Siheyuan: Craftsmen of a Great Country

Chapter 86 Qi Fei, Chief of the Security Section

Chapter 86 Qi Fei, Chief of the Security Section

The next morning, Jiang Chen arrived at the Engineering Department office on time to listen to a report on the training.

After yesterday's thunderous method, the progress of the training work went much smoother.

Jiang Chen praised the training specialist who dared to eliminate personnel from the Ministry of Industry yesterday.

But I emphasize here that elimination is not an end, but a means.

The ultimate goal of training is to allow more workers to learn skills, so that people in the Ministry of Industry can master training methods and techniques while learning skills.

After a brief communication, everyone continued the training.

I think there won't be any trouble in the future. As for how effective the training is, it depends on the level of each trainer.

Just when Jiang Chen was about to leave the Engineering Department office and go to the warehouse, an unexpected person suddenly came to visit.

"Hello, Director Jiang, I am Qi Fei, the security section chief of the No. 30 Steel Plant, and I'm here to have a smoke." Qi Fei, who is in his s, has improved his figure and moves like a dragon or a tiger.

Qi Fei and Jiang Chen have met before, but they have only rarely interacted with each other.

Jiang Chen said: "Hey, Section Chief Qi, what brought you here? Sit down, sit down quickly!"

Then he stood up and poured Qi Fei a glass of water.

In terms of position, the section chief is definitely older than him, the director.

In terms of power, under normal circumstances the security department is much larger than the engineering department.

The current Security Section not only has independent investigative powers, but also has the power to equip weapons.

This weapon is not an ordinary baton shield, but a biubiu.

The military kind.

Moreover, the security department participates in military training every year, and they all practice ordinary howitzers, mortars, anti-aircraft guns, etc.

A group of tough people.

It's just that the Security Section has no jurisdiction over the Engineering Section, and there is no superior-subordinate relationship.

Qi Fei was a little embarrassed: "Well, Director Jiang, I came to you to ask you something."

He had no experience in asking for help, so he didn't know how to ask, so he just got straight to the point.

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment: "Chief Qi, whatever you say is a comrade. If you have anything to say, just say it directly."

"As long as we can do it, brother will definitely not refuse."

What could make Qi Fei embarrassed to speak would not be a simple matter.

But Jiang Chen still said that, if you have a good relationship with the Security Department, there will be many conveniences in the future.

Qi Fei turned around and said in a loud voice: "Why don't you hurry up and get in here."

Under Jiang Chen's puzzled eyes, a young man walked in, dejected.

Jiang Chen asked: "What is this?"

Qi Fei said: "This is my nephew, Qi Jian."

Jiang Chen subconsciously said: "Seven swords? The sword of the sword?"

Is this going to the Tianshan Mountains?
  Qi Fei shook his head: "Healthy Jian, he was one of the two eliminated by you yesterday. I took him away in person at that time."

After saying this, Jiang Chen was impressed.

A total of two people were eliminated yesterday, one of whom used the security department to take him away.

It is said that this person was arrogant and arrogant on the first day in the training center and did not listen to the instructions of the training specialist.

Then the next day, after the training specialist held a meeting, he directly masturbated his captain.

This was so good that Qi Jian got mad on the spot and even wanted to take action in his anger.

Then he was taken away by the security department.

He never thought that it was his Yao Dad who took him away.

It seems that Qi Fei wants to intercede for his nephew.

Jiang Chen asked: "Who is Section Chief Qi?"

Qi Fei said: "My nephew is ignorant and always thinks that I am the best in the world. Before I graduated, the Ministry of Industry directly found the school and was directly assigned to the Ministry of Industry. I feel more and more amazing."

"So during the training process, I was disrespectful to the training specialists of the engineering department, acted lawlessly, acted recklessly, and made trouble in public. I took him away."

"Don't worry, we've already dealt with it."

Qi Jian suddenly felt embarrassed and whispered: "Why are you talking about this?"

Jiang Chen suppressed his smile: "Chief Qi, I understand your purpose of coming."

"As you know, making trouble in public and boycotting training will have a huge negative impact."

It means that the Ministry of Industry can find a hundred educated people in a short period of time, and the co-authors go to schools and directly assign jobs in advance. Of course, the Engineering Department packaged the establishment of the training system too well, which caused these students to become increasingly proud, which led to what happened next.

Qi Fei scratched his head in embarrassment: "I know it's difficult for Director Jiang, but after all, he is his nephew, so he can't ignore it."

"I'm just here to give it a try. If it's inconvenient for Director Jiang, I'll take him back right now."

Jiang Chen waved his hand: "Chief Qi, this is not a matter of convenience, and the point is not about you or me."

"The key lies in himself. If he realizes his mistakes and is willing to correct them, then it is not impossible to give him one more chance."

"Who can make mistakes without being a sage?"

Qi Fei raised his leg and kicked Qi Jian.

Qi Jian staggered, then stood up straight: "Director Jiang, I know I made a mistake. I will definitely cooperate well in the future, concentrate on studying, and won't make any mistakes again."

"Please forgive me for my impulsiveness!"

It's not easy to find a job these days, let alone work in the Ministry of Industry.

Now workers have a high status and the Ministry of Industry has an even higher status.

What an honor it is to be able to work here.

At first Qi Jian also felt that I am from the Ministry of Industry, and you are an employee of a small and broken factory, so you should be led by me.

The next day, someone from the small broken factory actually fucked his team leader directly, which was even more difficult for him to accept.

After leaving the siege, he immediately went to the Ministry of Industry to complain.

The reply was, "If they do not comply with the training disciplines, the Engineering Department of No. 3 Steel Plant has the power to impose any punishment on behalf of the Ministry of Industry, including elimination."

It was only then that he realized that he had hit an iron plate this time.

The penalty imposed on behalf of the Ministry of Industry means that the Training Department eliminated him, and it also means that the Ministry of Industry eliminated him.

I panicked at that time.

Finally, he remembered that his father was the chief of the security department of the No. 3 Steel Plant. At the cost of being beaten in the brothers' mixed doubles, he asked his father to persuade Qi Fei to help intercede.

Jiang Chen asked: "Do you really realize your mistake and guarantee that you will not make it again in the future?"

As soon as Qi Jian saw that there was something going on, he immediately said, "I promise."

Jiang Chen said: "I don't believe in your guarantee, I only believe in Section Chief Qi's guarantee."

"Chief Qi, if you promise for him, I will keep him."

He doesn't need Qi Jian's favor, he only wants Qi Fei's favor.

Qi Fei nodded: "I can guarantee that Qi Jian will not make similar mistakes again, and will study hard and train well in future training."

"If he dares to do it again, I will break his legs first, and then come to Director Jiang's door in person to apologize."

Jiang Chen nodded: "Okay, we can keep him to continue training, but he must do two things first."

"First, apologize to your training teacher in public, be sincere in your attitude, and obtain the training teacher's forgiveness. As for the method, that is your business."

"Two, you can only participate in training as an ordinary team member, not as a team leader."

Qi Jian was stunned: "Do you want to apologize in public?"

He is also a face-conscious person.

Before Jiang Chen could speak, Qi Fei kicked him again: "What's wrong with asking you to apologize? Think about what you have done, shouldn't you?"

Qi Jian nodded: "Okay, I agree."

Jiang Chen said: "I'll write you a note, you go find your training teacher!"

"If your teacher doesn't accept your apology, then go back and study hard."

After saying that, he wrote down a note, signed his name and gave it to Qi Jian.

Qi Jian nodded, took the note and left the office.

Qi Fei stood up and said, "Thank you, Director Jiang. Thank you very much."

Jiang Chen waved his hand: "Chief Qi, you're welcome. Judging from Qi Jian's appearance, although he has a temper, he is also capable. Talents must be given a chance."

Qi Fei said: "Director Jiang, I'm leaving first. Someone from the security department must be in charge."

Walking to the door, Qi Fei hesitated for a moment, and then came back: "Director Jiang, the number of workers has increased recently, and our security department also needs to increase manpower. If Director Jiang has suitable candidates, you might as well recommend them to me."

The security department is a sweet man, this is a trick to repay the favor.

Jiang Chen thought for a while: "There is indeed a good seedling. I will take him to visit Section Chief Qi another day."

Qi Fei breathed a sigh of relief and turned to leave.

He thought he finally had a chance to repay the favor, but he never thought that once there were too many favors, he would actually become less upright.

(End of this chapter)

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