Chapter 355 Mrs. Zhou is injured

Jiang Ning was also shocked and confused, and quickly asked someone to prepare a car for the city.

Inside the hospital.

The doctor was treating the wound on Mrs. Zhou's forehead. Mrs. Zhou gasped in pain from time to time. Alan, the little girl working in the shop, was embarrassed and had tears hanging from the corners of her eyes.

Xu Nuoyan hurriedly entered the hospital and shouted, "Aniang! Aniang"

When Madam Zhou saw her, she seemed to have seen her backbone, and she cried aggrievedly, "Yanyan, they went too far!"

Xu Nuoyan's eyes were red because of the wound on Mrs. Zhou's forehead. She looked at Alan angrily, "What's going on? Why was my mother-in-law beaten like this? What's the background of the other party?"

Mrs. Zhou protected Alan, "Don't ask her. Even I don't know who the other party is. How could Alan know? Those people looked like rogues and habitual criminals. They smashed the shop and ran away without a trace."

Aunt Yu who was beside Jiang Ning said slowly: "Mrs. Xu, this is not necessarily the case. What if this girl provokes someone who shouldn't be provoked, and they come to implicate you?"

Mrs. Zhou is a little shaken. She is usually kind to others and has never had any quarrels with customers. Moreover, her shop is located near the college, and all the people who come here are reasonable people. No one will take the initiative to trouble her, let alone make promises. Now, the second young lady of Guangen Houfu, who dares to offend her?
Her son Xu Nuoshan has been studying hard in the academy and working hard for Qiu Wei. Now he doesn't necessarily come out once a month. She has to go in to see someone. It's impossible for her son to cause trouble. From this point of view, Alan is the most likely .

Everyone looked at Alan.

Alan was so frightened that he quickly knelt down and kept explaining to Mrs. Zhou, "Madam, I really didn't do it. I swear, I really didn't provoke those gangsters."

Mrs. Zhou couldn't bear it and promised her: "Yanyan, it can't be Alan. She eats and sleeps in the shop and rarely leaves the shop. What trouble can she cause?"

Alan's parents died early, and he and his brother sold themselves into slavery early. The brother and sister were lucky enough to be selected by Madam Zhou. Alan's brother Chi Mo now works with Xu Nuoshan as a book boy, while Alan has been living in the shop to look after him.

Jiang Ning also felt that Alan didn't have the temperament to cause trouble, so he immediately frowned and asked, "Think about it carefully, do you really know none of those people?"

Madam Zhou shook her head without even thinking about it.

Alan, on the other hand, said hesitantly: "When they started, I saw a familiar person among the crowd of people watching outside. He was Miss Xiaoru's brother."

"Huh? You mean Fang Tingsheng? Why didn't I see him?" Mrs. Zhou was confused. Fang Xiaoru was the wife she chose for Xu Nuoshan. Fang Tingsheng and Xu Nuoshan were classmates, and the two families matched each other.

When the gangsters made trouble in the shop, she shouted for help. If Fang Tingsheng was outside, he shouldn't remain indifferent.

Alan shook his head vigorously, "It's not Mr. Fang, it's Ms. Xiaoru's other brother. Madam, do you still remember the man we saw when we visited Fang's house that day?"

"It's him!" Madam Zhou was very surprised, "I remember that man looked like he didn't get along well with him."

Alan nodded wildly, "Not only is he difficult to get along with, he is simply vicious. The two families obviously have a good relationship with Qin and Jin, but that one is very rude. He even didn't even say hello to his wife when he saw her. The rest of the other family is also very cold."

"Is it possible that this matter has something to do with him?" Xu Nuoyan clenched his fists bitterly.

Madam Zhou's face changed drastically and she quickly dissuaded her, "Yanyan, we have no evidence, so don't be impulsive."

Jiang Ning winked at Nanny Yu who was beside him, and she immediately turned around and left.

She said calmly: "We will find out if it is relevant. If it is relevant, this matter cannot be ignored so easily."

At this moment, Xu Nuoshan rushed into the hospital gasping for breath, "Aniang, how are you?" Xu Nuoyan frowned dissatisfied, "Brother, there was an accident at Aniang's shop, why did you come so late?"

Xu Nuoshan looked remorseful and guilty, but he did not defend himself, "It's all my fault, it's my fault!"

Madam Zhou didn't want the brother and sister to have a nasty relationship, so she covered her head as she joked, "Ouch, I have a headache!"

As expected, Xu Nuoyan no longer wanted to break up with Xu Nuoshan.

After the doctor prescribed medicine and explained Madam Zhou's condition clearly, Xu Nuoyan, the brother and sister helped Madam Zhou out, one on the left and the other on the right. As soon as they stepped out of the door of the hospital, Fang Tingsheng also rushed over, "Aunt, Tingsheng has just received the news. , I’m late, are you in any serious trouble?”

The concern on Fang Tingsheng's face didn't seem to be fake. Madam Zhou was in a much better mood and asked hesitantly: "Um, Tingsheng! That day we were guests at your home and saw a man about your age. He was ?”

A trace of uneasiness flashed across Fang Tingsheng's face, he coughed twice and lowered his eyes, "Auntie is asking about Ke Yaozu, right? He is my uncle's child, that is, Xiaoru and I's cousin, because my uncle and aunt passed away one after another. , my cousin has been fostered in our house. Xiaoru and I have been accustomed to calling him brother since we were young. What does this matter have to do with him? "

Madam Zhou was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to explain.

Jiang Ning, on the other hand, smiled and asked without changing his expression: "How could Mr. Fang think so?"

When Fang Tingsheng heard this, he smiled helplessly and said: "Master Hou, I don't know. Tingsheng's cousin has been fierce and aggressive since he was a child. He loves to make trouble. In addition, due to the changes in his family, he has a sensitive temperament and is not very good at being kind to others. He often follows some The gangsters wandered together.

My father is not easy to control, but my mother-in-law can't. Fortunately, he never brought those gangsters to the house, so my mother-in-law could only turn a blind eye.

Because he was not easy to get along with, A Niang rarely brought him to relatives and friends. Logically speaking, his aunt should not know him. Just when his aunt asked him suddenly, Tingsheng subconsciously thought about that. "

Everyone was stunned.

Madam Zhou smiled sheepishly, "It's nothing, I just asked."

Fang Tingsheng was inexplicably relieved.

At this moment, a group of people not far away came to the hospital carrying a stretcher and crying all the way.

Fang Tingsheng recognized the person at a glance and shouted anxiously, "Mom and dad?"

Mother Fang saw her son with tears in her eyes, and immediately ran over with a cry, "Tingsheng! Tingsheng! Your sister..."

When Fang Tingsheng saw the stretcher behind Mother Fang, his face instantly turned pale, "What...what's going on?"

Mother Fang closed her eyes tightly and collapsed in despair, "Xiaoru. Hanged!"

Everyone was stunned by this turn of events.

The doctor checked Fang Xiaoru's pulse and shook his head, "It's too late. Let's go back and prepare for the funeral!"

"Wow!" Fang's mother burst into tears, and Fang's father was also in tears.

Fang Tingsheng couldn't accept this fact, "Why? Why did my sister hang herself when she was fine?"

Someone rushed out from behind Father Fang and punched Xu Nuoshan hard, "It's all because of him!"

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