Game Design: Is that okay, CaiGou?

Chapter 261 Cyber ​​Liangshan: A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops come to meet each other

Chapter 261 Cyber ​​Liangshan: A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops come to meet each other (please subscribe)

The gaming industry this summer is far more lively than any other year.

Players are everywhere both outdoors and indoors, and even audio gaming, a historically niche gaming market, is experiencing a second spring this summer.

The emergence of Rock Smith provides a good platform for countless players who want to learn electric guitar.

Rock Smith's music APP and its teaching style give many players the motivation to persevere when they want to give up.

Even though Prince Furong, a Northeastern man with a fat body and a sinewy face, actually has a heart for embroidery?
He has been playing games for so many years, but has he ever seen a game as special as Rock Smith?

As soon as he entered the game, he was as deep as the sea, and Yang Wei was a passerby from then on.

He was so immersed in it that he practiced electric guitar every day on Rock Smith.

In early August, after practicing for more than a month, his new song "Cold", which he wrote and composed himself, was released on the Rocksmith APP.

Beautiful lyrics, delicate music style, and eloquent atmosphere.

"Cold" quickly became an instant hit on Rock Smith's music APP, with likes, comments, and reposts, and it quickly became popular all over the Internet with just three clicks.

It even became the first song to be collected by more than 100,000 people on the Rock Smith Music APP. You must know that the Rock Smith Music APP,

Even with the blessing of the Rocksmith game, it is still just a niche music APP, and the number of songs collected in second place is only more than 9,800.

"Cold" has more than 100,000 collections. It can even be said to be the only non-singer-level phenomenal song during the current summer vacation.

"Damn it, do we still have such talented people in our dumpling-making sect?"

"Prince Furong, I can tell from the way you speak and follow the competition that you are not an ordinary person!"

"The competition has produced two celebrities, a cheese snow leopard and a hibiscus prince."

"Cheese Snow Leopard found his girlfriend at the Cyber ​​Dating Conference, and Prince Fleur released a new song on the Rocksmith Music APP... I am typing in the comment area. We all have a bright future."

"Gan, is the threshold for today's players so high? How about... I bite a lighter?"

"Then let me bow to everyone..."

At the urging of players, Prince Furong used the official Weibo account of the Dumpling Steaming Cult to start a live broadcast.

"Thank you for everyone's support and love."

The tall and tall Prince Furong smiled and raised the invitation in his hand and said:

"I just received an invitation from the singing variety show "Tomorrow's Son". I will pack my bags and go to the competition in the next few days."

Player: "!!!"

Water friend: "!!!"


We say you can do it, but you don’t have to be so good, right?
Brothers, we are all players, you have already started to cross the border?

I am afraid that my brother will suffer, but I am also afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover...

This is worse for you than killing me!

"Holy crap, is it true? I don't have enough education, so please don't lie to me?"

"Are we going to have a big star in the Yellow Turban Army?"

"Tsk, tsk, at this time, you people don't distinguish between Yellow Turban Army factions?"

"What faction? How many factions? We broke the bones and still connected the tendons! I have been a fan of Prince Furong since I started speaking."

"That's right, I heard that "Tomorrow's Son" will also set up some kind of label for the players? In my opinion, Prince Furong should just call it the Yellow Turban Army label!"

"Old man, there is nothing wrong with what you say. We, the Yellow Turban Army, are the strong backing of Prince Furong."

Prince Furong's participation in the Sons of Tomorrow competition was a thunderous thunder, which immediately sent everyone in the gaming circle into confusion.

Even if they are not players, they will not be less surprised when they learn that Prince Furong, who looks like a modern Lu Zhishen, is the singer of "Cold".

【Prince Furong】

[What you say will follow the finals]

【Cheese Snow Leopard】


【Tomorrow's Son Contestants】

【Rock Smith】

【Yellow Turban Army】

With curious searches from players and even outsiders, the entry about Prince Furong quickly became a trending topic. "Tomorrow's Son" became popular before it was aired. Players in the gaming circle spontaneously cheered for it.

Gaming circle? Entertainment?
The styles of these two circles are so different that they are not even close to each other on weekdays.

Who would have thought that one day players would be able to step on two circles?
While players are eagerly waiting for the first episode of Tomorrow's Son to air, a top-notch event has once again broken out in the gaming industry.

The official account of the organizer of the Journey Cup competition with 80 million fans released the scarf again after six years——

[The journey has no end, and art never ends! 】

[The game world is prosperous and the game industry is prosperous! 】

[Games that have sold tens of millions of dollars in the past six years have emerged one after another! 】

[Journey Cup sincerely invites all club members to come to Liangshan and participate in the topic selection of this Journey Cup theme competition]

[The list of qualifications is as follows——]

[Hummingbird Game Company, Thunder Studio, Banyan Tree Game Company, Fenghuo Studio, Taipingdao Game Company...]

The Star Cup competition is already a first-class competition in the country, and the entry threshold is only that a participating manufacturer's game sales reach one million, which is commonly known as the million club membership, to participate.

However, the Journey Cup competition is one of the top domestic competitions. The entry threshold is extremely high. If you want to sign up to participate, game manufacturers must have a game with a sales volume of tens of millions, which is commonly known as the Ten Million Club. .

A million-dollar club and a tens-million-dollar club, the two are at odds.

Moreover, the Star Cup competition is held every four years. After all, a million-selling game is both difficult and easy. Four years is enough to have enough contestants.

But the Journey Cup is completely different. In other words, the Journey Cup is different from most other domestic events in that it does not have a fixed game time.

It depends on the current situation in the gaming industry. It is limited to ten years. If it is a big gaming year, it may even be held once every four or five years. However, if it is a small gaming year, it may only be held once every ten years.

How many decades are there in a person's life?

It is possible that an 18-year-old high-spirited young player enters the gaming circle and experiences a Journey Cup game.

The next time he's unlucky, he won't be able to watch the next Journey Cup until he's twenty-eight, nearly thirty, has a family, and a big belly.

Needless to say, the gold content of the journey cup.

Now, six years later, the official account of the organizer of the Journey Cup competition finally released a scarf and announced the competition information.

However, due to the special nature of the Journey Cup competition, each competition is a themed competition. Each manufacturer will have to go to the site to blindly select game themes a year in advance, and the formal competition will not be held until the end of the summer of the following year.

This means... there is a seven-year gap between this journey cup competition and the previous one.

There are only a handful of decades in a person's life.


The same is true for how many seven years there are in a human life.

Such a long time span is enough for a college student to transform into a middle-aged man in his thirties.

Time is so ruthless!

But as time has passed, these people have not forgotten the joy that journey cups and games brought to them when they were young.

So many memories came to mind, making the players feel like they were in another world.

After coming back to their senses, players immediately rushed into the Journey Cup competition and left messages in the comment area of ​​the organizer's official Weibo account.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, six years, do you know how I lived these six years?"

"Want to wait another year? If I wait another year, I will be thirty-one! My mother's kiss!"

"An absolute youth classic and an absolute memory. Although I don't have much time to play games now, I can't help but watch the Journey Cup."

"I just took a look at the list of participants. There are 72 new members of the Ten Million Club in the past six years. In addition, according to the rules of the game, 36 players were selected from the first three Ten Million Clubs, for a total of 100 Eight established participating manufacturers.”

"Damn it, no wonder the organizers of the Journey Cup competition want to gather the contestants and hold a topic selection meeting in Liangshan, 108 generals? Is it so auspicious?"

"Mengxin, please tell me, why do you have to wait another year?"

"The Journey Cup cards are here, so we need to give participating manufacturers enough time. After all, this competition is a big competition that will affect the direction of the gaming industry in the following years or even more than ten years."

"I don't know if General Tiangong will participate..."

"What you said is not good enough. Even if a game manufacturer joins the Ten Million Club and has not participated in the Journey Cup, it is still unfair!"

"Instead of worrying about whether General Tiangong will participate in the Journey Cup competition, it is better to worry about what kind of game General Tiangong will make..."

"Before making a game, you still have to look at the topic first..."

The organizer of the Journey Cup competition is as motionless as a mountain and as moving as thunder. With the official Weibo, you can see everyone in the gaming circle.

What hot spots, what hot searches, what news, what news, all seem insignificant in front of the Journey Cup.

The players' attention is all focused on the list of newly qualified players from the thirty-six million-dollar clubs this year.

Wen has no first, Wu has no second.

Fans of each company believe that their own game manufacturer is the most awesome, and they compete with each other on the Internet, which is very popular.

at the same time.

Taiping Road Headquarters, Chairman's Office.

Fei Yangyang, Zhong Chu, Zhu Ping'an, the five-person team trapped in the camp, received the invitation letter for the Journey Cup competition one by one to watch, and the office was filled with excitement.

I wish Ping An raised his head and fell into memories:
"I remember when we were just freshmen, the theme of the Journey Cup competition held was role-playing games. Then this theme became popular now. Unexpectedly, six years later, the Journey Cup was held again. We were no longer spectators, but Player!"

Hearing this, Zhong Chu had mixed feelings in his heart: "Uncle Emperor, you didn't have a deep understanding of it during your freshman year. At that time, Aurora Studio was at its peak. The biggest daydream that Angkor and I had was just to participate in the Star Cup competition."

"Who would have thought that Aurora Studio would be in decline in just a few years, but no one would have thought that Aurora Studio would turn around and join Taipingdao. Now we at Taipingdao have not only won the Sunshine Badge of the Star Cup, but also have the opportunity to participate in the Journey Cup."

"It's like a dream. If Angkor hadn't still been a cyber matchmaker, I would have hugged him and cried. Damn it, I can be considered successful now!"

Cai Gou took the Journey Cup invitation from Li Xiang and was also lost in thought.

For a game to enter the million-dollar club, it is simply a piece of cake for Taipingdao today.

But for other game manufacturers, especially independent game producers, it is not an easy task.

For 99% of the game manufacturers in the game industry, the entry threshold for the Journey Cup’s tens of millions of clubs is even more daunting.

But for Cai Gou, a million-dollar club is not difficult. Yellow Turban Studio has transformed into Taiping Road to this day——

Because I Want to Be a Man was the first to be released and with multiple rounds of promotions, sales have already reached 23 million.

As a pixel-style game, Terraria is small in size but highly playable, with sales reaching 35 million.

Kerbal Space Program’s cooperation with the Aeronautical and Astronautical University and the existence of the Beihang Professional Edition have enabled its sales to reach 43 million.

Games like What You Say, Make Two, Invisible Guardian, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, King of Bayinbrook, Civilization, Ring Fit Adventure, etc. have also exceeded the 10 million mark in sales.

It can be said that although Taipingdao is only on the list of new million-dollar clubs in the Journey Cup, in terms of strength, it is at the level of the number one pick.

Looking at the country, there are not even any game manufacturers that can compete with Taipingdao, but they are also very few.

In the office, everyone chatted happily and vented their inner excitement, but as they chatted, they found that the real owner Cai Gou had not spoken.

Gradually, the chat stopped, and everyone focused on Cai Gou, wanting to hear Cai Gou's opinion.

In the end, Fei Yangyang couldn't hold it any longer and took the initiative to ask: "Brother Dog, please say something about such a big matter!"

Cai Gou came back to his senses and said with finality:

"You must participate in the Journey Cup. But there is no need to worry about the many projects we have on hand. After all, there is still one year to prepare for the Journey Cup. Besides, there is no use worrying about it now. This year's Journey Cup has not even started to select topics. Woolen cloth!"

Cai Gou paused and then said: "As for us participating in the Journey Cup, no matter what the topic is, the goal must still be the championship. Do you think that the Journey Cup competition, which only happens once in ten years at most, represents in the hearts of the players? "

Zhu Pingan smiled and said: "I understand what Brother Gou means, isn't it - memories!"

"Yes!" Cai Gou nodded and said:
"Each Journey Cup competition represents the memories of a generation of players, which is also the foundation of a game company. To put it harshly, if you win the championship, you can rest on your laurels and rest on your laurels."

Cai Gou waved his hand and said: "The Cyber ​​Dating Conference has been held for a month, and it is not enough. Now that we are encountering this kind of thing, let Angkor come back."

"Let's go to the site together and participate in Liangshan's Journey Cup topic selection activity. No one can be left behind, no one can be left behind, and no one will leave any regrets."

Zhong Chu nodded excitedly when he heard this: "Hey, on behalf of Angkor, thank you Mr. Cai."

In the afternoon of the same day, less than two hours after the Journey Cup released the scarves, participating manufacturers released scarves one after another and announced their participation in the Liangshan topic selection event of the Journey Cup.

Cai Gou also followed suit and released a scarf——

[Gathering game heroes on the journey in Liangshan]

[Cyber ​​version of Huashan sword discussion is nothing more than this]

[After accepting the invitation, you must be there]

[Joining in a grand event together, let’s test our strengths——]

[Let’s talk about the pros and cons! 】

【Monthly Ticket】【Recommended Ticket】

(End of this chapter)

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