The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 101 Bloodbath of the Police Station

Chapter 101 Bloodbath of the Police Station
  "Your Excellency Li Ming, are we going to counterattack next?"

After these two things were resolved, Penguin came over and asked impatiently.

"No, let's reduce our manpower first, implement the Gotham Gang's code of conduct, not disturb civilians at will, and protect us when we receive protection fees. Even if Fish comes to fight, at worst, we will give her the territory to preserve our strength. "Li Ming shook his head and refused.

The Penguin was puzzled, and the other leaders were also confused, but no one dared to object.

"Gotham is about to be in chaos, so let's just make it more chaotic. The greater Fish's power and the more outrageous his subordinates are, the more unique the Gotham gang will be."

"Just do it."

Li Ming didn't explain much. The remaining people here were already inseparable from the Gotham Gang and had no other choice but to listen to him.

He raised his hand and called Penguin. Although the Gotham gang was temporarily dormant, they could not do nothing. He asked Penguin to form an elite gang fighting team that would be needed at any time.

Li Ming couldn't understand that a man like Galavan was obviously a rich man, but it would be fine if he became a hero. Appearing in person could gain him more reputation.

When a villain does dirty work, he has to do it himself. Is his money deposited in the bank and earning interest?

Then the leaders of the Gotham Gang came up one after another to introduce themselves. The Penguin held the power within the gang very tightly. Even though there were so many rebels, they only dared to make small moves and could not overthrow him with hard power. penguin.

Now that Li Ming is back, the transition of power of the Gotham Gang is particularly smooth.

After briefly arranging things, Li Ming returned to the Gotham Gang's base camp surrounded by them, welcoming all the younger brothers to visit him.

Li Ming had no intention of hiding his whereabouts. This time he came back for power. How could anyone in power sneak around and hide behind?

"Oswald, is the current director of the Gotham Police Department still Loeb?"

After finally finishing the "Meeting Ceremony" of his subordinates, Li Ming counted the time and suddenly asked Penguin.

"Yes, it's still him."

Penguin nodded and said with some disdain: "A fool, who is on our strings and has an affair with Fish, actually wants to fight without helping each other. I want to kill him."

It's much easier to kill Chief Luo Gu than the judge.

"Even Gordon has been dissatisfied with him for a long time." Penguin said again. He knew that Li Ming was very concerned about Gordon, and he also understood the importance of having a friend in the police station. He usually helped Gordon a lot. .

It can be said that Gordon's temperament and a wormy bureaucrat like Loeb are natural enemies.

"In that case, I don't need to trouble you." Li Ming said with a smile.

Penguin didn't know why, but he still smiled cooperatively.

In the normal plot, Gordon was fired by Loeb, and then Gordon asked the Penguin for help, ousting Loeb and replacing him with the female police superintendent Eisen, who had always had a good relationship with Gordon.

However, the Mad Men Gang was assigned by Galavan to suddenly bloodbath the police station and kill Director Eisen.

But this time, because of Li Ming's relationship, Loeb knew that Gordon and Li Ming had a good relationship and did not kick him out of the police station, so Aisen also escaped.

And Loeb...

Anyway, he is just a moth, and he will die if he dies. It would be more beneficial for Li Ming to be replaced by Aisen as the chief.

Although Eisen prefers to be wise and protective in various disputes, he still prefers Gordon as a righteous partner.

Coincidentally, he, Li Ming, is also a partner of justice.

As for the iron-fisted Director Barnes who replaced Eisen in the original plot, he no longer has to come to Gotham to be exposed.

In order to prevent Eisen and others from dying in the attack, Li Ming specifically asked the Penguin to find an excuse to separate Eisen and Gordon's partner Bullock for two days.

In addition, he also sent someone to pass a small note to Nygma, a minor character in the police station.

Li Ming did not intend to stop the attack in advance. He wanted to ignite Gordon's anger before he would stand on the same front with him in the future.

By the way, set Gotham on fire.

Then as Li Ming expected, the Gotham Gang received the news within two days.

The Gotham Police Department was bloodbathed!

Of course, although the scene was "strewn with corpses," in fact, except for Director Loeb, only nine people died.

Most of the others escaped by pretending to be dead, just to save their lives.

Of course, no one tried to resist. Gordon, the only one who could fight with the gangsters, had been attracted by Barbara before the attack. The police in the United States always put their lives first, whether they are robbing a bank, stopping a car on the street, or shooting in a school.

Although his enemy was dead, Gordon was not happy at all. He was angry that the gangsters dared to attack the police station, and so many police officers died.

Although most of them were criminal police officers, they also severely trampled on the justice in Gordon's heart.

It wasn't until the next day that Li Ming asked Penguin for the address of Jerome's father, Cicero, and then he was ready to set off. At the same time, he refused to follow Penguin.

Although he now travels in a pompous manner, others only know that he is the boss.

But Li Ming didn't want others to know about contacting Jerome.

But he arranged another task for Penguin.

Gotham City has a simple folk customs, and Arkham has a lot of talents.

He has seen the simple folk customs, and naturally the talents of Arkham cannot miss it.

If the plan goes well, after Li Ming kills Galavan and supports Penguin to become mayor, the Gotham Gang will become the well-deserved overlord of the black and white factions.

However, the frequency of Gotham changing overlords is not low, and over time, it is inevitable that some high-level people will have different ideas. If the Gotham Gang wants to remain firmly on the throne, someone must threaten Gotham's stability for a long time, so that the existence of the Gotham Gang can be reflected. the value of.

This is what is called raising bandits to respect themselves.

After the Gotham Gang came to power, their main opponents were the Court of Owls and various villains. Court Li Ming didn't have to worry, he knew the identities of the members and could crush them to death at any time.

The only thing to pay attention to is Lei Xiao Ogu behind the court, but his goal is to seek death, in the true sense of the word.

Leixiao Ogu has lived for too many years and is tired of it. In the prophecy he didn't know where he got it, only Bruce Wayne can end his life.

So he came to Gotham and wanted to train Bruce to be his successor and kill him at the same time.

He didn't care what Gotham was like before Bruce killed him for the first time.

So these villains are very important, not only Jerome, but also Nygma the Riddler, who is also very concerned about it.

If possible, he wanted to try if he could instigate Jerome to rebel. If not, he would say hello and lay the foundation for future cooperation.

As soon as Li Ming stood at the door of Cicero's apartment, he heard Jerome's magical laughter inside.

With his current physical condition, even though there was a door between them, the voices speaking inside could be clearly heard.

He didn't disturb them because Galavan's sister, Tabitha, was also inside.

As an outstanding graduate of Arkham, Jerome has been very happy recently.

Ever since Galavan was rescued from the asylum, everything had been in line with his character.

Crazy, exciting!

And the most important thing is that no one cared about him since he was a child, but someone finally discovered his talent and said to him:

"You're going to be a superstar in Gotham."

Just tonight.

Jerome was so excited that he would carry out all the orders of Galavan who supported him to the letter.

Including killing his biological father.

 Thank you for being lonely and cold
    Dongdong Dong Dong Dong Dong

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    Yong Jian
    final era
    The day the chrysanthemums bloom
    Yeah, it's pretty cool
    what should i say

  Invincible White Dragon God of War
    Eleven people in Xiye Dusk are supported by monthly tickets! ! !

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    The two pawnshop merchants give a big reward for their support! ! !
    I wrote 6000 yesterday, but I only sent 4000. I saved 2000 to put it on the shelves for updates hahaha.

  I’d like to ask, how many more products are on the shelves is considered a breakthrough update?

  Please read it! ! !

  (End of this chapter)

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