The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 137 Paradise Island is full of roses

Chapter 137 Paradise Island is full of roses

"So what is our relationship?" Li Ming asked.

Diana looked at Li Ming lovingly, her eyes suddenly turned red.

"I love you!" she choked. "Always have for the past seventy years."

"I miss you so much!"

Diana threw herself into Li Ming's arms and hugged him tightly.
  I have to say that the armor is a bit harsh, but Li Ming's mood is very complicated and warm.

Although this was his first time meeting Diana, it seemed that Diana had actually been waiting for him for seventy years. This alone made Li Ming very fond of her.

He didn't have a habit of worrying about the fact that Diana liked him in the future, not him now.

Who can refuse Wonder Woman who has been waiting for her for seventy years?
  "Jingle bell bell."

At this time, Li Ming's cell phone rang, and Diana released her embrace.

"Lee, are you okay?" Bruce's voice was loud enough for Diana to hear.

"I'm fine." Li Ming replied.

"Great, we have met up with Gordon and Mr. Penguin and are on our way back."

After Penguin became the mayor, the people of Gotham affectionately called him Mayor Penguin without any malice, and he himself happily accepted the title.

"Okay, we'll wait for you here."

"Us?" Bruce was a little surprised, but didn't think much about it. He thought it was the members of the Gotham Gang who arrived first.

When a group of people arrived at the attack site, they were surprised to find a brave and beautiful strange woman standing next to Li Ming.

By this time, Diana had already changed out of her armor and put on a slim-fitting windbreaker. The most important thing was that she was still holding Li Ming's arm.

"Hello." Bruce asked blankly, "Are you Li's girlfriend?"

Diana looked at Li Ming.

Li Ming nodded. He admitted that he would not suffer any loss.

However, he was a little worried that when Diana and the Gotham gang saw him, they would be more concerned about the gang.

Diana's face immediately burst into laughter.

"Hello, I'm Diana Prince," she greeted.

Li Ming noticed that Diana's surname had changed.

Princes means princess.

Bruce responded with a smile: "Hello, I'm Bruce Wayne."

Upon hearing that she was Li Ming's girlfriend, a group of people quickly came over to get to know her.

The Penguin was very enthusiastic: "Hello, I am Oswald Cobblepot, the deputy of His Excellency Li Ming."

When Li Ming is around, Penguin introduces himself as Li Ming's deputy. This is the identity he is most proud of.

There are so many people under Li Ming, but only Oswald is Li Ming's closest subordinate.

"Are you Oswald?"

What Penguin didn't expect was that Diana actually knew about him.

"Li told me a long time ago that you are his best helper." Diana said kindly.

Penguin's eyes suddenly widened, he felt his heart surge and he was flattered. He wanted to jump up to express his excitement.

Li Ming thought to himself that it was lucky that Penguin didn't ask when he said it, otherwise it would have been interesting for Diana to answer seventy years ago.

He didn't expect that Diana and Penguin would get along well with each other. It seemed that he would be vaccinated in the future.

"Are you okay?" Li Ming asked Bruce.

Bruce shook his head: "Fish's men suddenly went to support their companions after chasing for a while."

"Butch, too. He and Fish went in the same direction. It seems there is a very important person there." Penguin then replied. He doesn't have any special feelings for Fish now, because the stage given to him by Li Ming is too big, which has made him ignore the small grudges before. After all, he is the winning side.

"I'm going to arrest Fish." Gordon volunteered.

"No, Fish is not important. The mastermind behind this is probably the Court of Owls." Li Ming found an excuse to refuse. "And there have been a lot of weirdos in the city recently, so we won't cause trouble for the police station."

What he meant was that Gotham helped itself out.

Gordon nodded in agreement, and then sighed: "Damn, there have been a lot of weirdos and strange things in Gotham since Indian Hill."

"Even dead people, no one dies properly these days." Gordon's partner Bullock also complained, "Nowadays, the morgue is no place to put corpses, it's just like a hotel."

"Fortunately, there is the Gotham Gang, otherwise Gotham would never know what kind of chaos it would be." Bullock sighed happily as he said that he had always liked the Gotham Gang.

"Yes, as long as we are here, Gotham will not face much threat." Li Ming also nodded.

Then he said to Gordon and the others: "Don't worry too much about this. Go back and have a good rest."

Bullock patted Gordon on the shoulder: "That's right, especially you and Xiao Lai now... go home and rest as soon as possible."

Then a group of people went back to their homes, and Diana followed Li Ming to Wayne Manor as a matter of course.

Along the way, Bruce was curiously asking Diana about her and Li Ming. After all, he had never heard Li Ming talk about it before.

Diana also happily chatted with Bruce and Afu about Li Ming, and she understood Li Ming very well in her words.

But what makes Bruce strange is that Diana seems to have a misunderstanding of Li Ming. She said that Li Ming has a very bad character and is full of bad taste, which makes Li Ming suffer from black lines.

Diana knows me so well?
  he thought to himself.

Bruce felt that Li Ming was okay. Although he was such a gentle person, Diana must be biased.

But Ah Fu, who was driving, nodded vigorously, thinking that Diana knew this, so Li Ming's real girlfriend must have run away.

After returning to Wayne Manor, Diana went directly into Li Ming's room without asking for a separate room.

"Are you too proactive?" Li Ming teased.

But Diana said affectionately: "I have waited for you for so long, and I don't want to be separated from you at all."

She showed Li Ming the protective silver bracelet on her right hand.

"This is?"

There was a flower engraved on the bracelet, which looked familiar to Li Ming but he couldn't place it. Fortunately, he was still wearing glasses, and Friday quickly showed the name of the flower.


"Yes." Diana stroked the pattern on it and said to Li Ming with a smile, "It took me a long time to engrave it myself."

Li Ming believed that Diana's bracelet was made from fragments of Zeus's shield Aegis, and it would be difficult for Diana to carve something on it.

"You said that roses represent love and longing. So after you left, I planted a rose seed on Paradise Island every day. Seventy years later, Paradise Island is now full of roses."

Diana's eyes were filled with tears of joy: "Now I finally wait for you."

Li Ming's heart was deeply touched, and he truly felt Diana's love.

Not only did time not wear away Diana's longing, but it made her love for Li Ming go deep into her bones.

For Li Ming, Diana came suddenly, but for Diana, Li Ming came too late.

He opened his hands, Diana rushed forward with a smile, and Li Ming hugged her tightly.

Li Ming accepted his girlfriend who fell from the sky.

Of course, Li Ming had to say something after tonight.

Wonder Woman.

Very moist.

 Thank you book friends 20221028180716769
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    It was actually blocked.

  (End of this chapter)

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