The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 150 A surprise prepared for the camp confrontation

Chapter 150 A surprise prepared for the camp confrontation
  On the other side of the church, Gordon chased Jerome all the way to the rooftop.

"Jerome, stop!" Gordon pointed the gun at Jerome and shouted, "You have no way to escape."


Jerome stood on the edge of the rooftop and turned to face Gordon, took out a detonator and laughed: "Hey hahaha, I didn't run away. I don't know if you have heard of it. The higher you stand, the better the signal... "


Gordon was very anxious when he saw the detonator and decisively shot Jerome in the lower abdomen. Jerome's hand loosened and the detonator fell to the ground.

"Wow, that hurts a little."

At this time, Jerome stretched his neck and showed Gordon the wound made by Galavan's knife.

"It hurts a lot more than this, you know."

"How rude."

After saying that, he fell backwards. Gordon rushed to the edge of the rooftop and found Jerome grabbing an eaves and hanging on it.

"I suddenly thought of something." Jerome adjusted his body to prevent himself from falling.

"Remember the question I asked you, Jim Gordon?"

"If I surrender now, will you capture me or kill me?"

"Now is the time for you to decide hahahaha."

Jerome smiled wildly: "Of course I won't change my mind after being caught, and I will come out to kill more people, hahaha."

Gordon hesitated, realizing that Jerome was not telling lies.

But if it was Galavan's situation before, Gordon would not care about Jerome's life or death, but now the environment in Gotham has changed, and criminals can get the legal punishment they deserve.

He reached out to grab Jerome.

But Jerome ducked away.

"Good Gordon, always follow the rules." Jerome sighed, "That's why I live longer than you and are more popular than you because I don't follow the rules hahahaha."

"It's a long way down. Are you sure you can survive longer than me?"

Gordon still tried his best to catch Jerome. The church rooftop was twenty or thirty meters above the ground. Jerome would definitely not survive if he continued like this.

"I'm sure." Jerome was very sure.

"Because I am not a person, I am an idea, an idea, and I will continue to live in the shadows and in the discontent of Gotham."

"One bad day can drive anyone crazy hahaha."

He laughed maniacally and gave Gordon one last look.

"You'll see me again soon."

After saying that, he let go of his hand and let his body fall freely. Then he opened his clothes, revealing a ring of bombs he was carrying, and Gordon hurried to avoid them.


After a loud bang, Gordon looked under the rooftop again, and Jerome had disappeared, leaving only some residue.

But for some reason, Gordon felt that Jerome was telling the truth and that they would meet again.

At this time, a portal opened at the Indian Mountain base, and Jerome fell out of it.

"Ugh, that's amazing."

Hugo, who was ready next to him, saw that he was injured and hurried over to prepare for treatment. Jerome patted Hugo and showed off to him.

"Hey, have you ever experienced it? The feeling of falling from thirty meters is the same as that of falling thirty centimeters."

Like Lei Xiao Aogu's corpse, his bomb was also a deception. Before the explosion, Li Ming used a portal to replace him and a corpse.

Originally, Li Ming wanted Jerome to play more, but the Clown Gang expanded much faster than expected, so he simply arranged for Jerome to exit with the Court of Owls.

The performance ended with riots all over the city, which was considered a decent exit.

The current leader of the Court of Owls, Catherine, and the leader behind the scenes, Leixiao Ogu, died at the same time. The remaining members in hiding were also exposed by internal rebels and were all captured by the Gotham Police Department.

The Court of Owls, which had ruled Gotham for centuries, appeared in the public eye for the first time and announced their destruction.

Of course, the official news only stated that the Tribunal was an organization composed of some families in Gotham, intending to collaborate with the Joker Gang to release poison gas to launch a terrorist attack. Fortunately, it was defeated by the joint efforts of the municipal government, Gotham gangs and Gotham people.

Bruce's role was obscured because he didn't want to be on stage so early.

The role of the people of Gotham has been magnified, because Li Ming knows that allowing the masses to participate in such heroic events can greatly increase the recognition of the Gotham Gang among the people.

After all, all four of the great men in life have carried a gun together.

As for other Gotham families, they also rushed over to hug the Gotham gang. The people didn't know how powerful the Court of Owls was. How could they not know?

Although no one knows the details of the court, there is an underground ruler in Gotham who is recognized by the top brass.

Now that the old rulers have been torn to pieces and the families of the exhumed court members have been liquidated, it is obvious who the new rulers will be.

Li Ming also became busy during this time. He gave speeches all over Gotham, promoting the Gotham Code of maintaining Gotham's stability under the leadership of the Gotham Gang, and received a wide and extremely warm welcome.

This is not only reflected in the reputation, but also in practice.

Now that the products of the Gotham Group have been sold out among the people of Gotham, it is only the Wayne Group that can share the world equally with the Gotham Group due to its deep foundation.

Now Gotham Group and Wayne Group can provide one-stop services for everything from birth to death for the people of Gotham.

Li Ming didn't pay attention to how much money he had. He didn't care about money. He only knew that a Mark 47 steel suit had been made for him on Friday, which was better than the expected Mark 46.

It's the suit Tony wore in "Spider-Man: Homecoming". It uses certain nanotechnology. Although it is not as advanced as in "Avengers 3", it can also go to space and go to the bottom of the sea. It can be called Tony's before "Avengers 3". The pinnacle of steel suit technology.

The color scheme chosen by Li Ming is still dark black.

It's not that Li Ming doesn't want something more advanced. Li Ming asked Friday to estimate the time. Tony's suit in "Avengers 3" is too advanced and requires too many resources. It can't be completed in the remaining time he has to stay, so he I chose to make Mark 47 first and take it out.

In this case, there would be time left, and Li Mingrang produced several production lines of Mark 3 steel suits on Friday.

This is the armor Tony wore in "Iron Man". In the general mission world, Mark 3 is already very advanced. Li Ming also installed a remote control module on them so that Friday can be easily controlled.

The next world is a camp confrontation mission. Li Ming doesn't know how strong his opponent is, and he doesn't know if he has any teammates, let alone whether his teammates are reliable. He can only try his best to challenge the opponent alone. preparation.

As long as he has time in the mission world, he can ignore the impact on the world. With the suit production line, he can quickly build Mark 3 suits in batches, and use the Iron Legion to make up for his lack of numbers.

Don't make a fight with Batman, but don't make a fight with Li Ming either.

He is really good at killing mosquitoes with cannons.

If the firepower is in place, anyone who comes will be defeated.

 Thank you Tianyiweimao

  pluto two big monthly tickets! ! !
    Thank you for the big reward, You Hua Hua half-covering your face! ! !

  Guys, please try not to keep books! Wow!

  (End of this chapter)

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