The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 132 I have my pawns all over Gotham

Chapter 132 I have my pawns all over Gotham

"Gotham must be destroyed!"

Catherine said angrily as she was meeting in the Court of Owls.

"Gotham is completely out of control. It must be torn down and rebuilt to restore the glory of the court!"

The court members present all agreed that the Gotham Group was established and the Wayne Group underwent major changes, which greatly reduced their interest space in two months.

The five members who were close to the Gotham Group did not say anything. Everyone knew that they had close contacts with Li Ming, and they could not do anything suspicious at this time.

However, when the court was about to hold a resolution, a member suddenly reported something.

"Fish Mooney is looking for us?" Catherine frowned, she was very dissatisfied, "Who wrote the name of the court in the phone book? How come everyone knows about the existence of the court now?"

"She said she learned it from Strange, and most importantly, Fish Mooney said she had a clone of Bruce Wayne on her hands," the member replied.


Catherine asked quickly, "I thought the clones were dead when Indian Hill exploded."

"Fish Mooney said that when she escaped from Indian Hill, she took away a batch of experimental subjects from the laboratory, including clones."

Catherine smiled, feeling a change of scenery.

"Very well, the plan to destroy Gotham is on hold for now. Now that Bruce Wayne is in control of Wayne Group, we will follow the original plan and replace him with a clone!"

"Tell Fish that the court will agree to whatever she wants."

"Fish, they said they agreed to help us develop an antidote." A weirdo said with joy.

They're all now in a diner in Gotham's Crime Alley, home of Butch's gang, and now of course Fish's.

It was originally called Park Street, but since the Waynes were killed here, the theaters on the street quickly closed down, and the entire street began to decline and became a crime-ridden area.

Butch and Tabitha took the enemies of the Gotham Gang to occupy this place. Because the place was too chaotic, the Gotham Gang would gain more from cleaning it up, so they allowed a bunch of monsters and monsters to occupy it.

Of course, what is said to the outside world is that the Gotham Group has suppressed criminals here.

Fish led the weirdo army and quickly annexed all the forces in the crime alley. She directly named the new gang "Fish Gang".

However, the genes in the bodies of the weirdos are unstable. Although they each have their own superpowers, some have infinite strength, some can grow wings, some can make people age rapidly, etc., the more times their powers are used, the more their bodies will Collapse sooner.

At first, the weirdos raided the pharmacies in Crime Alley, but the medicine that could suppress their physical collapse was precious and soon ran out. The weirdos began not to listen to Fish when faced with a life crisis.

At this time, Fish claimed that she learned from Strange that there was a mysterious organization behind him, which attached great importance to Bruce's clone, and proposed to use the clone to make conditions, and the weirdos gathered around her again.

As for the wishes of the clone himself?

No one cares.

"And my sister, have they promised to help find her?"

At this time, a man wearing a hat and dressed like a magician asked quickly.

"One thing at a time, Taiqi." Fish told him to calm down, "I promised to help you find your sister, but there is news that she has been locked up by the municipal government. I don't know where she is. We need help to go there. Save her."

"OK, Fish, you are the boss." Taiqi responded with a smile, but then his tone was a little incomprehensible, "But after you get the exact news, can you bring my sister Alice to me as soon as possible?"

He is a master of hypnosis. As long as others hear his voice, they will be hypnotized. The level of hypnosis has reached the level of superpowers.

"I said yes."

Fish stood up and walked in front of him. Just when Taiqi thought he had succeeded, Fish suddenly grabbed his neck. A single scratch with his sharp nails would kill Taiqi.

"If you dare to hypnotize me again, I will slit your throat." Fish said fiercely.

"Okay, I know." Taiqi replied dully. He didn't know how his invincible hypnosis could fail.

"I will send someone to find your sister, now get out."

Taiqi had no choice but to leave in despair. Fish is Hugo's most important resurrection project under Li Ming's order. All genes have been carefully matched, and finally a chain reaction has occurred, making Fish's mental resistance very high.

After the people around him left, Fish took out his mobile phone and dialed Li Ming, and reported the progress of the matter to Li Ming in a low voice.

At the same time, Li Ming also received a text message from Butch, detailing Fish's every move.

After making the call, Fish walked out of the room and was shocked when she saw Butch put away his phone.

"Hi, Butch." Fish greeted him calmly.

"Hi, Fish."

Butch quickly put away his cell phone and said hello with a smile.

Fortunately it was not discovered.

They both thought at the same time.

Only Li Ming looked at the surveillance camera in his glasses and was happy.

Um? wrong!

Li Ming's spider sense suddenly sensed a threat, as if someone very powerful was spying on him.

His current location was on the roof of the Gotham Hotel. Li Ming looked around but there was no suspicious sign.

"Friday, check the surveillance. Was anyone looking here just now?"

Friday's quick reply: "Not found, sir."

"Keep paying attention." Li Ming felt a little strange.

"Ok sir."

The Spider Sense was almost infallible, so Li Ming kept a cautious eye on himself.

Bruce's clone was quickly sent to the court, but the antidote Fish and others needed was not available yet, so they could only be given enough inhibitory drugs to relieve their pain first.

"Let the clone learn to imitate as soon as possible, study Bruce Wayne's action trajectory, summon the claws, and prepare to change actions." Catherine immediately proposed a plan.

"What should we do about the real Bruce Wayne?" one member asked, "No matter whether the action is successful or not, Bruce is of no use to us. How about..."

"Bruce Wayne, leave it to me!"

At the court meeting, a strange old man with gray hair suddenly walked in. The strange thing was that all the people present lowered their heads in a gesture of surrender.

"Master Ninja!"


Catherine also quickly gave up her position. She was just the temporary leader after the ninja master left Gotham. She would naturally give way when the real leader came.

"Leave Bruce Wayne to me, and I will train him personally. Wayne will no longer be an obstacle to us in the future." The ninja master said while sitting in the main seat.

All the members are aware of the Ninja Master's methods, and one look at the sharp claws around them shows that the training he refers to is actually more appropriately called brainwashing.

Catherine smiled unconsciously, so even if the clone was revealed and the real Bruce was brainwashed into being one of theirs, wouldn't the Wayne Group also have easy access to it?

It's just that they may not know that the ninja master must have brainwashed Bruce, but training is really training. After training, the court should be destroyed by Bruce's own hands.

Of course, the ninja master would not have thought that as soon as he arrived in Gotham, their plan would be revealed to Li Ming by the rebel in the court.

The whole Gotham is my horse boy, what can you do to fight with me?

 Thanks Carn Tiron

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