Chapter 359 Fang Tingsheng’s Revenge
Father Fang didn't care what she should do.

Seven days later, many people were watching the excitement outside the execution ground. Fang's mother cried for seven days straight. She was ill, but she still rushed to see Ke Yaozu off with her seriously ill body. Unexpectedly, she saw a scene that made her vomit blood.

I saw festive red banners hanging around the execution ground, and many children beating gongs and drums and singing loudly, "The Ke family has no motherly education, and is born to be a bully. Everyone hates it. It is worse than an animal. In this life, it is reviled." , he was still trampled by everyone after his death!”

"Stop talking, stop talking!" Mother Fang rushed towards the children like crazy, but the children nimbly dodged them, and there were many children beating gongs and drums. She couldn't stop her at all, she was so angry. His whole body was trembling, so he grabbed a random child and asked sternly, "Who told you to do this?"

The child was so frightened that he cried and pointed at Fang Tingsheng not far away.

Mother Fang looked resentful and reproachful.

Fang Tingsheng, on the other hand, had an expressionless face, shaking the firecrackers in his hands from time to time, and opening and closing his mouth to say the word "bad luck."

The prison car drove slowly, and the children began to sing in unison, specifically for Ke Yaozu in the prison car.

Ke Yaozu was tortured in prison for seven days. He had no good place on his body and wished he could die soon. He was completely unmoved when he heard the songs sung by children.

Mother Fang burst into tears when she saw him, "Yaozu! Yaozu! You can't die!"

At this moment, an enigmatic monk passed by and said loudly without squinting his eyes: "Amitabha, when you were born, you did not think about doing good deeds and accumulated virtues. You committed many evil deeds and your body was full of hostility. After your death, you will be punished in the Abi Hell and will never be reincarnated as a human being. The donor is confused!”

Ke Yaozu suddenly opened his fierce eyes and gritted his teeth viciously, "Old bald donkey, I'm not scared. If there are ghosts and gods in this world, just let them come. I want to see what they can do to me!"

"It's not a pity to die if you persist in your stubbornness!" the monk said calmly and left without looking back.

Ke Yaozu was still shouting in disbelief.

However, Fang's mother was so frightened that her face turned pale. She wanted to chase the monk to ask for the solution, but was reluctant to leave Ke Yaozu, and was in a dilemma.

Fang Tingsheng just watched this scene silently, with a hint of ridicule at the corner of his mouth.

Perhaps the words the monk said to Ke Yaozu touched the fear in his heart. He who originally wanted to die suddenly struggled and begged for mercy before the execution, crying bitterly.

The executioner didn't give him a chance to talk nonsense. When the time came, he raised the knife and dropped it.

Mother Fang looked at the head that rolled to the ground, rolled her eyes, and fainted completely.

Zhu San went back and reported to Jiang Ning and Xu Nuoyan one by one what happened at the execution ground.

Jiang Ning frowned and smiled, "They say you can't mess with a scholar if you mess with anyone. I've seen it today."

Xu Nuoyan nodded, "What Aniang said is that Fang Tingsheng is so ruthless. Mr. Ke cherishes Ke Yaozu so much, but he did so much before Ke Yaozu died. Mr. Ke is afraid that he will hate his own son."

Jiang Ning let out a long breath and didn't take it seriously, "Why doesn't Fang Tingsheng hate Ke? Otherwise, he wouldn't have made these commotions to make Ke faint. Fortunately, your eldest brother has no conflict with Fang Tingsheng, and he also proposed that Fang Xiaoru be buried in your grave. In the future, Fang Tingsheng will never blame the Xu family for these things.

Today is a good day. You go back with your things to see your mother-in-law, and tell her by the way, as for your eldest brother's wedding, please wait until autumn is over. "

He fulfilled all his promises and returned to Xinghua Village with his things. As soon as she left, Liang Hongchang came to Dongli Villa with his son Liang Shaoqian to ask for a meeting.

Jiang Ning glanced at Aunt Yu and asked people to invite the Liang family and his son in.

Liang Hongchang led his son to salute Jiang Ning respectfully.

Jiang Ning smiled and said: "Master Liang, you are also a frequent visitor to our Dongli Villa. If you have anything to say, just say it straight to the point without using any nonsense."

She was referring to Liang Hongchang coming over and giving gifts.

Liang Hongchang had frequent negotiations with Yang Erdan because of the construction of the north of the city. They also lived in Youran Inn for a while. She participated in the design of the north of the city and had been in contact with him for a long time. She also knew Liang Hongchang's temperament.

This old man is the most upright, does not know how to work, and hates flattery. He has been a construction department for most of his life and has never thought of finding a way to rise. Today, the sun comes out from the west, and he actually comes to the door with congratulatory gifts!

Liang Hongchang's old face turned red, he laughed sarcastically, and quickly pushed his son forward, "Master Hou, I am here mainly for Quanzi's life-long event."

As soon as these words were spoken, Liang Hongchang breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Ning was very surprised and looked at Liang Shaoqian up and down several times, "I remember this kid was studying with my third and fourth child, right? He will be gone in a few days!"

Liang Shaoqian smiled awkwardly and said, "For the record, Lord Marquis, I know that my knowledge is not as solid as that of the third and fourth sons. This examination is just for gaining experience, and I probably won't be able to pass it."

He was so self-aware and had such a good attitude. Jiang Ning suddenly had a good impression of him, and there was a smile on his face, "You are sincere. Tell me, which girl do you like in Zhuangzi?"

She checked all the marriageable girls around her and roughly guessed who Liang Shaoqian was looking for.

Liang Shaoqian looked back at his father, took a deep breath, bowed, and replied loudly: "Master Marquis, this junior wants to marry Miss Yang Xueyan."

Yang Xueyan was Yang Erya. None of the girls in the old Yang family had a decent name. After Yang Erya came to Fucheng, she followed Jiang Ning. Occasionally when people asked when she went out, she kept saying that Erya and Erya were not very suitable, so she just said Yang Erya took such a famous name.

A flash of hesitation flashed in Jiang Ning's eyes, "Mr. Liang, do you know the situation at Xue Yan's family?"

Liang Shaoqian nodded repeatedly, his handsome face flushed, "Junior has met Miss Yang several times before and asked the Fourth Young Master. The Fourth Young Master has informed this junior about the situation in Miss Xueyan's home."

Jiang Ning was very curious, "So you still want to propose marriage?"

Liang Shaoqian nodded firmly, "This junior is happy with Miss Xueyan, and has also thought carefully about the situation of Miss Xueyan's biological mother. If this junior asks to marry her, it will most likely affect his career, but this junior also has self-awareness. Based on the junior's qualifications, it is the blessing of the ancestors that he can pass the examination in this life.

I don't want to miss such a good girl for those illusory futures, so I talked carefully with my parents for a long time before settling on it. Therefore, I came here today after careful consideration and begging the Marquis to grant my permission. "

This approach can be said to be extremely bold in this world. Jiang Ning subconsciously looked at Liang Hongchang and said, "Master Liang, are you no longer trying to persuade me?"

Liang Hongchang smiled bitterly, "The Marquis has also seen it. This child has made up his mind. As a father, I don't have much ability. I can't let him regret the marriage for the rest of his life. Since he knows it's good and still insists, we can only Respected.”

Jiang Ning nodded and sighed, "I understand Master Liang's thoughts, and I understand your thoughts, but after all, the child still has his biological parents, grandparents, and grandparents. This matter must be discussed with the elders. I will discuss it again after a while. Can I give you an accurate answer?"

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