The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 112 Li is really nice to me

Chapter 112 Li is really nice to me (Third update)

Nygma looked a little stunned, and his brain was working rapidly to sort out the relationship between the clues.

The new mayor is Galavan, the police station is attacked, the candidate is murdered, the Gotham Gang is targeted, and then Li Ming wants the second-in-command of the Gotham Gang to be the mayor...

"Is there something wrong with Galavan?"

He reacted quickly and looked to Li Ming for the answer.

However, Li Ming just smiled and did not answer his question. Li Ming handed Nygma a hotel business card: "Oswald and I will be waiting for you here at eight o'clock tonight."

Then Li Ming left directly, not delaying Nygma to bury his love.

"what do you think."

A self without glasses appeared in front of Nygma. This was his second personality.

"It's unbelievable, but..." Nygma was halfway through his answer when the second personality took over.


"Yes." Nygma nodded.

"Being chief of staff, mayor or gang leader, this kind of challenge is what we should do."

"Yes, the entire Gotham is our stage."


At this time, Nygma, who was extremely repulsive to the second personality, no longer hesitated and extended his hand to the second personality.

"Cooperation!" The second personality also responded with a smile.

Nygma stood there and closed his eyes, then slowly opened them and took off his glasses.

Now you can call him - The Riddler.

"I cannot be bought, but I can be stolen at a glance. I am worthless to one, but priceless to two. What am I?"

Nygma asked questions to the suitcase. Of course, no one would answer his riddle, so he leaned down, leaned close to the suitcase and said: "Love."

"I love you forever, Collinger."

"But now I have to realize my own value and let the people of Gotham admire me. It's so fun."

Although he knew too little and didn't know the whole story yet, Nygma understood that the Gotham Gang was playing a big game, which made him feel that he had found the organization.

For a smart person like the Riddler, Li Ming will not try to be smart and use any tricks. Sincerity is his special skill.

Sincerity can always impress people, but false sincerity cannot.

For example, Galavan.

Sylvie and Bruce had a heated relationship, so Galavan, who was Sylvie's uncle, also had a good relationship with Bruce. That afternoon Galavan finally felt that the time was right. He invited Bruce to his home and expressed his love straight to the point. Need help from Bruce.

"Bruce, you should know that there are many people inside Wayne Group doing illegal things, right?"

Bruce nodded: "I know, I will solve these problems."

"No, Bruce, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to solve it." Galavan's attitude was very gentle.

"Wayne Group is a multi-billion dollar company with a board of directors who are willing to kill people to protect secrets. I'm not looking down on you, but you really can't handle it."

In the future, the value of Wayne Group will reach hundreds of billions of dollars, but considering that it is 1989, the billions of dollars in this period are already very scary.

Bruce is only 13 years old now, and he is still a little overwhelmed when facing such corporate-level topics, but his mind is very clear: "Mayor Galavan, since you raised this issue, you obviously have a solution."

"If you sell me the shares of Wayne Group, I can take over Wayne Enterprises, clean out the bugs inside, and you can become a free billionaire." Galavan finally showed his fangs.

"You want my company?" Bruce frowned, subconsciously resisting.

"I want to clean up Gotham City, protect the citizens, and restore the city to its original appearance. I can't do it without your help." Galavan acted very sincerely. “The Wayne Group is the only thing my parents left me.”

Bruce found it difficult to accept the situation, so Galavan directly pulled out his trump card.

"You shouldn't have been there the night your parents were killed, right?"

"Your parents originally wanted to go to the theater, but your father changed his mind and offered to go to the movie, and took you with him."

Bruce was very shocked: "Yes, but I haven't told anyone these things!"

"That person followed you before you entered the alley. I have been investigating for a long time, and I will not tell you until I confirm it now."

Galavan produced a document.

"If you sell the company to me, I will give you this as a signing gift. This is the name of the murderer who killed your parents. All the evidence, identity, motives, and reasons are in it."

"And I will rectify your company and protect them. I believe your parents hope so too. This is what Gotham needs."

Galavan confidently placed the document in front of Bruce, knowing that Bruce would not be able to refuse this offer.

As long as Bruce agrees, he can have hundreds of millions of dollars in cash, he won't have to face the threat from Wayne Group, and he will even have a good girl like Sylvie by his side, and his business can better help Gotham.

Galavan could think of no reason for Bruce's refusal.

Bruce did exactly what he expected, looking at the documents containing the murderer's information with tears in his eyes.

But Galavan would never have imagined that Bruce's mind was not on the document at all, because just two days ago, Li Ming had told him the identity of the murderer!

M. Malone.

Bruce had this name deeply etched in his heart. The reason why he didn't show it during this period of time was because Li Ming told him that there was someone behind Ma Long, and he was investigating, so Bruce should not alert the enemy.

What Bruce is thinking now is that Galavan has found the murderer, but he needs to sell the Wayne Group before he can tell him.

But Li was helping him unconditionally!

Li Ming is the boss of the Gotham Gang, so it's impossible that he doesn't know the value of Wayne Group.

Even though the Gotham Gang was being targeted everywhere and was in a very difficult situation, Li didn't ask him for help. Instead, he was very concerned about his affairs.

Bruce suddenly felt that he had done a bad job and felt sorry for Li Ming.

Li Ming helped him everywhere, but now Li Ming is in trouble but he is indifferent.

An idea came to his mind: Since leaving the Wayne Group in Galavan's hands can help Gotham, then leaving it to Lee can definitely do the same, and he feels more at ease.

Bruce knows that he is still young and cannot do many things.

But he trusts Li Ming, and Li Ming's Gotham Gang has proven that he can change Gotham for the better. If he entrusts Wayne Group to Li Ming, he doesn't have to worry about Li Ming's words and deeds being inconsistent.

Not like Galavan.

Bruce glanced at Galavan with a smile on his face. He knew the identity of the murderer in advance, and with the comparison of Li Ming, Bruce thought about Galavan's actions carefully. There was a strong suspicion of blackmail. He suspected that Galavan might There is another purpose.

"Don't worry, just give me a reply within today." Galavan was very generous.

"Three days, this is my parents' inheritance, I can't make a decision so quickly." Bruce pretended to be hesitant.

"Okay, but you can't tell others, lest the news leaks out."

Galavan agreed, knowing not to push too hard or it would appear that he had other agendas.


Bruce nodded, but thought about asking Li Ming when he got back.

(End of this chapter)

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