Chapter 186 Legion

Although Li Ming instilled the knowledge of fighting and cold weapons, he had not practiced it, so the skill level of fighting and sword proficiency stayed at Lv. 9.

But when Li Ming takes some time to completely make the knowledge his own, his skill level in fighting can reach Lv.10.

Then he went to pay attention to the progress of the steel factory.

The Iron Legion currently has 20 sets of Mark 7 armor, because it has been restoring the industrial system and manufacturing Mark 2 in the early stage, which was delayed.

However, this speed is already very fast. After all, after the production of Mark 2 was stopped, most of the resources were invested in the manufacture of another piece of steel armor-Mark 50!

On Sunday, he expected that with all his efforts and limited supply of resources, he could complete the project in time for his next mission.

This suit is the armor that Tony shined in "Avengers 3". He singled out Thanos and even took his first blood. Although he was completely dismantled by Thanos in the end, he was still a four-diamond Thanos. Although he lost, You are proud.

The Mark 50 completely adopts nanotechnology and can even connect minds to a certain extent. It can transform energy hand cannons, shields, various cold weapons, auxiliary devices, etc. according to combat needs, and can even temporarily design equipment and make it on site.

If it flies at a faster speed, its legs can transform into thrusters, which can fly 8000 meters in one second, reaching an astonishing Mach 23.5, and fly directly into space.

In order to make this Mark 50, Li Ming used up all the nanomaterials he brought from the Marvel world.

It's not that the Resident Evil world cannot synthesize nanomaterials, but it's that it can't be as good as Tony because it lacks a very important raw material - vibranium!
  Mark 50 is mixed with vibranium, but vibranium is a material unique to Marvel, so Li Ming is eager to go to the Marvel world for this reason. He wants to find an opportunity to go to Wakanda to get some vibranium.

As for the success rate, based on the performance of Wakanda in the movie, Li Ming thinks the success rate is very high.

The combination of steel suit technology and terminator technology has also achieved preliminary results.

The main achievement is the upgrade of nanomaterials. On Sunday, liquid nanometal was successfully developed and applied to steel suits and terminators.

For example, if the suit of Li Ming's Mark 50 is damaged, unless the liquid nanometal is directly destroyed, it will be converted into liquid and returned to the suit, which greatly improves the endurance of the steel suit.

The Terminator technology combines the characteristics of the steel suit to build different weapons. Based on the T-1000, an enhanced model T-1100 was created.

T-1100's hands can no longer only be transformed into cold weapons, but can now be transformed into energy cannons. Thermal weapons such as laser launchers greatly increase the firepower.

The T-1100 is not like the T-X in "Terminator 3". Although the T-X can also transform into thermal weapons, its body is made of an alloy skeleton. The T-1100 is entirely composed of liquid nanometals, and its penetration ability is stronger than that of the T-X, and its combat effectiveness It's not weak either, just like an agent who sneaked behind enemy lines and suddenly pulled out a missile launcher.

If Li Ming can add more vibranium into the liquid nanometal, the capabilities of the suit and terminator can be greatly enhanced.

The number of Terminators is not large. The T-1000 cannot be mass-produced due to material problems, so the Terminator Legion is mainly based on the T-800 model, and the appearance model is 101, which is Schwarzenegger's classic model.

The number of robot legions is relatively large, because Li Ming is positioned as daily tools and combat consumables. When there is no fighting, he performs production tasks, and when there is fighting, he is used as cannon fodder.

Generally speaking, Li Ming will only dispatch the three major legions of steel, terminators, and robots. The biochemical legion is not a world that he has given up on because of its inherent viral contagion, and he does not plan to use the biochemical legion.

Then Li Ming added a new production line for the castrated version of Mark 3.

However, he felt that it was not nice to always call it the castrated version, so he changed its name to the Mark 3 commercial version.

The commercial version of Mark 3 has reduced materials as usual. After all, the resource cost mainly lies in materials.

However, the weapon system has not been castrated, and the artificial intelligence equipped has also been slightly optimized.

Li Ming is indeed a conscientious businessman.

But the reactor battery is still the previous generation. If you feel that the battery life is short, you can buy a better reactor battery.

For this reason, Li Ming specially built a reactor battery factory and produced three types of batteries, priced at 100 points, 200 points and 300 points respectively.

Among them, the AA battery can even reach the level of the original second-generation reactor, all of which can be purchased by reincarnators on demand.

The steel suit is the main body, but the protection platform and battery are also secondary commodities. No matter how small the mosquitoes are, they are still meat. Moreover, if the number is large, the income will be considerable. Li Ming has also been to the reincarnation space several times and found that people often wear Mark 2 battle suits when they return, and they are all smiling.

The main mission of low-level reincarnators is not too difficult. Mark 2 is very applicable in the ordinary world and can perform well even in camp confrontations. After all, the opponents of low-level reincarnators are also of similar level.

Not everyone is an unlucky guy like Li Ming. The opponent he encounters in his first camp confrontation can overturn the world.

These reincarnations who were the first to buy the Mark 2 reaped huge dividends. Many low-level reincarnations changed their lives because of the Mark 2, which is why the sales of the Mark 2 were so good.

Li Ming was naturally very welcoming. If the transaction interface did not support it, he would have wanted to conduct promotional activities to give back to consumers.

Of course, this also reminds Li Ming that in future camp confrontations, the reincarnators who know that he has the steel suit must be killed, and try not to let people know that he is selling this thing, otherwise it will attract trouble.

Next, Li Ming has been familiar with the principles of the upgrade. One month before the next mission, the giant ship that Li Ming ordered to be built on Sunday was finally built.

This ship is 360 meters long, 70 meters wide and 75 meters high. It can carry a weight of about 23 tons!
  The displacement is twice that of a Ford-class aircraft carrier!
  There are runways, signal transmitters, robotic arms and other facilities on the cruise ship deck.

In addition to the cargo bay, there are also laboratories, steel suit factories, robot production lines, clone production lines, military factories and many other facilities inside. In a few words, all the technology that Li Ming has now is covered.

Li Ming also installed projection equipment on the surface of the cruise ship to make it look like an ordinary large cruise ship to the outside world.

Li Ming named this giant ship Legion because it carried four of his legions.

He only needs to find a suitable place to put it in the mission world, and the Legion will continue to blast troops and supplies to Li Ming.

Near the start of the mission, the Mark 50 was finally made. Li Ming tried it on and found that compared with the Mark 47, the performance was greatly improved.

Now he has 228 million points, which is not enough to exchange for the next level of source power, so Li Ming keeps it for now.

He first drove the Legion through the portal to return to the reincarnation space, so that the Legion could be retracted into his personal space.

Then Li Ming adjusted his condition and waited for the stay time to end.

[Searching for the mission world...]

[Ding, those blessed by the abyss can choose to enter the exclusive world or the random world. 】

[Please choose: 1. World number 119, 2. World number 19999923. 】

"Eh? Are there no more missions in the Resident Evil world?"

Li Ming estimated that this was the reason why he achieved the achievement of controlling the world.

"Enter world number 19999923."

[The portal has been opened, and the countdown has started for 1 minute. 】

[Advice from the abyss——]

【Live. 】

 Thank you Xu Haiwuzhou

  oOtaku God oTwo big monthly votes support! !

  The double monthly pass is about to end, please give me a monthly pass hahaha!

  (End of this chapter)

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