Chapter 376 The Crying Concubine Li
The queen was very curious.

At this time, the nun who was close to her had not received any good news, so she couldn't help but shake her head after hearing this.

"Queen, this slave has never found out."

They really don't know whether they are in the palace or what is going on outside the palace, so even if the maid wants to find out some information about this, she can't.

The Empress also understood the truth, and she just smiled and said: "I naturally know in my heart that you and I have no way to get involved in matters outside the palace, so this matter will eventually be resolved. We don’t know what the result will be, but mama, you said...even if I don’t know, how can it affect me?”

What these words said made the maid at the door couldn't help but be stunned.

"What the empress means is..."

The Queen snorted.

"The Chang family should generally be from Duke Dingguo's mansion."

This was also the Queen's guess. As for what happened, the Queen did not dare to confirm.

But the nun who was nearby shook her head when she heard this.

"Queen, I don't think so. I have investigated before. Although there is no news about this, I know that the Chang family does not seem to have any relationship with them."

They all know the situation in Duke Dingguo's mansion.

When the attendant thought of this, she couldn't help but frowned and asked: "Your Majesty, you are also aware of the affairs of Duke Ding's Mansion. Then... I wonder what your Majesty is thinking?"

This is not necessarily to cause bad luck, but in the opinion of the nearest attendant, the Queen and Your Majesty are already in a cooperative relationship, and they are husband and wife, and now the Queen is pregnant. No matter how you calculate it, they The two of them are probably both advancing and retreating together.

But...the things His Majesty did are so unspeakable, does the Queen really not care?

The maid really couldn't understand.

After hearing these words, the Queen couldn't help but laugh.


The queen raised her hand and touched her bun, and after a while she hummed.

"Mommy, are you taking too much care?"

The nun who was close at hand knelt down in a hurry after hearing this.

"This slave has overstepped her bounds."

But the Queen just smiled and shook her head.

She actually has her own thoughts on this matter.

"I know what you are worried about, mama, but mama, if you don't do it for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth. If I don't cooperate with your majesty now, do you really think that I can stay in the palace safely for so long?"

In this deep palace, it is true that no one has it easy, but as a queen, her position is even more embarrassing, and it is precisely because of this that the queen cannot allow this to happen. .

The Queen just wants to live a better life for herself, and he never thinks that she is wrong in this way.

After hearing this, the maid at the door couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

It seems that he doesn't know what to say.

My queen is just trying to protect herself in this deep palace. Who can say that my queen is wrong?

"My Lady, do you really think that... Your Majesty is right about this matter?"

The queen shook her head.

"Your Majesty is naturally wrong, but no matter how wrong your Majesty is, he is an emperor. Do you understand?"

After the queen finished speaking, she looked at her nanny and smiled. When the nearby maid heard this, she immediately understood what her mother-in-law meant.

Who is the most noble in this Dayuan?
Of course, he is the current His Majesty, and it is not their family members who are killed, so why do they need to be so serious?
And the most important thing is that everyone is dead, so there is no need to worry about that now.

Thinking of this, the maid stopped talking completely.

When the Queen saw the maid acting like this, she knew that the maid understood the meaning of her words.

"Don't mention this kind of thing again in the future. I will never think about those things."

"I know my mistake."

The nearby maid kowtowed and apologized.

"Concubine Li, you are keeping an eye on me. Before my prince is born, only my prince can be born in this deep palace!"

Naturally, the nun at the door could clearly hear what these words meant.

"Slave, take your orders!"

On the other side, in Li Chun Palace, Concubine Li was restless and restless.

"Mommy, I'm scared!"

Concubine Li was crying, and she looked a little aggrieved.

When grandma saw her mother-in-law like this, she couldn't help but sigh.

"Your Majesty, nothing will happen now. Imperial Physician Chang has not told the Empress about your affairs, so she doesn't know that you are pregnant with a dragon species."

"But...but I am just afraid! And the Queen is so smart. Since she has guessed it, she must know it!"

In fact, as long as you examine this matter carefully, you can guess all the calculations involved.

The Queen is such a smart person, and also so ruthless. How could the Queen not know this about this situation?

Empress Li Fei is really worried about this now, so she is very panicked now.

She touched her belly, and the more she thought about it, the more worried she became.

"The only thing I'm worried about now is that the child in my belly won't be born. Mom, you should know how ruthless the Queen is. If something happens, Your Majesty will definitely protect her, right? ?”

There is no need to think too much about this kind of thing, the result is already in front of you, right?

The empress is now the biggest fear in Concubine Li's heart. Concubine Li is also a very timid person. Now she is confused and scared to death all day long!

When grandma heard these words, although she felt helpless, she also knew that what her mother-in-law was worried about was true.

Thinking of this, Mammy comforted her and said, "Mother, why don't you inform Your Majesty about this matter?"

Shall we inform His Majesty?
Concubine Li couldn't help but be silent for a moment when she heard this, and after a while she frowned and looked at Grandma.

"But...but if this matter is informed to His Majesty, then it is equivalent to telling the world, isn't it?"

In that case, wouldn't he be in more danger?

If someone like the Empress knew that she was pregnant with a dragon seed and told the world, wouldn't she hate herself even more?
She is only a month old now. If someone plots against her, wouldn't it mean that the baby will be lost in a minute?

Thinking of this, Concubine Li became even more frightened.

When grandma heard this, she couldn't help but remain silent for a while.

So...what else can I say?

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