolled red flag is approaching the Yishui River, and the frost is heavy and the drums are cold but no sound can be heard."]

[You whisper the last line of this poem:
  "Report your favor on the golden stage, support the Jade Dragon and die for you!"]

[You closed your eyes, with a smile still on your lips. 】

【you are dead. 】

[Simulation ends. 】

(End of this chapter)

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