The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 181 The plot developed for years before we saw the NPC

Chapter 181 It took ten years for the plot to develop before we saw the NPC (fourth update)

The biochemical army composed of zombies, lickers, tyrants and other types of biochemical weapons is more destructive to living things than the three major legions.

After all, steel armor, terminators, and robots can only use physical means to knock out enemies, but the biochemical army directly targets the living things themselves. The virus spreads from ten to ten, directly threatening civilization itself.

If she doesn't pursue control, the Red Queen can still come up with a virus more powerful than the T-Virus, and the research on the virus is the same as the research on integrating the Iron Suit with Terminator technology. Because of Li Ming's materials from different worlds, and be strengthened.

For example, add blood orchids to zombies?

Or, like Hugo, inject different genes to create super-powered zombies?

Thinking of Hugo, Hugo must be very interested in umbrellas.

So Li Ming asked the Red Queen to create many contact lenses that could transmit memories. At that time, he could bring Hugo's complete memories and inject them into a clone, allowing Hugo to copy and paste across time and space.

But now that he has four legions, a cargo ship with a load capacity of 5000 tons may be a bit small. Li Ming is planning to build a giant ship and has already started construction on Sunday.

It's amazing that Li Ming has only spent a day in this mission world, but he is already planning what to do with the loot.

Main Sunday is too powerful in the world with a modern background, and the Umbrella Company relies heavily on the Red Queen...

"Sir, Alice has been captured by Dr. Isaac of Umbrella." A reminder came on Sunday.

Now the Red Queen is only responsible for the content of biotechnology, and the work of overall overview is still left to Sunday.

"Don't let Wesker know something is wrong."

Li Ming ordered, although he didn't know which generation of cloned Wesker this was.

Then he put on the Mark 45 and flew towards Alice at high speed.

At this time, Alice had just woken up from a coma.

She got news from the Red Queen that her friend Claire was in Raccoon City and had formed a survivor camp with a group of humans. The zombie army was heading towards them, and the camp would be breached in twenty hours.

So she hurried to warn Claire and others, but she was ambushed by the Umbrella Company on the way.

After waking up, Alice found herself in an armored vehicle with a dozen survivors inside. The person in charge of the vehicle was someone she didn't expect - Dr. Isaac!

The originator of the T-Virus crisis.

Of course, Alice doesn't know it yet. She only knows that she killed Isaac a few years ago.


Alice only thought that the person she killed was Isaac's clone, but in fact, the person in front of her was still a clone, and the real body was still in the hive's dormant chamber.

Isaac throws Alice outside and leads her on a rope, letting her run with the armored car, luring a horde of zombies.

But Alice is a god of war who can fight unparalleled in the face of zombies and umbrella armies. She quickly found an opportunity to fight back and struggled with Isaac on the roof of an armored car.

Just when the two were in a stalemate, suddenly——




A dark black robot that they had never seen before, full of science fiction and mechanical feel, suddenly flew over the armored vehicle and threw a few bombs to stop the armored vehicle on the road.

Both Alice and Isaac staggered. Alice had much better body control and stabilized her body faster to grab Isaac's knife.


But at this time, the robot in the sky also landed on the roof of the armored vehicle. Alice looked at the steel shell opposite, then at the knife in her hand, and frowned.

But unexpectedly, the robot suddenly opened from the middle, and a young man walked out. Only then did the two of them realize that the robot turned out to be an armor!
  "Sunday, get rid of the zombies."

This person was naturally Li Ming. After receiving his instructions, Sunday took control of the Mark 45 and took off again. He fired lasers from both hands and directly skewered several zombies into candied haws. Then he scanned them several times in a row. Suddenly, a large number of zombies around him were headshot. There is a database of the Red Queen on Sunday, and of course we know what the zombies’ weaknesses are.

"who are you?"

Isaac was very nervous. He was now at the top of the umbrella. The details of this world were clear to him, but he had never seen this kind of armor.

"Li Ming, just call me Li."

At this time, the umbrella soldiers in the armored vehicle also rushed out, and Isaac, the man behind him, also gained confidence.

"You shouldn't have taken off that armor." Isaac sighed, but his tone was gloating.

After speaking, he waved his hand, and the soldiers behind him rushed forward.

Alice quickly looked back and saw that the Mark 45 was still flying unparalleled over the zombies.

"Are you sure you don't want the armor to come back first?"

"Need not."

Li Ming replied, and then he punched an umbrella soldier out about twenty meters, and fell to the ground without any movement on the spot.

This was the result of him using his source power to disperse the force evenly. Otherwise, Li Ming's power would either punch through a hole or break into pieces if he hit the person.

The soldiers suddenly paused, and Isaac was also stunned by this scene.

But Isaac, the humanoid tyrant, had seen it before. The most typical one was Alice next to Li Ming, so he quickly reacted and gave the order.

"Shoot, shoot!"

However, Li Ming did not give them a chance to shoot. With a wave of his hand, the soldiers' guns burst into flames, sweeping across their bodies in an instant.

After getting rid of the miscellaneous soldiers, Li Ming caught up with Isaac who wanted to escape in two steps, took out a freezing bomb and turned him into an ice sculpture.

Isaac is still useful if he keeps it. Although this is a clone, all Li Ming wants is his research ability. Just find a way to force him to upload his memories.

At the same time, Mark 45 also flew back after finishing all the zombies.

"Who are you?" Alice also asked. It has been so long since the end of the world, and she has never seen anyone as powerful as Li Ming.

"I'm not from this world, but I'm here to save you."

The world is already in hand, and Li Ming's answer was very direct.


Alice asked again.

"Yes, you." Li Ming nodded, "Human beings."

"I can rescue the surviving humans and build shelters with no infection and plenty of food."

"What do you want?" Alice, who has been training in the apocalyptic world for ten years, will no longer be easily fooled by such words.

"The resources of this world are used to build a robot factory for me."

"After rescuing humans, I can freely deal with the Umbrella Company." Li Ming pointed at the Mark 45, "As you can see, machines are not afraid of the T virus."

Li Ming's words nakedly stated that saving mankind was for profit, but Alice was more willing to believe this than for justice.

Although Li Ming's origin is very bizarre, the world is like this, what else can't be accepted?

 Thank you Liang Xiaoguo
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    ヾ(@゜▽゜@)ノThank you

  (End of this chapter)

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