The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 120 The Court of Owls can’t sit still anymore

Chapter 120 The Court of Owls can’t sit still anymore

"Gotham is out of control."

In a dark room, a group of richly dressed people, wearing owl masks, sat around an oval table to discuss matters, but it was obvious that there were several vacant seats on the table.

They are the Court of Owls behind Gotham.

Initially, the Court of Owls was established by several big families in Gotham to resolve disputes between families. Later, the power of the court grew more and more, and finally reached the point where it controlled the entire Gotham behind the scenes.

With the passage of time and the development of the times, the members of the court are no longer just families.

Nowadays, the court is constantly attracting Gotham's upstarts to keep fresh blood coming in to ensure that the court can always control Gotham.

But like Falcone, the former gang overlord of Gotham, the Court of Owls is also composed of a group of ordinary people. Faced with the rapidly changing situation in Gotham, the court is also a little overwhelmed.

"I said we can't let Duma return. They really want to take revenge not only on the Wayne family, but also on the families who once judged them. Now Gotham is in chaos!"

A man spoke angrily.

"The purpose of returning the Duma is to obtain the shares of Wayne Group. This has been voted on." Someone else stopped him from complaining.

"But the court also voted to restrain the Duma, why didn't it do it?" The person who spoke first was reluctant.

"The person responsible for the execution was assassinated for no apparent reason..."

"Keep your manners, gentlemen."

At this time, the woman sitting in the main seat interrupted the quarrel between the two. When they calmed down, the woman continued.

"The top priority now is to recruit new people. The turmoil in Duma caused us to lose several members. If we don't find someone to replace them as soon as possible, the court's influence on Gotham will be greatly weakened."

"But now there is a problem." The member sitting on the woman's deputy sighed, "It's easy to find someone to take charge of the business. Just attract people who inherit the property from the original member's family."

"But the official side... it's difficult. We wanted James to continue to be mayor before, but the Gotham Gang interfered. The Gotham Gang now has the final say in the appointment of officials."

At this time, someone suggested: "We support one candidate, and with the influence of the court, he will definitely be able to defeat the Penguin."

"Don't forget how the Duma came to power. Now the Gotham gang uses legal methods to elect because they have the advantage. If a strong competitor appears at this time, do you think they will resort to violence?"

There was immediate opposition to the proposal.

"Besides, who dares to stand up and compete with Penguin at this time?"

As soon as this question came up, everyone was speechless.

The Tribunal also has its own armed force, the Talon, but the Talon is an elite force with a small number of people.

It is not impossible to take it out, whether it is to assassinate the Penguin or protect the candidates, but if the Gotham Gang pursues it, it is likely to expose the existence of the court.

The courts have always used force to suppress people. It is impossible to do it yourself, but now it is even harder to find someone to do it.

It's better to stop, there are all Gotham gang members out there.

They look at me and I look at you. The meaning of eye contact is probably this:

Are you going?

I'm not going.

Are you looking for someone to go?

My people are not seeking death.

At this time, another person made a new proposal: "Why don't we bring in the Gotham Gang? Both Li Ming and Penguin are fine."

Immediately, three more members spoke out in agreement. They were all members of the Gotham Gang and had related interests. Naturally, they did not want the court to conflict with the Gotham Gang.

Moreover, when the Gotham Gang enters the court, those who are close to the Gotham Gang can also increase their voice in the court.

"Li Ming makes the decision for the Gotham Gang, and the Penguin also listens to Li Ming. If you want to absorb them, you can just let Li Ming join."

The woman on the throne also agreed with this plan, but she did not want too many Gotham gang members to come in, which would dilute her power.

Even inside the courtroom, there are games.

"But this Li Ming is too mysterious. He was ordinary for the first twenty years, but last year he suddenly jumped up and took over Falcone's position."

"I asked Kamai about Li Ming, and he only said that he is a very capable young man."

An old man said.

"After the meeting, I will personally call Kamai and ask about the origin of Li Ming." The female leader said, "If there is no special force behind Li Ming, we will invite him to join the court."

"After all, his Gotham Gang has had a huge impact on Gotham."

Everyone knew what she was referring to.    Order.

The Gotham Gang brought a new order to Gotham and made Gotham a better place.

But if that order is not in the hands of the courts, it means nothing to them.

"But I heard that Li Ming and Wayne are very close."

Almost everyone in Gotham knew about this, but one member immediately expressed optimism: "That's just the right time to invite Li Ming in. If he is willing, Wayne Group will be ours."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Are there any other candidates?" the female leader asked.

"Jim Gordon of the police department is very influential and is the president of the police union. He is still very young and can be considered." Someone suggested.

This immediately aroused concerns among the members: "Everyone should know the cause of Gordon's father's death. I heard that Gordon and his father had very similar personalities."

"I think Frank Gordon can come forward in this matter." The old man who spoke before gave a plan.

"You mean to send Frank back to Gotham?"

"Frank has been working for the court in foreign countries for nearly twenty years and has proven his loyalty." The old man replied.

Members can accept this reason, and they don't think anyone will think about overturning the court twenty years later.

"But Jim Gordon must accept the test." Some members were worried.



This proposal was approved by everyone.

"Then...what should we do Wayne?"

The topic moved on to the next item. Using Galavan to defraud Wayne Group shares failed, but Wayne is such a big piece of meat that the court cannot give up.

Although many people in the Wayne Group are now colluding with the court, Bruce holds the majority of the shares of the Wayne Group. The court must want to fully control the Wayne Group. After all, the Wayne family is unprecedentedly weak, and they must seize this opportunity.

"Are Hugo's test subjects ready?" the woman in charge asked.

"Still under debugging." A member replied.

"Tell him to speed up. Li Ming and Bruce Wayne are very close. The exchange must be completed as soon as possible." The woman ordered.

These are the daily routines in the courtroom. In a dark room, a group of people wearing masks decide the future of Gotham.

Shortly after the meeting, Li Ming received a call from Falcone.

"The court came to me to inquire about you."

"What did you say, Kamai?" Li Ming was not surprised.

"It's the same old thing, but it should dispel their worries." Falcone said with a slight smile, "It seems that you pushed them into a hurry, Gotham Gang? It's really a great masterpiece, much better than me."

Falcone is of course partial to Li Ming. He has retired and his property in Gotham is well protected. Few gang bosses can stop with money like him.

And he also knows the ethics of the court, and will not hesitate to fall out when he is useless. At least Li Ming will show some favor to him.

"By the way, Kamai, in order to express my gratitude, I will give you a piece of advice."


 Thank you for your confidence and smile

    season of white clouds

  Invincible White Dragon God of War
    Dongdong Dong Dong Dong Dong

  Murong Yuhao
    Ink Soul Silent Night
    Book Friends 20190815121930476
    Dice King
    It's been very quiet

  DKING is supported by eleven monthly votes! ! !

  Thank you black cat in the rain
    The three people in Yue Gucheng give great rewards and support! ! !

  The wind is blowing outside.

  Please count the votes hey hey hey.


  (End of this chapter)

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