The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 144 The castration plan of the Wheel Chapter

Chapter 144 The Castration Plan of the Reincarnators

Three months have passed quickly, and the situation in Gotham is now polarized. Most of the areas controlled by Gotham's help are in order. As long as people pay their taxes, they don't have to worry about crises coming to their doorsteps. You can also seek help from the Gotham Gang or the city government.

But in the neighborhoods controlled by Fish and Jerome, it's the complete opposite, with chaos and violent crime everywhere.

However, this situation not only did not damage the prestige of Li Ming, the Gotham Gang, and the Penguin, but instead brought people in the troubled areas closer to them.

In particular, the Penguin publicly stated that the reason why the city government was unable to eradicate the Fish Gang and the Clown Gang was because of the support of the Gotham family behind them, which attracted a large number of families to come out and sever ties with Fish and Jerome.

Most of the remaining families who have not expressed their opinions are members of the court, pointing their fingers directly at the Court of Owls.

Compared to Fish, Jerome's reputation is even greater, because he has successively committed crimes against four old Gotham families, making his followers increasingly larger.

But every time Gordon went to arrest, there were members of the Clown Gang who came forward to take the blame, because Jerome only gave a target, and those who did it were all members, and no one from the Clown Gang would tell Jerome when they arrived at the police station. , so that he is safe and sound so far.

Now Jerome has an additional helper, Jonathan Crane, also known as Scarecrow, whose fear gas gives Jerome a great help.

Inspired, Jerome also asked Scarecrow to help him develop a kind of crazy laughter gas, which can distort the psychology of those who inhale it, and fall into madness as if they were releasing themselves.

On the positive side, Arthur Curry is too young, and the blood analyzed from his blood is very weak and cannot benefit Li Ming, but Li Ming is not in a hurry, since he can always get Arthur's blood anyway.

Bruce's road to fighting criminals was also going smoothly. After he went out several nights in a row and returned safely, Afu also relaxed his control on him.

Then on Bruce's birthday, Li Ming gave him a special gift - a bulletproof suit made of the black technology from the world of "John Wick".

After the Gotham Group established its military branch, the special bulletproof suits quickly opened up sales in the United States as the main product. Of course, the takeaway versions are all castrated versions. The results of many generations ago are still one or two stages higher than the current world. situation.

But what Li Ming gave Bruce was the best version, with a full-body combat uniform and a half-face mask.

When Bruce embarks on the path of Batman, this will be his first Bat suit.

With the combat uniform, Bruce is more at home. Of course, injuries will inevitably occur, but although Afu is distressed, he can't persuade Bruce, because Bruce has already felt the joy of fighting crime.

The happiest person about this is Leixiao Aogu, because his Dark Knight has already started, but Leixiao Aogu is always soft-hearted towards Bruce, letting him go at the last moment and even being injured because of it.

The next thing he has to do is to make Bruce the Dark Knight in his mind.

And Li Ming returned to his single life, because the competition on Paradise Island was about to begin. Although Diana was reluctant, she needed to go back according to tradition.

Before leaving, Diana revealed a key piece of information. She said that the next time they met, she would not recognize Li Ming, and hoped that Li Ming would also go to her.

This means that the next time Li Ming comes to this world, he will travel back to 1918.

Of course, Li Ming promised that he would definitely find Diana. If he initially accepted Diana because he was interested in her and was moved by Diana's sincerity in waiting, then after several months of getting along with her, he also really likes her. This understanding, gentle and considerate Wonder Woman.

Of course, Li Ming has not been idle these past few months. There are many things going on in the Gotham Group, especially at the beginning of the establishment of several new companies, and there are many things that require him to make decisions.

Correspondingly, because Li Ming kept showing up, the people of Gotham got to know him, the King of Gotham, and his reputation reached its peak.

Li Ming no longer pays attention to the main mission. With the Gotham Gang's current control over Gotham, the S-level evaluation will never be lost.

After the establishment of the Gotham Group, the resources Li Ming obtained also doubled.

He secretly built a steel suit production line to produce the castrated version of Mark 2. These will be his points when he returns to the reincarnation space!
  Not only the suit, Li Ming also has a production line for the steel suit wearing platform. After all, wearing the Mark 2 is more troublesome. When the two things are sold together, the sales volume will be even higher. Three sets have been produced so far, because the most troublesome part of making a steel suit is material conversion. Even the materials used for the castrated version are currently high-end.

In order to control costs, Li Ming always asked Wu Wu to create the materials from scratch. Although it was a bit slow, the advantage was that the cost was not high.

Another important component of the steel suit is the Ark reactor on the chest that supplies energy.

Li Ming directly upgraded the technology of the reactor that can sustainably generate energy on Friday and replaced it with a consumable reactor battery.

If you run out of energy after using it for a period of time, you have to buy a replacement battery, and it does not support other energy connections.

Of course, Li Ming still has some conscience. In addition to the original weapons, he also equipped the Mark 2 with a Gatling gun and artificial intelligence.

Well, Edith—the emasculated version.

There is a certain amount of computing power, but it is very limited.

As for whether the steel suit will be cracked, Li Ming is not worried at all. He plans to take the low-end reincarnation route.

High-end reincarnators look down on this thing, but when it comes to low-level reincarnators, such as the young man with a lighter he saw before, Mark 2 is definitely an artifact.

Moreover, Li Ming will not set the price too high. It will definitely be cheaper than reincarnations exchanging bloodlines and skills. The main focus is small profits but quick turnover.

Of course, considering that he has the [smuggling] privilege, it actually costs zero, so it should be called huge profits and quick sales.

Li Ming's goal is the low-level reincarnators in the reincarnation space. Most people can afford steel suits.

Because even if the lower-level reincarnations use all their points to strengthen themselves, their actual strength improvement will be very limited.

If encountering a confrontation mission, the reincarnators with steel suits will definitely crush the ordinary reincarnators. In order not to fall behind others, other reincarnators will definitely follow suit.

However, the steel suit is a foreign object. In fact, the reincarnators themselves will not be strengthened, and Li Ming will continue to launch enhanced versions of the suit to continue to harvest the points of the reincarnators.

Any smart people want to follow up? Are you just going to use the suit as a transition?
  Sorry, after most reincarnations use points to strengthen themselves, they still can't beat the new suits that Li Ming continues to launch.

Want to ditch the suit? Let's survive the other reincarnations with steel suits first.

In this case, the low-level reincarnators who bought the steel suit for cost-effectiveness will be trapped.

His emasculated steel suit?
  No, what Li Ming castrated was the low-level reincarnators in the reincarnation space!
  Anyway, the other camps are almost all enemies of Abyss, so Li Ming definitely doesn't need to be polite to them.

The low-level reincarnators cannot grow, and the high-end reincarnators cannot be replenished. The fewer powerful enemies Li Ming will face in the future, and other dimensions will become weaker and weaker.

Of course, this is based on the premise that Li Ming's production capacity is sufficient, but no matter how many people buy it, it will weaken the reincarnation.

Li Ming felt that just because of this, he would have to knock himself into the abyss.

 Thank you "arrogance" deep cold

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  (End of this chapter)

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