Dressed as a mother-in-law, she leads the whole family to turn over

Chapter 318: It seems to have recovered but it doesn’t seem to have happened yet

Chapter 318: It seems to have recovered but it doesn’t seem to have happened yet

When Yang Xiaohua heard that he was just her godfather, she blushed in embarrassment and quickly admitted her mistake to Mr. Rui.

Old Prince Rui didn't take it seriously. He just looked at the little girl in front of him curiously and said to himself: "I have traveled extensively in the past few years and have been to many places. I have also met some female doctors, but most of them are witch doctors. Some of them are Wenpojiapo and their knowledge is very limited. Little girl, you said you know how to cure my son?"

Yang Xiaohua answered very simply this time, not timid at all, "Uncle Ayi's condition is quite serious, but it can still be dealt with by experienced doctors. I think this disease is considered serious in most people's eyes." It’s not a disease, so doctors usually advocate gentle treatment and don’t prescribe strong medicine, but I’m different. I don’t like to ask about Tun Tun, I just like to get it done in one step.”

"Ha! What a loud tone! Then how long do you think it will take for Ah Yi to be effective?" Prince Rui and Yang Xiaohua got into a fight.

Yang Xiaohua thought carefully and said: "Between half a month and a month, no more than a month at the latest."

"Okay! Then I am waiting for your good news! Regardless of whether Ah Yi's illness can be cured or not in one month, I will officially reveal his identity." Old Prince Rui said, his sharp eyes falling on Jiang Ning. .

Zhong Mianmian was so frightened by the words "I am the king" that he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

After Prince Rui left, Jiang Ning was even more stressed, but he did not say anything to Yang Xiaohua that would increase her burden.

When Jiang Ning left, Zhong Mianmian felt that his back was soaked with sweat. He crawled to Yang Xiaohua and held her hand worriedly, "Sister Xiaohua, is what you just said true? It really doesn't take a month. ? I think that although you have greatly alleviated Grandma Jiang and Aunt Guo's condition, everyone's situation is different. Even the imperial doctor can't guarantee Uncle Ayi's condition. Are you really sure?"

At the third watch, a sound came from outside the house, "The sky is dry and things are dry, be careful with the candles."

The two of them had been through life and death together. Zhong Mianmian really didn't want Yang Xiaohua to become the target of public criticism, so the worry in his heart spread like weeds.

After Wen Xi sent Old Prince Rui back, he immediately went to Prince Ding's Mansion to meet Prince Ding and tell him everything about today's events.

They thought they would have to endure this for a month, but unexpectedly, something happened after only ten days.

A gleam flashed in Prince Rui's eyes, and soon disappeared without a trace. He said secretly: "She is just a little girl. Even the imperial doctor can't handle things. What can she do!"

Wen Xi laughed and shook his head, "Let's not mention whether the medical skills are really great, but the little girl's momentum is not weak at all. She even boasted in front of the old prince Rui. The results can only be seen in a month. If she is really in a Curing A Yi within a month is indeed a great medical skill, but my subordinates think that the little girl must be a fledgling. After all, given her age, even the imperial doctor cannot cure her, so how can she be cured? "

Ever since Yang Xiaohua made a bet with Mr. Rui, Zhong Mianmian and Yang Xiaoya didn't dare to tease her, and with Grandma Wang watching, they could only learn the rules.

The emperor became interested, "If that little girl can really cure Ah Yi, I wouldn't mind having a female doctor in the hospital."

As soon as Jiang Ning turned over, Huazhi came to help her with a lamp.

The pen in Prince Ding's hand paused for a moment, and his handsome eyebrows were raised slightly, "Are you saying that a female doctor with extraordinary medical skills has come to Guang'enhou Mansion?"

When Ah Yi heard the shouts, she opened her eyes suddenly and sat up from the bed, breathing heavily.

Prince Rui went into the palace and told the emperor about the situation, but he only treated it as a joke.

The joy on Prince Ding's face could be seen disappearing, but he still calmly picked up the pen and finished writing word by word. He said unhurriedly: "Then we will wait for the result."

In the middle of the night, almost everyone in the house was woken up by the shouting.

In the early summer night, the chirping of insects and birds was very lively. Under the eaves of the Guang En Bo Mansion, the red lanterns were surrounded by moths and ants. The fluttering of the lanterns made one's scalp numb. Fortunately, at this time, everyone in the manor was gone. Asleep, no one cares about it.

The room was dark, and he felt as if he was in another world. He felt panicked and didn't know where he was. Touching the soft material on his body, his heart became even more panicked. He yelled with a cry, and then stumbled out of bed and was covered by the table and stool. He didn't feel any pain when he was knocked down, he just focused on rushing out.

"What's going on?" Jiang Ning asked seriously, quickly put on his shoes and put on his coat.

Huazhi was worried, "I don't know what's going on. I heard the sound coming from Ningxinyuan, right?"

Before Huazhi finished speaking, Jiang Ning had already rushed out of the room. The house suddenly became lively.

When she arrived at the garden, she happened to see Butler Song leading a group of guards surrounding A Yi, urging him to go back.

Ah Yi was obviously very emotionally unstable and kept thinking of ways to rush out.

"Stop!" Jiang Ning stepped forward quickly, and the guards made room for him.

Ah Yi was stunned for a long time when she saw Jiang Ning's face in a panic, and shouted in disbelief: "A Ning? Is that you, An Ning?"

Jiang Ning's pupils shrank and his voice trembled, "Brother?"

Ayi smiled, "It's really you! Where is this place? Why am I here? Where are your parents and your sister-in-law? Why are they all missing?"

"Madam." Butler Song looked frightened and at a loss.

Jiang Ning also panicked and quickly asked someone to invite Yang Xiaohua.

Inside Ningxin Garden.

Yang Xiaohua quietly took Ah Yi's pulse. A crowd of people gathered behind her. Even though everyone had questions, no one said a word.

After she took her pulse, Jiang Ning asked anxiously: "What's his condition now? Has he recovered his memory?"

Yang Xiaohua shook his head, "He hasn't recovered yet, but my medicine is working. The hemorrhage and edema in his brain is being absorbed, so his memory is confused. Maybe tonight he remembered that his aunt is his sister. Let's get some sleep and see him again tomorrow." There is a possibility that the memory will get better until it returns to normal. "

Song Fu whispered beside Jiang Ning: "Madam, do you want Mr. Rui to know about this? Do you think he would be so angry that he would kill him if he knew that his precious godson had forgotten him?"

Jiang Ning trembled all over and his expression changed drastically, "Hurry up and block the news. It must not be leaked, otherwise."

Jiang Ning's sharp eyes swept over the guards and maids, and everyone knelt down to reassure themselves.

Yang Datou stepped forward and asked A Yi who was a little confused: "Uncle, I am Yang Datou, my grandma's eldest son."

Ah Yi was in a trance for a while, "You're so old! We haven't heard from your mother-in-law since she got married, and we don't know if she's doing well or not!"

Ah Yi looked sad.

Yang Datou was stunned for a moment, "So uncle, have you forgotten how you came to our house?"

"How did I get here?" Ah Yi fell into deep thought.

Yang Xiaoya came over and said, "Uncle, I am my mother's youngest daughter, Xiaoya. Uncle, do you remember?"

Ayi shook his head.

At this time, Yang Lexu in Liu Ye's arms was clamoring for A Yi to hug him.

Ah Yi looked at the child with a loving expression, "Who is this child?"

Everyone looked at each other, it’s over!

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