Chapter 75 I’m so poor
  Although Lao Zhu felt that what Zhu Xi said was reasonable, he was still a little confused: "If we follow the method you said and the court prints money out of its own pocket, how much will it get back?"

"Before the treasure banknotes were printed, the imperial court was poor. After the treasure banknotes were printed, the court was still poor. So wouldn't the printing of treasure banknotes be in vain?"

"I think our idea is more practical and we can make money quickly."

Zhu Rui was already speechless: "It is very practical. If you follow your old ideas, in less than twenty years, the value of the treasure banknotes will be too low to be practical."

According to Lao Zhu's idea, if a banknote holder takes ten taels of silver to exchange for treasure banknotes, they can exchange them according to the official rate. But if you want to exchange treasure notes for silver, the court will not allow it.

The imperial court printed an unlimited amount of treasure banknotes, but the treasure banknotes could not circulate in the market. Even if they were used to pay taxes, they could only pay 70% at most, and the remaining 30% of the tax had to be paid in hard currency.

The imperial court actually offers a 30% discount on the treasure banknotes issued by itself? Do you want to collect taxes and also engage in tax collection? With seven notes and three coins, one in and one out, the court directly made a profit of 30%. This is fooling the people of the world into fools.

I have to say that if Lao Zhu’s idea is followed, then the treasure banknotes will become a cash machine for the court to make money in a short period of time, not to mention the military expenses to maintain the Northern Expedition. If it is more ruthless, Xu Da can fight from Peking to Moscow. Either way.

However, the price of issuing a large number of treasure banknotes but refusing to recycle them is that the Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes depreciated rapidly in just a few decades. By the end of Hongwu, the Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes had depreciated ten times; by the Xuande period, the Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes had depreciated to a hundred times. ; By the Chenghua period when silver gradually came into use, its value had reached only one thousandth of its original value.

In the 14th year of Jiajing's reign, one thousand guan of treasure notes could only be exchanged for more than 200 yuan, which meant that by this time the value of the treasure notes had depreciated to an exaggerated 20,000%.

At this point, the Ming Dynasty's paper money system completely collapsed, and the credibility of the court became a joke.

The Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes, the flowers and vines shed tears when they saw them, the gold yuan coupons made their hearts break, Sri Lanka slapped their thighs wildly, and Zimbabwe was immediately intoxicated.

Currency credit is the political credibility of the ruler, currency value is the life of the ruler, and the gold content of currency is the remaining life of the regime.

The bankruptcy of Ming Dynasty Baochao made an indelible contribution to the demise of Ming Dynasty, because it not only meant that Ming Dynasty lost its paper currency, but also caused the court to lose credibility in the hearts of the people.

Those who lose the hearts of the people lose the world.

Zhu Tie had already said it very tactfully. After all, what he said was too professional, and even with Lao Zhu's level of education, it would be difficult to understand.

But at this time, Lao Zhu had already heard the seriousness of the matter from Zhu Zhu's words.

If he insists on having his own way, I am afraid that he will really leave a malignant sore that can penetrate into the heart for future generations of the Ming Dynasty.

Lao Zhu asked in despair: "Can it be said that the Ming Dynasty Baochao is really hopeless?"

"Dad, you are overthinking. The Ming Dynasty Baochao has not been issued yet. He is very healthy and does not need medication at all." Zhu Xi said cheerfully, "Everything about the Baochao now is starting from scratch. As long as it is used properly, it is completely possible. Relying on treasure money, we can build a complete economic system for the court and get rid of the title of a poor and forced dynasty."

Lao Zhu had a black line on his face: "When did my Ming Dynasty get such a title?"

"Although no one says it clearly now, future generations will surely crown our Ming Dynasty." Zhu Rui said confidently, "No other dynasty is qualified to compete with our Ming Dynasty for the title of poor!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's mentality collapsed: "Guizi, is this something to be proud of?"

He really didn't want Ming Dynasty to be associated with the word "poor", but the reality was too sharp and he couldn't tolerate Lao Zhu's excuse.

It is too true that Lao Zhu's family lacks financial management genes. Few of Zhu Yuanzhang's ancestors knew how to manage finances, otherwise they would not have become poorer from generation to generation. By Lao Zhu's generation, the whole family was about to be wiped out by hunger. In fact, the ancestors of the Zhu family lacked financial management genes, and the emperors of later generations also lacked it. Until the emperor of the country, Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian, lived in the nightmare of "I will die of poverty" throughout his life.

"Son, dad is counting on you."

Lao Zhu looked at Zhu Xi with tears in his eyes, "In the years since we were emperor, we have not dared to spend even a tael of silver. We dare not. Our Lao Zhu family has been farmers for generations, and we are the sons of farmers. We are afraid of poverty." ”

Zhu Ru's face turned dark: "Dad, can you please don't leave me here and suffer miserably?"

"Son, it's not that my father was miserable, he was really miserable." Zhu Yuanzhang said heartbrokenly, "Back then, your grandfather, your grandmother, and your uncle died of starvation one after another. You and I were the only ones left in the Zhu family who could still breathe. Second uncle, we don’t even have the money to buy a thin-skinned coffin for your grandparents. In the end, we can only wrap up the person in a few tattered clothes and bury them with your second uncle. There is no coffin and coffin, and the body is covered with dirty clothes. What kind of food is this?"

"Later we became rebels. In order to vent their anger, the officers and soldiers of the Yuan Dynasty wanted to dig up the ancestral graves of our Zhu family. After searching for more than half a month, they still couldn't find where our ancestral graves were. Guess why? It's because our family is not connected. We don’t even have the money to erect a monument for our ancestors, and if there is no monument, where will the officers and soldiers go to find their graves!”

Zhu Xi put his hands together in a begging gesture, and said helplessly: "Dad, stop reading the Tao, I'll take care of it. Leave all the treasures to me, okay?"

Seeing that the plan was successful, Lao Zhu showed a satisfied smile: "Son, dad will leave this job to you. Tell me what kind of assistance you need from dad."

He was really scared of being poor, otherwise he wouldn't have suffered miserably in front of Lao Wu.

The Zhu family has been poor for eight lifetimes, so they can't live in poverty even if they become emperors here.

Zhu Xi pondered: "First of all, I have to select the officials of the Baochao Collection Department. The Ministry of Public Affairs and the Ministry of Accounts have to delegate power to me, and the Ministry of Industry must also cooperate. If I want to set up any new department , you have to let me go all the way."

Lao Zhu nodded quickly: "No problem, these are just trivial matters."

Delegating power is a small problem. Anyway, it is delegating power to his own son, and Lao Zhu did not hesitate at all.

He wanted his princes to control the world's soldiers and horses, so it didn't matter if he gave Zhu Chu this little power.


As soon as Zhu Ru walked out of Fengtian Hall, he heard Ying Zheng's voice in his mind: "Xiaowu, why are you so concerned about the treasure banknotes? Is it really that important?"

"Brother Zheng, you don't understand. Producing the Ming Dynasty's treasure banknotes may seem like just promoting banknotes in the Ming Dynasty. In fact, this is the best opportunity for the Ming Dynasty to have a complete economic system."

Zhu Rui's eyes were deep, "When the Ming Dynasty forms a complete domestic economic system, it will have the capital for external economic export, and even initiate the Ming Dynasty's hegemony of treasure money."

He was talking about America.

The world has suffered from the US dollar’s ​​hegemony for a long time.

America spent decades harvesting Latin America, killing the Four Asian Tigers, and consuming the Soviet Union. She transferred her crisis to the world and made the whole world pay for it.

Zhu Ting was not sure whether he could achieve Baochao hegemony, but what he was sure of was that he could rid Ming Dynasty of the title of poor man.

(End of this chapter)

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