Dressed as a mother-in-law, she leads the whole family to turn over

Chapter 307 The hidden secret of boarding the ship

Chapter 307 The hidden secret of boarding the ship

At the same time, Zhong Mianmian and Yang Xiaohua had gone north, and the Zhong family couldn't catch up even if they wanted to send people to chase them.

On the passenger ship, Yang Xiaohua looked at the eldest lady beside her and sighed for the first time, "You said it was inappropriate for you to leave such a good lady alone. Why do you have to go to the capital with me?"

Zhong Mianmian leaned on the railing and looked out, not even knowing the situation. "Perhaps it was because I ran away from home that time and saw the life outside the compound, so I yearned more and more for your happy and wanton life. Of course! The most important thing is that I miss Jiang Madam!”

Zhong Mianmian smiled and showed a row of teeth. From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a person sneaking out of the cabin, touching the guardrail and walking to the back. His behavior was very much like the Mao brothers who had kidnapped her.

Seeing that Zhong Mianmian's expression was wrong, Yang Xiaohua quickly turned around and saw the man, frowning slightly, "Do you know him?"

"No, I don't know him, but that person made me feel very uncomfortable." Zhong Mianmian's voice was trembling as he spoke.

Yang Xiaohua's frown deepened, and she lowered her voice and said, "Which shipping company does this ship belong to?"

Zhong Mianmian was startled, then quickly ran to the deck, stared at the flag on the mast carefully, and his expression suddenly changed, "It belongs to the Qi family."

"Qi family?" Yang Xiaohua had no idea at all.

Zhong Mianmian lowered his eyes and clenched his fists tightly, "The person who asked the kidnappers to kidnap me was my aunt, and she married into the Qi family. I once swore that I would never visit the Qi family in my life. I didn't expect that. He actually got on the Qi family’s boat!”

Zhong Mianmian gritted his teeth in anger.

Yang Xiaohua knew that Zhong Mianmian had been kidnapped once before, but she didn't ask any more questions. Now that she heard what she said, she became interested, "Since the other person is your aunt, why did she let someone kidnap you?"

Zhong Mianmian sat on the deck angrily, looking at the blue sea water, and said absentmindedly: "My mother is the eldest daughter of the Fan family, she is the second daughter, and the Qi family she married into is not as prominent as our Zhong family, so she always pleases my mother. He wanted my mother to arrange a marriage for their children, but my grandfather did not agree, so my mother rejected my aunt.

Unexpectedly, my aunt secretly resented me and hired the Mao brothers to kidnap me. I was still so young at the time, and the Mao brothers were sure there would be no mistakes and did not avoid me when they spoke. I also learned from their mouths that I was kidnapped. the truth.

Later, my family came to find me. When I returned home, I immediately informed my grandparents about the incident. My mother was furious and brought people to beat up the Qi family in person. The two sisters completely fell out with each other.

My aunt still felt that she had been wronged, so she went to her parents' house to complain. Unexpectedly, my mother's revenge was just an appetizer. My grandfather had thousands of disciples, but he took action and dealt a heavy blow to the Qi family.

Back then, the Qi Family was the first shipping company in Quzhou. Now when Quzhou Shipping Company is mentioned, who would think of the Qi Family? Xu Shi can't argue. Now the Qi's Boat Company mainly carries passengers and there are no big ships.

The Qi family was so angry with their aunt that although she did not divorce her, she kept her in confinement in Zhuangzi and showed a low attitude towards acknowledging her mistakes and making amends. Therefore, my grandfather did not continue to embarrass the Qi family and allowed the men of the Qi family to study in Quzhou Academy. "

As he spoke, Zhong Mianmian thought of something in a daze, and Huo Ran grabbed Yang Xiaohua's hand, "I remember, I was so drunk last night. Although I fell off the carriage, I shouldn't be able to run back to the boat to look for you. Yes, I woke up next to you in the morning!"

"Yes! This is also something I can't understand." Yang Xiaohua licked her lips that were chapped by the sea breeze. Thinking of that sneaky person, she always felt that there was something wrong with it.

Zhong Mianmian also realized this. The two exchanged glances and followed the man tacitly. When they walked to the back, they realized that it was the direction to the wheelhouse. Behind the wheelhouse was a cramped cabin for cooking.

They straddled the guardrails and cabin bulges, allowing them to hide themselves perfectly. They could eavesdrop on the people inside without being discovered, but it was a bit dangerous. If they were not careful, they might fall into the sea.

Yang Xiaohua was afraid that Zhong Mianmian would fall, so she kept holding on behind her.

In the cabin, two sailors who were cooking had a dispute over drugging.

Qi Guangsheng gritted his teeth and tried his best to break free from Qi Guangan's constraints.

"Let go!"

Qi Guangan looked indifferent, "If I let you go, will you just listen to me?"

Qi Guangsheng was furious, "Guang'an, this is my business. I don't want to involve you, so don't meddle in your own business."

As he said that, he tried his best to knock Qi Guangan away, but found that he was no match for him at all.

Qi Guang'an still shook his head, "It's okay if I don't know. Now that I've caught you, I can't ignore it. After all, we have many brothers on the ship, and we don't want to be implicated by you."

After hearing this, Qi Guangsheng suddenly became excited, "Is it because of me? How dare you say such a thing? If it weren't for the Zhong family, our Qi family would still be the first shipping company in Quzhou, and our lives would not be easy. I'm so miserable and all I'm doing is revenge, it's only natural! I don't believe that the brothers on the ship are as greedy for life and afraid of death as you are!"

Since the Qi family's business has plummeted, the lives of the Qi clan members have also become difficult. They all say that it is easy to change from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality, not to mention that he has a bad habit of burning money and likes to gamble.

Not only has he lost all his family wealth over the years, but he also owes the gambling house more than ten taels of silver. In the past, he would have ignored the money for more than ten years. Now, the money for more than ten years is like a huge mountain to him. He was out of breath.

When he was already very anxious about money, he happened to meet two girls on board the boat for a drink in the middle of the night.

So he first focused on Yang Xiaohua's baggage and spent a lot of effort to get the baggage. Unexpectedly, there was not even a penny in it. In order not to attract Yang Xiaohua's attention, he secretly returned the baggage, just in time to hear Zhong Mianmian introduced himself to his home after being drunk. At that moment, he suddenly had an idea.

Such a beautiful little girl should be worth a lot of money if sold! It can also relieve the hatred in his heart and kill two birds with one stone.

Qi Guangsheng spoke righteously, Qi Guang'an looked at him deeply, with unclear meaning, "This is a ship, and whoever is louder is not justified. If you really want to take revenge, you had plenty of opportunities to kill her when you tricked her into the ship that night. That's right. If you push people into the sea and drown them, no one will suspect you. Wouldn't revenge be faster this way?
Now that the eldest daughter of the Zhong family is sober, she even sent a letter home. Everyone knows that she is on the Qi family's ship. Once something happens, it will definitely be a fatal blow to the Qi family. You said you are taking revenge and venting your anger on the Qi family. Can I believe it? "

Qi Guangsheng was so angry when he saw that the other party was not getting enough food and salt, but he could only be helpless and furious.

Seeing Zhong Mianmian's ugly face, Yang Xiaohua gave her a look, and the two of them retreated to the deck.

"What should we do? What should we do now?" Zhong Mianmian was a little uneasy. None of her maids and guards had followed the ship. There were only two weak women here and a messenger boy from the Yang family. How could the three of them carry it?

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