Chapter 352 is not a good thing
He only brought so many people this time. This was the territory of Miao Village. He didn't dare to entrust it to others. He only asked Gao Yong and Dong Ze to go back with him. The others, including the villagers of Rongshu Village, all stayed to help guard. .

Compared with Miaojiazhai, he trusts the people in Rongshu Village more.

Xie Yucheng hurried back to the county government and wrote a letter to Fucheng as soon as possible. He wrote it eloquently and had people rush to send it out.

Dong Zedao: "Sir, this is a big matter. I'm afraid it won't be of any use if all the people from the county government are sent there. I'm afraid we'll have to find someone else to help during this time."

Xie Yucheng understood Dong Ze's worry and slowly closed his eyes. After a moment, he opened his eyes again and ordered: "Go to Rongshu Village to find the village chief and ask them to call more people to Miao Village. Don't make any noise and wait for the news from Fucheng." information."

The person who delivered the message worked hard all the way without even daring to rest. He rushed to Fucheng in one breath and settled at Youran Inn.

Butler Zhu led the people into the mansion quickly, "Madam, the Ping An County magistrate wants to see you."

Jiang Ning and Ji Wuya were drinking tea when the Yamen came in and knelt down with a plop, saying loudly: "Master Hou, I am here to see you and the magistrate off at the order of the magistrate of Ping'an County, Mr. Xie."

Ji Wuya was stunned for a moment, then he chuckled and said, "What a coincidence. Why does Mr. Xie want to see me for anything?"

Ji Wuya reported his family name, and the Yamen official did not dare to delay. He quickly took out the two letters and said respectfully: "In the upper reaches of the Wei River, a secret cave was discovered under the Dragon King Temple near Miaojiazhai, Pingan County. Jia Pengju, the former prefect of Quzhou, found a secret cave under the Dragon King Temple. The ore is smelted there, and everything, including the smelting stuff, is in it.”

"Is it absolutely true?" Ji Wuya was so excited that he lost his composure.

The officer nodded repeatedly, "Master Xie sent someone down to have a look, but there are many agencies below. This matter may also be related to the drop in the water level in the lower reaches of the Wei River and the riots of wild beasts in the mountains. The situation is very serious. Master Xie cannot handle this matter and needs the prefect." Your Excellency reports to the court.”

Ji Wuya suddenly looked at Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning understood immediately, "Master Ji is sending someone to Tongchang Mansion now. Maybe he can still see the emperor. Even if the emperor has left Tongchang Mansion, he won't be able to go far, but he needs to be fast."

As she said this, she looked at the officer and ordered in a calm voice: "You and Master Ji's people are going to see the emperor. Don't be afraid. Just tell the truth. I will send someone to return to Master Xie for you."

Ji Wuya quickly thanked him, left Dongli Villa in a hurry, and dispatched troops to Ping'an County as quickly as possible.

The Yamen officer was escorted by a group of soldiers and ran towards Tongchang Mansion. Two horses were killed along the way, and half of the horses were exhausted before they finally caught up with Long Jia.

The emperor was sitting in the swaying carriage, looking at the bleak winter scenery of Tongchang Mansion. He felt an inexplicable anger in his heart and slammed it on the small coffee table. If you punish me again, I will have to chop off everyone’s heads!”

Dekang carefully wiped the emperor's hands on the side and persuaded him in a flattering manner: "Your Majesty, in my opinion, Tongchang Magistrate Li Mo has more than enough to protect his achievements and not enough to develop. In addition, there is no one around him to make suggestions. When encountering such a thing, The son lost his position, which is reasonable.

It's just that so many people were not properly resettled by the disaster. They really deserve to be punished. You have already told him about the situation in Quzhou Prefecture. If he can deny the crime, you can give him another chance. If he can't even copy it. OK, then”

"Then I failed!" The emperor took a sip of tea depressedly, without being comforted at all.

Dekang said sarcastically, he really didn't know how to advise him in this situation.

Just then, the carriage stopped. The emperor was almost hit. Dekang took the opportunity to vent his anger on the emperor's behalf and shouted sternly: "What's going on? Don't you want your head?"

The driver was frightened to death and turned around quickly to beg for mercy, "Your Majesty, someone blocked the carriage from the front, and it seems they were chasing him from behind."

The emperor winked at Dekang, and Dekang quickly got out of the car to check the situation. After a while, he hurriedly led the Yamen to the front of the carriage and said, "Your Majesty, there is a major discovery in Quzhou."

The dragon drove back halfway.

The emperor only felt as if he had been wandering around Quzhou Prefecture and Tongchang Prefecture. He didn't know whether to be angry or happy.

Winter snow fell one after another, and the green hills and trees in Miaojiazhai turned white overnight.

Ji Wuya came with more than a hundred soldiers to support him.

When Xie Yucheng saw him, it was like seeing a savior. He wiped his tired face and hurried over to greet him.

"Master Magistrate, you are finally here! I can hardly hold on!" Xie Yucheng had a bitter face, which looked unlucky no matter how he looked at it.

Ji Wuya leaned into his ear and whispered: "Are those things under the Dragon King Temple?"

Xie Yucheng nodded wildly.

Ji Wuya breathed a sigh of relief, "You have made a great contribution this time, and I have also benefited from it. Why are you working so hard?"

"Your Majesty, you don't know something!" Xie Yucheng took Ji Wuya around to the back of the Dragon King Temple, pointed at the mine and said, "Sir, have you seen that this mine is like a bottomless pit that can't be filled no matter how much water is poured into it? Jia Peng dug the mountain ten times After a few years, I don’t know what kind of hollow it has become. Looking at the wild beasts rioting nearby, I suspect that the mountain will collapse!”

Ji Wuya's expression changed drastically, "Seriously?"

Xie Yucheng nodded wildly, his ugly face as pale as paper, "Originally, I didn't dare to think so, but after a few days here, some experienced mountain people said that something was wrong around here, and the wild beasts around were nowhere to be seen. , the people of Miao Village also said that there are wolves near their village, and it is estimated that the wild animals have escaped.

Xiaguan originally asked the villagers of Rongshu Village to help guard this place, but later they found out that something was wrong and had them all evacuate. Now there are only county government officials here. In this case, anyone who enters the Dragon King Temple will probably die inside. Jia Pengju We have been killed, the trap under the Dragon King Temple cannot be unlocked, and we dare not move those boxes easily. What a dilemma! "

These words were like pouring cold water on Ji Wuya, making him feel cold.

Xie Yucheng returned Ji Wuya's deep thought and quickly pulled him to the temporary resting place in Miao Village, "Sir, think about it, the wild beasts in the mountains are the most alert. If they don't sense danger, they will not leave their territory easily. The official had people investigate and found that all wild beasts within a five-mile radius around the mine had left.

The good news is that there is only Miaojiazhai nearby, which is within the safe range. The bad news is that the mountain has collapsed. It is very likely that we will never be able to find the exact location of the Dragon King Temple. Of course, it is also possible that the mechanism below will be destroyed. There are too many uncertain factors, and the subordinates don’t know what to do. "

Ji Wuya was silent for a long time and asked slowly: "Have those mountain people said how long this mountain can last?"

Xie Yucheng shook his head, "Your Excellency, you have also seen the water flow situation. It is difficult to say that such a large amount of water washes away!"

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