The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 147 Penguin’s Highlight Moment

Chapter 147 Penguin’s Highlight Moment

"Is there anyone helping Penguin? Where are the people from the Gotham Gang?" Gordon asked quickly.

Penguin is by far the best mayor in Gotham, and he doesn't want anything to happen to Penguin.

"Hi Gordon!"

At this time Jerome on the stage picked up the microphone and shouted loudly.

"Now you have two choices. One is to save your ex-girlfriend."

"I can see that even though we broke up, you still love her, and she also loves you." Jerome pursed his lips, "It's so awkward!"

Then he raised his voice again: "The other option is to save the Penguin Mayor!"

Jerome imitated the penguin walking twice on the stage, and then said with interest: "Members of the Clown Gang are everywhere, and it will definitely be too late for others to rescue them. But I have given orders, and only you can pass unimpeded." "

"I'm curious, Jim Gordon, the conscience of Gotham, which one would you choose between love and career hahahaha?"

After speaking, Jerome shook off the microphone and went over to hold his brother Jerome's face and smile brightly.

"Farewell, brother."

He made a double entendre, and everyone thought he meant that Jerome was going to die. Only Jerome knew that he meant that he was leaving Gotham.

But before leaving, Li Ming promised him to transform his brother Jerome into another him, which made Jerome very interested.

"Maybe we can never meet again, but I will always be here." Jerome leaned against Jerome's ear and said words that Jerome didn't quite understand.

"I will be in your ears and in your heart, and you will be me hahahahaha."

Jerome then walked away without looking back, and finally he turned back to Gordon and shouted, "Hi, Gordon."

"I'm going to set off fireworks on the roof of the cathedral, so hurry up and make your choice!"

"Attention, both sides are live broadcasting the whole process."

"Hey hahaha, hahahahaha."

Jerome's trademark laughter faded away, but Gordon's mood worsened.

"Church? Brock, do we still have anyone available?"

"No, there is turmoil everywhere in Gotham now. Even the Gotham Gang are out with all their strength, but those who are causing trouble are trying their best to hold people back. It can be solved but it takes time." Bullock replied.

"Damn it!"

Gordon is faced with a difficult decision: to save the mayor or Xiao Lai?
  "Jim, I'll take people to rescue Xiao Lai, and you go rescue the mayor!" Bullock suggested.

Gordon shook his head: "It's not that simple, Brock, and there is the church."

"The church side must be the most important, but if I go to the church, both Penguin and Xiao Lai will die."

"Jingle bell bell."

At this time, Gordon's bell rang. He picked it up and saw that it was the Penguin calling.

It must be a cry for help, Gordon thought.

"Don't worry, I'll be right away."

Gordon finally chose to save the Penguin. Even if there was a terrorist attack at the church, the situation could be stabilized as long as the mayor was still there.

As for Xiao Lai, I can only say I'm sorry.

"No need, my friend." Unexpectedly, the Penguin's voice on the phone was very relaxed and calm, "Don't forget where I came from, do what you should do."

Gordon breathed a huge sigh of relief. He almost forgot that the current mayor of Gotham was also used to seeing bloodshed.

In this case, Gordon planned to rescue Xiao Lai first, and then rush to the church. After all, there were not many members of the Clown Gang here after Jerome left.


Gordon found a lot of people wearing clown makeup in the audience. Although many people at the music festival wore strange costumes, so many people in the same costume was definitely not normal.

"Attention everyone, be careful of people wearing clown makeup!" Gordon shouted. Hearing his voice, the clown gang members who were lying in ambush stopped pretending and jumped out directly. Nearly half of the audience were Jerome's people!
  "Jim, don't worry about us. Go rescue Xiao Lai first. They won't stop you."

Bullock felt that something was wrong, and quickly asked Gordon to leave first. There were only a dozen police officers present, and there was no way to suppress so many members of the Clown Gang.

Moreover, the incident happened so suddenly that it would be difficult for them to wait for the Gotham Gang to come to their aid.

But Gordon was even more unwilling to abandon his comrades. Just when he was in a dilemma again, there was a noise outside, and another group of gangs came and fought with the clown gang.

Gordon saw it clearly, and he was surprised to find that it was Fish Mooney who personally brought people from the Fish Gang to support him.

"Oh, I'm saved." Brock smiled so hard that his old face wrinkled, and he hurried over.

"Hey, Fish, I knew you couldn't bear to watch me die."

Fish reached out and touched his face, then brushed him aside.

"I'm not here specifically to save you, I'm here to deal with Jerome."

That being said, Fish did relieve Gordon's urgent need, and Gordon even saw that even Barbara was inside.

"Hi, Jim," Barbara greeted with a smile.


Gordon nodded to Fish and Barbara, then drove directly towards the church.

On the other side, the Penguin was surrounded by the Joker Gang. Because the place where he was speaking was relatively far away and the support from the Gotham Gang was still on the way, he was surrounded by only Nygma, Gabe and a few younger brothers.

But the lecture venue was filled with thirty or forty people from the clown gang.

Penguin didn't panic at all. Although it was an emergency, he was very calm in the face of this situation.

"If you don't want anyone to save you, you will definitely die." The leading clown gang member laughed, "Then, as long as you kneel down in front of the camera, we won't kill you!"

There is also a Gotham-wide live broadcast here, and Gotham people hiding indoors can see the mayor's reaction.

"Kneel down, you can live if you kneel down."

In a restaurant, an audience member couldn't help but said that Gotham finally had a good mayor, and he didn't want to see the mayor die there.

"Kneel down."

"Kneel down, Mayor Penguin, this will not damage your honor."

"Please, kneel down, Gotham needs you."

The people at the speech site even shouted loudly. The temporary humiliation was nothing. They really didn't want to lose the mayor.

But the Penguin stood upright, not to mention kneeling, and didn't even have the slightest intention of bending down.

"The era of Gotham officials succumbing to power has passed. I am the mayor of Gotham. I manage Gotham on behalf of the Gotham Gang. I symbolize the backbone of Gotham people. I would rather die than kneel down!"

"Gotham will not be brought down by criminals!"

The Penguin's words were sonorous and powerful, and reached thousands of households through the live broadcast. The people were moved by the mayor's spirit of accepting death, and some even cried.

"Yes, anyone who provokes the Gotham gang and attempts to destabilize Gotham must be prepared to fail."

Behind Penguin, Nygma also stood up and shouted firmly.

The members of the Clown Gang became angry and said, "In that case, just go and die."

Penguin smiled slightly: "Your Excellency Li Ming just gave me an umbrella two days ago, saying it was for self-defense. I didn't expect it to come in handy today."

He was holding a black umbrella, and when he twisted the handle, the umbrella immediately changed its shape.

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  I'll trade the kitten for hehe!

  (End of this chapter)

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