The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 135 The leader of the court rebelled

Chapter 135 The leader of the court rebelled

"This rope? It's amazing."

Leixiao Ogu untied the mantra lasso on his hand, and he found something strange about the rope.

Li Ming can't be killed today. The new woman is obviously stronger than him, so it's better to retreat first.

Lei Xiao Aogu turned around and was about to leave, but how could Li Ming, who had been pretending to be a pig for so long, let him go so easily?

Li Ming directly raised his hand, and a spark portal appeared in front of Lei Xiao Aogu. Now Li Ming is becoming more and more proficient in the teleport technique.

On the other end of the portal, there were Li Ming and Diana.

"Magic? I haven't seen it in a long time."

Although Lei Xiao Aogu was surprised, he didn't show any panic.

He has lived too long, and his rich experience makes him rarely feel threatened, and he cannot die anyway.

"What do you want to train Bruce to be?" Li Ming asked, pretending to be confused.

"The Dark Knight of Gotham, carry on my legacy."

"Then maybe we're not enemies."

Li Ming suddenly laughed and said in the surprised eyes of Diana and Lei Xiao Aogu.

"Bruce will become the Dark Knight who protects Gotham. He can also kill you, but forget about your career."

Leixiao Aogu shook his head: "Bruce Wayne wants to become my heir first, and then kill me."

"For fame?" Li Ming said his guess, "Brainwash Bruce and make him your heir. The better Bruce is in the future, the higher your reputation will be."

"Do you want to show that you still control the future after death? Is this another conquest?"

Leixiao Ogu did not agree or refute.

"But now I am the King of Gotham, and you can't defeat me to influence Bruce." Li Ming pointed at Diana again, "Not to mention that I still have her."

Diana saw Li Ming cueing herself and nodded in agreement.

Very cute.

Lei Xiao Aogu still didn't speak, but he turned his gaze from Li Ming to Diana.

The meaning is obvious, I am only afraid of her.

Li Ming understood and told Diana: "Don't do anything."

"Huh?" Diana half-opened her mouth in confusion.

But Lei Xiao Ogu understood it immediately. He picked up a sharp-clawed samurai sword from the ground, walked directly into the portal, and came to Li Ming.

Young and energetic, he has seen a lot.

When Diana saw this, she understood what Li Ming meant. She was a little worried, but when she saw Li Ming waving his hand, she still stepped back a little.

"Your weapon." Lei Xiao Ogu said.

Li Ming directly raised his hand, and the Gotham Scepter lit up with runes and flew back to his hand automatically.

However, he did not intend to use the staff and sword to fight the enemy. He directly sheathed the sword and restored the original appearance of the Gotham Scepter.

"Arrogant!" Lei Xiao Aogu's face darkened, feeling that Li Ming disrespected him.

Then Lei Xiao Aogu directly attacked. Based on his previous experience, he prepared five or six ways to deal with Li Ming, each of which could kill with one blow.

But tonight is destined to be a day full of surprises for Lei Xiao Aogu. Li Ming received his attack steadily this time, and even the force of the rebound made his hands numb slightly. None of the responses he expected Not used.

Lei Xiao Aogu quickly realized that Li Ming was hiding his clumsiness, and the initiative quickly came to Li Ming.

He held the Gotham Scepter. Every time he attacked, Lei Xiao Aogu took a step back. Within a few moments, Li Ming hit the air with the stick, and he was knocked away.

Then the Gotham Scepter in Li Ming's hand glowed brightly, and the thunder snake writhed. He directly launched the lightning chain. Lei Xiao Ogu only had time to block it with his sword. The katana was shattered by the thunder again, and the lightning chain continued unabated. It penetrated directly through Lei Xiao Aogu's chest, and the violent electric light burned the area around the wound into charcoal.

Lei Xiao Ogu fell. Diana was stunned. She looked at Li Ming, then at Lei Xiao Aogu's body, and then her eyes returned to Li Ming.

Li Ming was so fierce, why was he still being beaten down just now?
  Suddenly she seemed to understand everything, stared at Li Ming and snorted softly.

Just when Diana was about to question, Li Ming pointed at Lei Xiao Aogu's body. Diana looked over and was surprised to find that Lei Xiao Aogu had stood up again, and his wounds were quickly recovering.

"Immortality?" Diana asked.

"Absolutely." Li Ming replied, "In Gotham, no one is willing to die honestly."

Lei Xiao Aogu did not take action again. He sadly realized that he could not defeat the man or woman in front of him.

"Do you believe it now?" Li Ming stopped attacking. After the show of strength, it was time to negotiate.

The main thing is that he doesn't have the Demon Head now. Lei Xiao Ogu's immortality was obtained through the Lazarus Pool. To kill him, two conditions need to be met, one is the Demon Head, and the other is Bruce Wayne. .

Just like a law, both are indispensable.

"I agree with your point of view. Gotham needs the Dark Knight, so with or without you, I will train him to embark on this path." Li Ming said.

Lei Xiao Aogu was noncommittal.

"I know what you are thinking, but after living for two thousand years, do you still care so much about fame?"

Li Ming frowned.

Lei Xiao Aogu felt a chill in his heart. This person seemed to know him very well.

"If you want to be the most important person in Bruce's journey to becoming the Dark Knight, there's nothing you can do about it."

"How to do it?" Lei Xiao Ogu finally said.

"Bruce has his own persistence. For example, he has always been against killing people. I don't think you want the future Dark Knight to have a no-killing principle, right?" Li Ming asked.

"No-kill principle?" Lei Xiao Aogu sneered, "It's ridiculous."

Li Ming also nodded.

"So if you want Bruce to become the Dark Knight in your mind, you have to let him break through the no-kill principle."

Li Ming smiled and asked, "What could impress him more than killing you, who has lived for more than two thousand years and is the leader of the Assassin's Alliance?"

"In the future, when the Dark Knight becomes famous all over the world, everyone will talk about how it was you who taught him a lesson with your life, and the Dark Knight broke through the no-kill principle."

"You created the Dark Knight, you are his mentor, and all those who revere and fear the Dark Knight will recite your name."

"Leixiao Ogu."

Diana looked at Li Ming with a strange face, thinking how could others accept your obvious deception.

Lei Xiao Aogu was silent for a long time before slowly speaking: "You are very good at deceiving people."

Diana raised her eyebrows at Li Ming, meaning the secret was revealed, right?

"But I accept it." Lei Xiao Aogu continued.

Diana was completely confused now.

Lei Xiao Ogu was considered. His purpose was twofold, heir and being killed. Now that Bruce has two people protecting him, he cannot be the heir. Then he can be remembered as the mentor of the Dark Knight. accept.

As for death?
  He was tired of living for too long. At least at this stage, Lei Xiao Aogu really wanted to die.

Therefore, even though he knew that Li Ming had bad intentions, the result met his requirements, and Lei Xiao Aogu could accept it.

Li Ming would not tell Diana that the key to deception is to find out exactly what the other party wants.

Because this Wonder Woman seems to be more innocent than in the movie, and she seems to be easy to fool.

 Thanks to the pawnbroker

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  The three book friends 151011234024630 have great monthly support! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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