The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 162 This is a supernatural world, right?

Chapter 162 This is a supernatural world, right?

This trick was realized by Li Ming after he initially mastered [Source Power Application Level 2].

This is a source power release technique. The sword energy is only an external manifestation. In fact, it can be done with a staff or fingers.

Li Ming integrates his spirit into the source power, which can greatly increase the energy intensity.

Of course, the price is that it will consume a lot of Li Ming's source and mental power, and Li Ming has just mastered it and cannot control it freely.

Being able to kill Jalen Li Ming with one blow also caught them by surprise, trapping them in the mirror space first and giving them the home court advantage.

But calculation is also part of strength.

Li Ming also realized the benefits of Yuanli, which allowed him to freely create moves.

Of course, we need to accumulate more knowledge, such as Kama Taj. Only by standing on the shoulders of giants can we climb higher.

Li Ming waved his hand to remove the crumbling mirror space. The skill of mirror space is very powerful, but the upper limit of the opened space depends on Li Ming.

Then he inspected his trophies.

Needless to say, the high-level life potion, the small life potion he obtained last time has not been used yet.

Ebony and white ivory?
  These are two pistols based on the M1911, one black and one white. They are very cool in appearance, and their power is much greater than ordinary pistols.


Quality: Excellent
  Type: Weapon

Owner: Li Ming
  Effect: Shooting accuracy increased by 30%. Bullet power increased by 50%. It can fire energy bullets and charge up attacks.

Can be advanced

【White Ivory】

Quality: Excellent
  Type: Weapon

Owner: Li Ming
  Effect: Increases shooting speed by 30%. Bullet power increased by 50%. Can fire energy bullets and charge up attacks.

Can be advanced

Li Ming is very familiar with these two guns. Dante, the protagonist of the "Devil May Cry" series of games, has a conventional weapon that can hold physical bullets or fire energy bullets, which is a perfect match for Li Ming.

Li Ming picked up two guns, black and white, and tried them. They felt great, but if they fired ordinary bullets, they only had a capacity of 7 rounds.

But this is not a problem for Li Ming. He can use his power to modify the magazines of two guns, so that the inside of the magazines and the ammunition depot can have unlimited physical bullets.

So there is no need for him to worry about whether Ebony and White Ivory have unlimited bullets. It doesn't matter if the old card has settings, as long as Li Ming has spells.

Then he looked at the last trophy.

【Guardian Necklace】

Quality: Excellent

Type: necklace

Owner: Li Ming
  Effect: Spirit +5, Physique +9.

Can be advanced

Not bad, much better than the yellowing necklace Li Ming is wearing now, so Li Ming put it on directly, changing his attributes to——

【Strength: 4998】

[Physique: 125 (116+9)]

[Agility: 439]

[Spirit: 72 (67+5)]

He had to find a way to improve his spirit after this mission, after all, it was related to his energy level.

It was already dawn at this time, and Li Ming was not sleepy. He rushed directly to the workplace of Daniela Ramos, the mission target found on Friday.

He didn't know if the other camps had found the real Dani, but Li Ming knew that both Dani and his brother Diego were working in the factory. By the time Li Ming rushed over, it was already working time, and there was a high probability that no one was at home.

There is a small chance that you will encounter a terminator.

But when Li Ming arrived at the factory, he found that the place was in chaos, with overturned vehicles, damaged walls, and police everywhere.

He casually pulled over a worker, and with Black Sandalwood's persuasion, the worker told him everything that had happened.

Not long ago, there was a gun battle inside the factory. Suspected drug traffickers were chasing the workers in the factory. Then the workers grabbed a pickup truck and fled. The pursuers were even more outrageous and chased them out with a heavy truck.

Li Ming asked carefully how many people there were, and the worker replied that there were six or seven people who escaped.

It looks like the people in Heaven have found Dany.

"Friday, check the city traffic conditions. Where are the riots?"         "Sorry sir, the current city monitoring is not available, and satellites cannot track it." Feedback was quickly given on Friday.

Li Ming was not too surprised. If he could think of using the Internet, other reincarnators would definitely have countermeasures.

However, city monitoring is not available?

Li Ming found a corner, took out his Mark 45 and put it on, and then searched along the traces of collisions on the road.

The flight speed of the Mark 45 was above Mach 5, and soon Li Ming saw three cars speeding on the road from a distance.

Two cars were running in front, and one car was chasing behind.

Li Ming could see clearly that there was a man dressed as a priest sitting in the car behind him, pointing a gun at the front while driving.

Violent priest, this is it.

Li Ming realized that this priest was transformed from the Terminator, but it was different from the plot.

However, what Li Ming didn't expect was that apart from Danni's brother and sister, and the enhanced Grace who came to protect Danni in the original plot, the other three people sitting in the car in front should all be reincarnators. , how could he be chased by the Terminator behind him?
  In fact, the reincarnations in the car in front are also having a heated discussion on this issue.

"Why are we running?" a team member complained on the team channel, "There are obviously so many of us."

"Look at the mission." A calm voice came from the voice.

[Confrontation mission: Kill reincarnations from other camps. The current number of people is 6, and the number of kills is 0. The mission evaluation is based on the number of enemies killed. 】

"What? The other side lost three people?" The team members were shocked, "Why didn't we notice any movement?"

"I'm not sure if it's the opposite side, or it might be the abyss, but four reincarnators died in less than 12 hours. There's something weird in this world."

"Mechanic, how long do you have to prepare?" the team member asked quickly.

"It will take at least another day. Just hold on, don't fight if you can, and wait for me to come back."

"A supernatural world, this must be a supernatural world!" At this time, Kimura, who had previously been wearing a Death Domination costume in the team, shouted loudly.

"I didn't find any energy response in this world." The wizard in the team quickly retorted.

"But everyone saw with their own eyes, Father, that he was dead, and the thing that killed him was disguised as him!"

"In the ordinary world, people die strangely, which is consistent with the characteristics of the supernatural world."

Kimura still sticks to his point of view.

"The supernatural world does not necessarily require energy reactions."

"But the supernatural world without energy response is the scariest thing." The wizard shook his head. He didn't want to experience that kind of world.

"It's a pity that I haven't been able to talk to the mission target yet. They must have clues."

If Li Ming heard their discussion, he would definitely tell the people in heaven that this is actually an ethical world.

The protagonist raised his father and then sent his father to the past to give birth to him.


There were too many cars on the road. Dani's car in front lost its balance and hit the guardrail. The car carrying the reincarnators also rolled over, causing a series of car accidents. It accidentally hit the large car chasing behind it. Forced to stop.

"Nick, go see the mission target."

Kimura quickly climbed out, shouted, pulled out his Zanpakutō and stood on the path that the priest must pass.

It's just that Kimura's sword is still in a shallow strike state, and the initial release has not been activated.

The wizard was also on guard.

Looking at the appearance of his former teammates, Kimura murmured to himself: "It would be easier if you were a supernatural being!"

Kimura's body exuded the spiritual pressure of death, and he pressed heavily on the approaching priest.

Reiatsu acts directly on the soul, which is a very good way to deal with supernatural enemies.

But the priest only tilted his head, as if wondering what the human being in front of him was doing standing still.

"Kimura be careful, he is a robot!"

At this time, the teammate who ran over to contact the mission target sent a reminder. As soon as he heard it, the wizard behind Kimura took action, and a huge fireball hit the priest.

But this only made it take two steps back, but everyone could clearly see that a jet of black liquid burst out from the place where the fireball hit, as if hitting a quagmire, and it returned to its priest appearance in two or three seconds.

The wizard looked back at his teammates in confusion.


Is your robot made of water?
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  (End of this chapter)

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