Seeing that it was almost time, Yang Sizhuang hurriedly said, "It's getting late. We still have to hurry to the county. Only by leaving early can we ensure that we don't miss the day to return to the capital."

Originally he planned to leave after a day, but now seeing Yang Laoer's behavior, he was afraid that he might cause more trouble, so it would be better for him to leave early.

Yang Fugui also knew what Yang Sizhuang was thinking, so he followed his words and went back to pack his luggage.

After the two men left, Mrs. Li also breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that her second son was in a state of disarray, she didn't say anything.

After Yang Sizhuang returned to the city with his men, he immediately took the matchmaker to the Zhong Mansion to pick up Zhong Mianmian. The group first took a boat north, then changed to a horse carriage halfway, in order to return from vacation before the date set by the Ministry of Personnel.

Yang Sizhuang undoubtedly entered the Hanlin Academy, but Yang Fugui was a little troublesome. Fortunately, Jiangning had the connections of King Xiaoyao, who managed to arrange for Yang Fugui to go to the prosperous Jiangnan.

At the same time, she also arranged a marriage for Yang Fugui according to Li's wishes. The other party was the daughter of a sixth-rank official in the capital, which was nothing in the capital, but for Yang Fugui, this marriage was still too high for him. After all, the situation in his family was really hard to describe.

Under Jiang Ning's auspices, the two got married quickly and went to Jiangnan to take up their posts with some guards and maids.

October was the date for Yang Sizhuang and Zhong Mianmian's wedding. Fan Tongshu personally brought his two sons and daughters-in-law to the house to express his willingness to help. With Zhong Mianmian's consent, Jiang Ning asked the Fan family to take Zhong Mianmian back temporarily. Anyway, the Shi family could not cause any trouble, and Zhong Mianmian would not be in any danger if she lived with her grandparents, and she could also get a good reputation for being filial.

In October, the two got married smoothly. Since then, Jiang Ning finally helped her four sons to start a family and establish a career. After marrying her daughter, she could really unload the burden on her and live a rich and idle life.

Just then, King Xiaoyao came personally with a matchmaker and looked at her eagerly.

Jiang Ning was startled and looked at him warily, "What are you trying to do?"

King Xiaoyao laughed awkwardly and winked, "I think your little girl is pretty good, why don't you give her to my brat? I'm telling you, I came here with full sincerity this time!"

"Sincerity? What sincerity?" Jiang Ning raised his eyebrows and immediately put on a nonchalant look.

King Xiaoyao smiled apologetically, but in his heart he scolded Jiang Ning. He personally held a box in front of Jiang Ning and said, "This is what my brat put together himself. He said this is his gift to your daughter."

"What's so mysterious?" Jiang Ning opened the box nonchalantly, then quickly closed it, blinking his beautiful eyes vigorously, "How much?"

King Xiaoyao held up a finger and said, "One million taels! This is my son's sincere request for marriage! If you think it's not enough, there are still a few boxes of gemstones and jade in the back, as well as finished products made into headwear and accessories. They are all betrothal gifts for your daughter!"

Jiang Ning swallowed hard, and it took her a long time to calm down. She wanted to continue to be noble and not bend for money, but her actions were very honest. She took the box in her arms, smiled with teeth showing, and her attitude became warmer. "Look at you, we have been friends for so many years, it's not polite to give so much! But! Since this is the child's sincerity, I naturally can't refuse, otherwise it will disappoint the child! Tell me, when are you going to come to my house to pick her up?"

"So easy?" Now it was King Xiaoyao's turn to be surprised, and he started to become suspicious.

Jiang Ning rolled his eyes, "Nonsense! Since I've already accepted your betrothal gift, why should I bother? Although my family is not short of money, sometimes money is much more reliable than men. The fact that the prince can take out so much money at least proves that my daughter means a lot to him! Besides, I've watched the child grow up, and her character is much more reliable than yours, so let's just leave it at that!"

The matchmaker thought that this matter would take some time, but she didn't expect that Lord Guangen would be so straightforward, so the two families immediately arranged the marriage for their children.

The noble ladies in the capital also knew at the first time that Yang Xuejun was going to marry Xiao Chongyun, the prince of Xiaoyao King. Many people were jealous, but they only dared to gossip about her behind her back and did not dare to discuss it in public at all. After all, Yang Xuejun became famous overnight, and no one wanted to be targeted by her.

Time flies, and another year has passed in the blink of an eye.

The seeds that Yang Santie brought back from the Western Regions were growing well. Among them were corn, potato and other seeds. She remembered that these seeds were native to South America. She didn't know how they spread to the Western Regions, or maybe the Western Regions themselves also had these things, but no one knew about it.

Anyway, after these seeds bear fruit and the yield per mu is recorded, she will report the results to the emperor as soon as possible and make a contribution to the people of Qi.

At this time, Xiao Chongyun, who had made some achievements in the northwest, finally returned to the capital to marry the girl he had been dreaming about.

The two returned to their parents' home four days after their marriage.

King Xiaoyao and Jiang Ning sat in the pavilion in the garden and chatted.

Xiaoyao Wang suddenly asked, "My fellow villager, you said you would tell me your background when we first met. I have waited for so many years but you never opened your mouth. Now that our two children are married, isn't it time for you to tell me your background?"

Jiang Ning paused while drinking her tea, recalling the past that she had almost forgotten. She gritted her teeth in anger and pounded the table with her fists, "What are you talking about? It's just hatred if you talk too much! Back then, I was a successful single noble. My cooking skills were not only unrivaled in the world, but also ranked among the best in the world. I traveled through time just because I was chatting with a stranger on a blind date in a cafe. He must have drugged me and killed me!"

She had had many doubts before, and this answer was the most likely.

"Puff!" The tea in Xiaoyao Wang's mouth sprayed out, and he said in shock: "Wales Restaurant Coffee Corner, Miss Jiang?"

"Hmm?" Jiang Ning subconsciously leaned back and stared at King Xiaoyao carefully for a few seconds, his tone becoming more gritted with teeth, "IT elite Mr. Xiao?"

King Xiaoyao quickly jumped up and swore to the heavens, "I didn't drug anyone. This has nothing to do with me. I am innocent!"

After saying that, the two looked at each other for a long time and suddenly burst into laughter.

King Xiaoyao continued to sit down, poured her a cup of tea, and raised his glass, "We failed to be a blind date but ended up being in-laws. Come! Let's toast to our magical life!"

Jiang Ning sneered and raised his glass. The two smiled at each other and tacitly stopped talking about the past.

Half a year after Yang Xiaoya got married, they suddenly received news from their hometown that old man Yang had passed away in his sleep. Jiang Ning hurriedly took his son, daughter-in-law, grandchildren and granddaughters back to attend the funeral. Before they got back to their hometown, they received the bad news that Li had followed him.

Yang Datou and his brothers couldn't help crying several times on the way.

The villagers kept the bodies of the old couple and waited for them to return before burying them.

The first thing Jiang Ning went to when he entered the village was the old house.

When Zhou saw her come back, she was like seeing her backbone and she pulled Jiang Ning and cried bitterly.

Jiang Ning was also very sad, but he still had to force himself to take charge of the situation.

Now the Yang family is full of capable people. Old man Yang is from the Li family and it is a happy funeral. The funeral arrangements have been made and officials, gentry and wealthy people who come to pay their respects are endless.

Even Pan Xiuniang, Hua Zhanggui, and An Yongliang's family, who lived in Songxi Town, came.

Meeting old friends also alleviated some of the sadness.

Jiang Ning then realized that everyone had been living a good life in recent years, and the first one to be affected was Shopkeeper Hua. Not only had his Linjiang Inn expanded, he also opened a branch in the provincial capital, and his business was booming.

After Pan Xiuniang's daughter Hong Xiaoqiao married Jiang Nan, she took care of everything at home and outside, and gave birth to three grandchildren for her, one of whom took Hong Xiaoqiao's surname. Now Pan Xiuniang only needs to take care of the children, and she has no worries and is happy and healthy.

An Yongliang's grandmother had passed away a long time ago, but his business with Pingshangou had never been interrupted over the years, and it was getting bigger and bigger. He could save several hundred taels a year and had become a well-known small landlord in Songxi Town.

Seeing that everyone was living well, Jiang Ning was really happy.

The funeral of Old Man Yang and Mrs. Li was very grand.
After An Yongliang and his group left, the Wu family in the town and the owner of the Dashan Inn followed.

In the past, Dashan Inn had always made good money with Jiangning's mushroom recipes, and the owner had also accumulated a handsome fortune. As he got older, he resigned from the position of owner of Dashan Inn, returned to the village, bought a hundred acres of land, and lived a fulfilling life.

Not to mention the Wu family. Wu Changfeng is a capable person himself. In addition, he has cooperated with Jiang Ning many times. Now he has long left the county escort agency and started his own business by recruiting soldiers and doing business. Although his scale is not as large as Yang Santie, it is not a problem for him to earn a few thousand taels a year by doing small business.

Liu Cuihua has witnessed the rise of Jiangning and knows the importance of nurturing future generations. Last year, she moved her family to the provincial capital. This time, she returned with her family only after receiving the news.

Jiang Ning was grateful for her kindness and ordered his people to entertain the Wu family well.

With so many people coming, the funeral of Old Man Yang and Mrs. Li was grand and dignified.

After the old couple were buried, Jiang Ning finally had the spare time to sit down and discuss things with the third wife.

She stared at Yang Laosan and Zhou, and said thoughtfully, "Now that my father and mother are gone, there is no need for you to stay in the village to fulfill your filial duties. If you want to follow us, that's fine. I'll have someone arrange for you to settle down in the capital or the prefectural capital."

If it were before, the couple would have been ecstatic to hear this and would have agreed without thinking, but ever since the last time they encountered the sea dragon turning over, Zhou didn't dare to make a rash decision, and they still remembered what Old Man Yang and Li had said.

Yang Lao San immediately shook his head and said, "Sister-in-law, we appreciate your kindness, but our roots are in the village. Even if our father and mother are not around, we have to stay here. Besides, we don't have the ability to support ourselves if we go out with you, so it's better for us to stay in the village.

Even Lai Gui, he finally passed the exam and became a scholar, but we don’t have much experience and don’t know how to help him.”

Jiang Ning nodded in understanding, "Don't worry about Lai Gui. I'll go to the academy and ask the teacher later. If he is capable, let him stay in Quzhou Academy for a few years. After he passes the imperial examination, he can go to the capital. I will make the arrangements. But he is already an adult, and it's time to get married after the mourning period is over."

Zhou couldn't wait to say, "Sister-in-law, we believe you, you can propose marriage to him!"

But they met Yang Fugui, who had returned to the village with his family. The woman he married was not only generous and decent but also very capable. She arranged everything in an orderly manner. She could even deal with a stubborn and selfish person like Yang Laoer, and Yang Laoer kept praising her for being a capable person.

If they were honest with themselves, they would not be able to find such a capable wife for their son.

Jiang Ning was happy when she heard this. All right! These two people were counting on her to make the decision, so she would just worry about it for once!

Time flies, and another year has passed in the blink of an eye. All her seeds have produced a good harvest, and the crop and per-acre yield data were presented to the emperor as soon as possible. With these crops, the people of Qi can completely get rid of famine, and even the people in poor and remote areas can live a well-fed life.

The emperor was very pleased, and with the perfect completion of the Quzhou city wall, the excavation of the Dragon King Temple made significant progress.

The emperor waved his hand and conferred the title of Dingqu Earl on Yang Changlin, a hereditary title. He also gave Jiang Ning a title to be arranged by her.

After Yang Sizhuang learned about it, he said to Jiang Ning without saying a word: "Mother, this title should be given to the third brother. He has been helping us brothers make money all these years. He only has fame but no official position. Only with a title can our descendants be guaranteed. My son is still young. With my ability, he can also be made a marquis and become a prime minister!"

Yang Sizhuang clenched his fists, his eyes burning.

Seeing this, Jiang Ning agreed.

Since then, the Yang family has produced three people who have been granted titles, and they are extremely prosperous for a time! (End of this chapter)

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