The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 141 There is also a coup under the sea

Chapter 141 There is also a coup under the sea
  The Court didn't blindly launch a plan to destroy Gotham, they did have a plan.

Recently, the court gained support from a person.

Mad Hatter Jervis Tetch.

Teich came to Gotham to find his sister Alice, but Fish kept delaying the search for him. Techi couldn't wait any longer, so he secretly contacted the court.

Catherine of the Court of Owls has given up on asking where Tetch got the court contact information. In her eyes, the court is now like a sieve. This has never been the case in centuries.

But she was intrigued by the information that Tetch brought to the table, the blood of his sister Alice, which had the power to send those who came into contact into a frenzy.

People who come into contact with Alice's blood will become more and more extreme in their behavior, and at the same time stimulate their physical potential and strengthen their physical fitness. Finally, the whole person's personality will become extremely distorted and they will lose their reason.

Catherine asked Talon to find Alice, and after testing it with a few people, she found that it was indeed the case.

So the court decided to turn Alice's blood into poison gas, driving everyone in Gotham crazy.

Of course, this news was also told to Li Ming immediately by the rebels in the court and the leader of the court.

After such a long period of waiting and watching, the anti-bone rebels have realized that the era of the court has passed.

Although rebuilding Gotham can bring them great benefits, the existence of Li Ming prevents the court from taking the first step of destroying Gotham.

The rebels all felt that Li Ming must have other insiders besides them in the court, so in order to avoid displeasure on both sides, they decided to follow Li Ming into the dark side.

It's just that without Hugo in the court, the development of poison gas is progressing very slowly. Judging from Lei Xiao Aogu's feedback, it should take several months.

Although it is slow, Li Ming can accept it. When the poison gas is developed, he and Diana can go to see the baby version of Neptune.

During this period, the Gotham Group has been developing rapidly. The several new companies it opened previously are at the leading level of technology in their respective industries, and it only takes time to accumulate before becoming the industry leader.

In addition, Gotham Group also established a new company and entered a new industry-arms.

It can be said that the Stark Group started with arms. Li Ming has a lot of weapons manufacturing technology from Stark Industries. Now the Gotham Group is developing steadily and its influence is increasing day by day. With the endorsement of the Wayne Group, there is no reason not to be involved in this. Profits industry.

Li Ming originally thought that Diana would have objections to his establishment of an arms company, because Paradise Island is quite repulsive to humans, especially humans who like war.

But Diana didn't say anything against it. Her favorite thing to do in the past month or so was to stare blankly at Li Ming, as if she wanted to make up for all the debt she had owed over the past seventy years.

"Diana, tell me about Queen Atlanna. You say she is in trouble now?"

Li Ming's words suddenly woke up Diana. It wasn't until Li Ming sat over and patted her on the head that she fell into Li Ming's arms and answered, "Yes."

"My mother has known her for decades. Later, the queen was forced into a political marriage, and Queen Atlanna escaped from Atlantis..."

"Wait a minute Diana." Li Ming asked with a strange expression, "Who is the marriage partner?"

"A great nobleman from Atlantis," Diana answered.

Li Ming raised his eyebrows: "Atlanna is the queen of Atlantis, so why is she forced to enter into a political marriage with domestic nobles? Do you still need to escape?"

In "Aquaman", there are seven kingdoms under the sea in this world, which jointly rule the oceans. Atlantis is the most powerful country among them.

The queen of the most powerful country is forced into a political marriage?
  This is unreasonable, and the first explanation in Li Ming's mind is a coup.

Only kings who failed in political struggles would receive this treatment.

"The situation in Atlantis is much more complicated than that of Paradise Island. Some advocate expansion of power outwards, while others advocate peaceful coexistence with mankind." Diana is not a political novice. She has much more knowledge than Li Mingke. .

"I guess Queen Atlanna belongs to the Lord and the faction, right?"

"Yeah." Diana nodded.

"Then where is she now?" Li Ming asked. “Port Mercy, Maine.”

Diana said with emotion: "Queen Atlanna was rescued by the lighthouse keeper at the port, and then they fell in love and gave birth to a little boy named Arthur Curry."

Li Ming raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes where Diana couldn't see him.

"Queen Atlanna trusted my mother. She received news that Atlantis was about to find her. In order to protect Arthur and his son, she had no choice but to go back."

"Because I have been to the human world, Queen Atlanna asked me to protect Arthur and his son for a while after she left to prevent them from being killed."

"She said there is a way to make Atlantis give up pursuing Arthur and the others, but it will take time."

Li Ming knew that Atlanna's solution was to marry the current king of Atlantis and give birth to a prince.

He held Diana's face and asked curiously: "How old is Arthur?"

"Almost two years old."

"Wouldn't the blood of children born from Atlanteans and humans conflict?"

The Atlanteans lived under the sea and were born with many talents beyond ordinary people, but they also had some limitations.

Except for the nobles, many Atlanteans couldn't even breathe on land.

Queen Atlanna's bloodline is naturally aristocratic, but Arthur's father is just an ordinary human being. The combination of these two people has never happened before.

Diana sat up and murmured to herself: "Yes, different varieties of roses may produce more beautiful flowers when combined with each other, or they may produce worse flowers."

"Don't worry, Arthur is already two years old, there may be no problem." Li Ming patted her and comforted her.

"But what if there is a hidden danger in Arthur's body?" Diana was a little anxious. There are indeed many possibilities for such an unprecedented thing.

After all, Atlanna was a rare friend of her mother's in the outside world, and Diana was more interested in her.

"But is there any way to check whether there are any hidden dangers in Arthur's body?"

Diana was a little worried. There was no technology at all on Paradise Island.

Atlantis is fine, but the current king will definitely not examine the queen's illegitimate son unless the queen accepts that Arthur died accidentally due to an examination error.

She thought of asking her boyfriend for help: "Li, is there any way in the human world?"

"I have the most advanced genetic experiment base in the human world. Maybe I can check Arthur's physical condition." Li Ming thought for a while and said, but at the same time he was a little embarrassed, "But I'm not sure if it can be done."

“It never hurts to give it a try!”

Diana thought about going to do it, but Li Ming quickly stopped her: "Wait a minute, I'll make arrangements first."

"Okay." Diana also thought of her little apprentice, "I'll go tell Selena."

In front of Diana, Li Ming opened the portal to Indian Mountain, which made Diana feel warm and felt that Li Ming was so interested in it because of her.

Li Ming is so nice!

 I'm stuck today and have a headache, even though I have an outline.

  (_)come on

  (End of this chapter)

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