The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 124 Penguin is interested in Friday?

Chapter 124 Penguin likes Friday?
  Li Ming's plan to establish the Gotham Group caused a great response within the Gotham gang. Many gang leaders were initially worried that their own interests would be affected. After all, they did not understand the company's tricks.

But Li Ming quickly dispelled their concerns.

Because Li Ming just integrated the industries in their hands and gave them enough shares in the branch, so that they could get more dividends than before without having to manage it themselves.

The most important thing is that Li Ming did not touch the leaders' territory, but gave them more support, making them responsible for protecting the group projects on the territory and maintaining order.

Of course, there are also taxes collected on the site. After all, how can Li Ming protect them if they don't pay?
  Equivalent to the establishment of the Gotham Group, these leaders were suddenly cleared and became the upper echelons of Gotham.

It's hard to enjoy your old age as a gangster, but it's different as a capitalist.

Therefore, the leaders are extremely enthusiastic about establishing the Gotham Group, and the efficiency is greatly improved.

Of course, the shares of the branch can be given, but the shares of the Gotham Group are firmly in Li Ming's hands, allowing him to take control of these leaders at any time.

Li Ming also quickly obtained the list of bugs within Wayne Group.

He privately invited a senior executive who was on vacation. After a friendly conversation, the senior executive and Li Ming hit it off and excitedly said that they would tell everything they knew.

Li Ming was very satisfied with his attitude, so he turned around and ordered his wife, children, second wife, third wife, illegitimate son 1, illegitimate daughter 2, etc. to be released.

When Bruce saw the list and compared it with the personnel details of Wayne Group, he was actually a little relieved.

Because the management of Wayne Group actually slipped through the cracks and did not participate in colluding with others.

Well, just a few.

This put Bruce in a difficult position. If they were all laid off, it would be difficult to find someone to replace such a large vacancy.

"To win over some people, divide some people, and suppress some people."

When Bruce came to Li Ming for help, Li Ming told him this.

"Divide them into three categories: light, slow, and heavy."

"I will help you eradicate those hopeless people who are in high positions with the power of thunder and make them step down."

"If the crime is not too serious, you can hang them up for a while. Those who come closer to you can be accepted after review. Those who refuse to repent can be replaced if you find a replacement."

"If this happens, the remaining people will surrender themselves even if you don't win over them."

Bruce was honest and recorded everything Li Ming said in a notebook. These were all experiences.

"But it will take some time to implement it. The Gotham Group will be busy before it can be freed. And you also need to find someone you can trust."

Li Ming said that he would wait for a while. Cleaning up the Wayne Group would inevitably lead to the Court of Owls. He wanted to see if he could collect some wool from the court first.

"Okay, I found a person who used to work for my father. His name is Lucius Fox. He should be trustworthy."

Bruce nodded, and then told Li Ming about a person and wanted to ask Li Ming's opinion.

"Lucius Fox?"

Of course Li Ming knew him, the future president and technical director of Wayne Group, and one of Batman's best helpers.

"He is indeed very good and will be a good partner for you."

Li Ming's approval made Bruce very happy, as if he had received approval from his eldest brother.

The Gotham Gang's industries are spread all over Gotham, and it is not easy to integrate them, but simply with the help of Friday, Friday has the experience of assisting in the management of Stark Group, so that Li Ming will not be in a hurry.

Another person who helps a lot is Nygma. The Riddler’s IQ is beyond doubt. Friday is responsible for technical support, Nygma is responsible for formulating plans, and Penguin is responsible for execution. With the cooperation of the three, whether it is Gotham or the Gotham Group, , everything is running smoothly.

The Penguin and the Riddler work part-time as the president and vice president of Gotham Corporation respectively. Of course, they usually have an overview of the overall situation on Friday.

Li Ming's new company has also been opened. He mainly chose four directions: computer software, chip manufacturing, communication technology, and the Internet.

They are all giant industries in the future. The most important thing is that Li Ming has the corresponding technology. He only needs to let Friday squeeze out toothpaste bit by bit. Of course, to avoid arousing suspicion, corresponding R&D funds still have to be paid, and a large amount of money has to be paid.

Of course, this money was pocketed by Li Ming himself, and it could also lower profits and pay less taxes.

For this reason, Li Ming also established several companies abroad to collect R&D funds from Gotham Group.

Everything is developing steadily, but what makes Li Ming a little bit dumbfounded is that Penguin keeps asking him for information about Friday recently.

Li Ming never revealed that Friday was not a real person. Everyone in the Gotham Gang thought that Li Ming also had a huge intelligence organization. The advantage of this was to increase the respect of the outside world for Li Ming, and Friday was the person responsible for communicating with the outside world.

Because Penguin is second only to Li Ming in the Gotham Gang, he has the most connections with Friday.

Every time Penguin encounters any troubles, hidden dangers or needs, Friday can always give feedback as soon as possible. Even if there is an emergency in the middle of the night, Friday remains online.

And Friday's outstanding knowledge, super good temper, and meticulous care deeply touched the Penguin.

Apart from his mother, this is the first woman who is so kind to him and understands him very well.

After a long time, Penguin became very interested in this woman who always spoke to him gently. He often talked to Friday when he had nothing to say, and even asked Friday if he had a partner.

Friday is just an artificial intelligence, of course it can only be said that there is no one, and then the Penguin gets worse.

"Penguin didn't like Ed this time, but actually liked Friday?"

After Li Ming learned of Friday's feedback, he quickly came up with this conclusion, which made him dumbfounded.

Also, this time the Penguin is enjoying great success and his career is prosperous, and the Riddler is here to add to the success. Unlike the original plot, which was a help in times of need, the Penguin and the Riddler still have a good relationship, but they haven't reached that level yet.

To be honest, there is a higher chance that Penguin will fall in love with Li Ming.

Ahem, luckily Li Ming has been away for eight months and is the superior of Penguin. He only has admiration and doesn't dare to think about other aspects.

But Friday's appearance made the Penguin ready to take action.

"Friday, will you fall in love with someone?"

Li Ming asked. He remembered that Friday fell in love with Tony in the comics and competed with Pepper Potts for favor.

"No, sir," Friday replied.

"Is it possible for you to develop self-awareness?" Li Ming asked again.

"No, sir."

Li Ming thought the same thing. Friday was used by Tony after the Ultron incident, and it would definitely prevent a similar crisis from happening again.

This is a good thing for Li Ming. After all, if artificial intelligence develops self-awareness, it cannot guarantee absolute loyalty to Li Ming.

But it's a bad thing for Penguin.

"Poor Oswald."

After Li Ming mentally mourned for the little penguin for a second, he cheered up again, because he was about to attend the opening ceremony of Gotham Group, and he learned through the monitor at the same time.

Catherine, the current head of the Court of Owls, will also be coming.

 Thank you Xin Meng Ji Ran

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  (End of this chapter)

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