Chapter 320: Being partial to the armpit
Zhao glanced at her coolly, with a mocking look on her face, "Literally! Madam, they say that when it comes to getting married, honesty from both parties is the most basic thing. Do you agree?"

Shi didn't know why, but Zhao couldn't fault what he said, so she nodded angrily, "Of course."

Zhao's smile deepened, "Since you agree, there's nothing to say! The reason why our Huang family is willing to marry the Qi family is not because of the relationship between the Qi family and the Fan family. Even if the Qi family is just a family of merchants, the family style It must be great, but who would have thought that the Qi family would be so miserable!"

"Presumptuous!" Mr. Shi slammed the table angrily, "Mrs. Huang! You'd better come up with real evidence, otherwise, I will never give up."

Mrs. Zhao was happy when she saw the person walking in quickly outside the door, "If you want evidence, the evidence will come!"

The Fan family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked out the door at the same time, and saw Zhong Mianmian's face.

Shi was the first to change his expression, "Mianmian? When did you come to the capital?"

Mrs. Pei's face was ugly. She looked at Mrs. Zhao and then at Zhong Mianmian, and she suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

Zhong Mianmian did not disappoint her, and started acting coquettishly like Shi, "Grandma, my granddaughter was almost killed by people from the Qi family. It's not easy to get to the capital safely!"

With a "clang", Shi felt dizzy and almost lost her balance and fell down. Seeing Zhao from the corner of her eye, Shi forced herself to calm down and spoke with a trembling voice, "You kid are talking nonsense." What? Let’s go back to grandma first, and then we’ll talk about it when we get home.”

She left because she was angry. Seeing that her mother-in-law had left, Mrs. Pei naturally had no reason to stay.

"Mrs. Fan, Mianmian was brought here by me, and I will protect you. Please respect yourself." Jiang Ning let go of Shi with a sullen face, and led Zhong Mianmian forward to sit down.

"You!" Shi was so angry that he lost his mind. He raised his palm and was about to slap Zhong Mianmian in the face, but Jiang Ning caught him.

Mrs. Shi was so anxious that her voice rose several times, "Mianmian! Those below are all the actions of the people below. They have nothing to do with your aunt's family. They are innocent!"

Zhong Mianmian sneered, "Innocent? Ever since that woman asked someone to kidnap me, she has not been innocent! Does a vicious woman like her deserve to be my aunt? My mother told me that she has no sisters!"

Mrs. Zhao smiled warmly, "How could that be? At least the old lady has seen your granddaughter! There is flesh on the palms and backs of the hands. If I were you, I would be the best choice. Even if we stay out of the matter, after all, the Qi family doesn’t deserve to have the Fan family be at odds with our Huang family, right?”

Shi was so angry that his chest heaved violently, "Okay! Very good! It seems that my trip today was in vain!"

Zhao's words seemed gentle and not offensive at all, but hearing them made Shi's body feel cold.

"I don't want it!" Zhong Mianmian dodged Shi's hand and shouted loudly: "I have already reported it to the officials, and the officials have arrested all the Qi family members. The results should have been obtained by now. Am I talking nonsense?" The government will testify for me! But I will never spare those evildoers from the Qi family!"

Mrs. Gu took a step behind them, took off the bracelet on her hand and gave it to Zhong Mianmian, and gave her all the money bags on her body. She warned: "Your grandmother is very angry. Don't go to Fan Mansion during this time. These money Take it first, and if it's not enough, send someone to Gu's house to tell them, and my second aunt will have someone send you money."

After Mrs. Gu finished her explanation, she immediately trotted away.

Jiang Ning was somewhat relieved that at least the Fan family was not entirely partial to the Qi family.

After the people left, Mrs. Zhao calmed down and cursed angrily, "It's just a piece of mouse droppings, it's worth protecting as a treasure of elixir!" Jiang Ning touched Zhong Mianmian's head and said in deep thought: "I'm about to Go back to Quzhou Mansion and go with my aunt. Try not to go out during this period, even if people from the Fan family come to invite you, so as not to cause trouble. "

Zhong Mianmian nodded heavily, "Don't worry, aunt, I won't go to the Fan family. My grandmother has always been partial to my aunt. Back then, my grandfather wanted to report to the government and deal with it seriously, but it was my grandmother who came to Quzhou Mansion in person. She used both soft and hard tactics, and was so messy that it caused a lot of trouble. My mother had no choice but to keep it secret.

From then on, I knew that my grandmother only cared about my aunt's children, not me! "

These words made both Zhao and Xu feel heartbroken and tried to make Zhong Mianmian happy.

Shi's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law returned home in vain.

After returning home, Mrs. Shi has always had a sullen face, and she doesn't like anything she sees. From the front yard to the main yard, she has lost her temper three times, looking for trouble for no reason, and the servants are as silent as a cicada.

After receiving the news, the Qi brothers and sisters came to the main courtyard to pay their respects.

The two of them rushed to the capital yesterday for Qi Yuyan's marriage. Now Quzhou is in a state of distress. If Qi Yuyan's engagement is annulled at this stall, the Qi family's business will plummet, and there will be no chance for them to come back to life.

So the two of them placed all their hopes on the Fan family.

"Greetings, grandma." Qi Yuwan saluted tenderly and delicately.

Seeing her looking so down-to-earth and generous, Mr. Shi felt a little better, "You are still sensible and caring."

Qi Yuwan blushed and walked shyly to Shi's side. She gently squeezed her shoulders and lowered her arms, "Wan'er should be filial to her grandmother."

Shi looked at the courteous Qi Yuwan in front of her, and then thought of Zhong Mianmian, who had a surly temperament and refused to obey discipline, and immediately said angrily: "If only your cousin was as sensible as you."

"Cousin? Has grandma seen Mianmian?" Qi Yuwan knew that Zhong Mianmian had come to the capital. When she arrived at Fan's house yesterday, she saw no one. She thought something had happened to Zhong Mianmian on the way to Beijing, and secretly rejoiced. She didn't expect that smelly The girl has arrived too!
"No!" Mrs. Pei answered angrily from the side, and said in a strange tone: "Now that Marquis Guangen is guarding me, how can I still care about our Fan Mansion? I don't know how long I have been here. If I hadn't bumped into him today, We are still kept in the dark!”

Mrs. Gu glanced at Mrs. Pei indifferently and laughed out loud for no reason, "Why are you angry with a child? I just saw that there is no one around the child. I'm afraid there is something unspeakable. We are the elders. , you should be concerned, how can you maliciously speculate on a child? "

"I" Pei just said one word.

Gu continued: "Don't forget, we went to Huang's house today for Yu Yan's marriage."

Mr. Shi rubbed his eyebrows with a headache and glared at Qi Yuyan angrily, "If there is any hidden secrets about the Qi family's boat business, you'd better tell them clearly!"

Yesterday Qi Yuyan told her that the Huang family regretted their marriage, and that there was something wrong with the family's business. He did not tell her specifically what happened, but kept ensuring that the matter had nothing to do with their family.

Today at the Huang family, she found out that this matter was related to the Zhong family and even the government. Her father had the most important reputation. If the Qi family had really committed something terrible, no matter what her father would do, he would never let her do it again. Intervene in the Qi family's affairs.

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