The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 127 Galavan is alive, but he doesn’t know it

Chapter 127 Galavan is alive, but he doesn’t know it
  With Li Ming's coolant support, Hugo quickly produced results.

Galavan was resurrected, but he didn't know it.

Because of a slight deviation, his body was alive, but his consciousness was not.

Perhaps due to being shot in the head, Galavan's memory became very confusing. Galvan was born in the Duma family and remembered the holy book "The Doctrine and System of St. Duma" from the family monastery by heart, which caused the confusion in his mind. Most of the memory fragments are content in books.

Angels, demons, doctrines and more.

Upon discovering this, Hugo immediately seized the opportunity and guided Galavan to brainwash himself into Azreal, the angel of death in the book.

As for himself, he became Saint Duma, the lord loyal to the Angel of Death, and successfully made Galavan obey his orders after his resurrection.

"Do you think he can accept this status? I still think a large dose of anesthetic is more effective." Hugo's deputy, a fat black female doctor, said.

"You need to learn to take advantage of every situation, Bombardier."

Hugo admired his masterpiece. He finally resurrected a person. Although there were still flaws, success was close at hand.

Galavan, now called Azrael, has greatly improved his physical fitness after his resurrection. He is as strong as an ox and as fast as a leopard. At this time, Hugo was involved in private work. He was used to trying various experiments on experimental subjects. A combination of abilities, of course, basically turns them into monsters.

In order to be more consistent with his identity, Hugo brought Azrael a well-made long sword the next day.

"The Sword of Sin, this is your partner in justice." Hugo introduced to Azeriel, "It has been passed down from generation to generation among knights, thirsting for blood."

"Passed down from generation to generation?" His assistant Bombardier whispered beside him, "This sword was just made yesterday."

"It doesn't matter. This is very helpful for our experimental subjects to accept their new identities." Hugo was quite satisfied.

But then Hugo ran into trouble. The resurrection experiment made landmark progress, but who should he report to first?

"Angel of Death? Hugo You is really a genius."

Li Ming used the portal to come to Indian Mountain and looked at the fully armed Azrael in front of him and said.

Now he has changed a lot. He is covered in fine armor and has a stainless steel sword, just like a knight from the Middle Ages.

In the end, Hugo took the lead in notifying Li Ming. Although the court was still jumping up and down, Hugo knew that they were finished.

Seeing that Li Ming and Azeriel were so close, Hugo reminded: "Your Excellency Li Ming, be careful. The Death Angel's mind is not very stable right now, and there is a risk of violence and hurting people."

"Azreal, stay still."

After saying this, he also gave a special order in case something happened to his new employer.

"It's ok."

Li Ming didn't care at all. Instead, he opened Azreal's visor and carefully observed the difference between him and Galavan.

The art of resurrection is really magical.

Azeriel finally couldn't stand Li Ming's harassment. He punched Li Ming's face violently, scaring Hugo to death.

"Do not……"

Hugo's words suddenly stuck in his mouth because he saw that Li Ming easily grabbed Azeriel's fist and could not break free no matter how hard he struggled.

"Almost four times the strength of ordinary people, and the speed is also very fast. Hugo, your human body modification technology is also quite good." Li Ming commented after feeling it for a while.

Compared to his strength and reaction, Azeriel was like a little chicken and couldn't hurt him at all.

"Many, thank you for the compliment."

Hugo's eyes flashed with horror. The transformed Azrael could throw a 200-pound man into the air, but he couldn't do anything to Li Ming.

A magician and a berserker?
  How can you let others mess around?

Let’s just keep doing experiments honestly from now on, Hugo thought to himself. Anyway, he doesn’t have any dreams of ruling the world, he just can do the research he wants to do without restraint.

"For such a valuable experimental subject, you should stay with me as a bodyguard."

Li Ming ordered, and Hugo quickly agreed.

"The new experimental base is already under construction. Once it is completed, we will prepare to start the transfer work."

Hearing what Li Ming said, Hugo, who was determined to work hard, responded positively: "Your Excellency Li Ming, everything is as planned."

"But... where is the new experimental base?"

Li Ming laughed: "You will know."

Still in Indian Hill, Hugo is now underground on the other side of the experimental site. What no one knows is that a group of robots are working day and night.

Tony's Iron Legion is not all combat armor, there are both those in the sky and those under the sea, and they also include many kinds of tool armor.

Mark 25 Raider, heavy construction armor, hands like drills that can quickly crush rocks, etc.

The Mark 29 Violinist is used to build armor. The left arm is a rock drill, which can also be replaced with other tools for blasting and excavation.

The Mark 38 Igor is a heavy-duty armored vehicle that can perform handling tasks.

In addition, there are Mark 34 and Mark 35, two armored vehicles with robotic arms, serving as construction workers, and multiple Mark 2 prototypes are responsible for decoration.

With so much armor combined, the Iron Legion construction brigade was established. Under Friday's control, the construction efficiency was extremely high.

Except for the ultra-small Ark reactor that supplies energy, the other materials of these armors are very common. They don't cost much, but they are very useful.

According to estimates on Friday, it will take two weeks to complete the construction of the experimental base, and only need to put in the equipment before it can be delivered for use.

Thanks Iron Man for the gift!

For Gordon, a big event also happened here - Barbara woke up, and it seemed that her sanity, which had been distorted by Lennon, had also been restored.

As for whether it was fake or not, Hugo couldn't be sure, unless he conducted a cruel experiment.

However, Hugo directly released Barbara after consulting Li Ming.

After all, she is the mother of the future Batgirl Barbara Gordon. Whatever happens to Barbara, let Gordon have the headache. Barbara can't make waves anyway.

With the results of the case, and Li Ming specially paired Victor Fleiss and Hugo, the two actually had a very good chemical reaction, and both the resurrection technology and the freezing technology were very rewarding.

More than ten days passed, and Hugo resurrected nine people in a row, including Gotham's old friend Fish Mooney.

And Fish still carries a complete memory, which is a true rebirth!
  After learning the news, Li Ming was also very happy because the first member of his reincarnation team appeared.

Hugo concluded a rule - the more complete the brain is, the greater the probability of having complete memories after resurrection.

For the time being, Hugo could only do this step, but Li Ming was very satisfied.

Then he informed Hugo to start the transfer of important equipment and experimental products. Since the resurrection technology was in trouble, he should go to the new base and study it slowly.

After waiting for two days for everything to be ready, Li Ming stared at the cameras all over Indian Mountain and the drone swarm behind him, and gave instructions to Friday.

"Start planning."

"Code name - Mysterio!"

 Thank you for sinking from now on

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  (End of this chapter)

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