Chapter 188 Scarlet Witch
  The four of them found a restaurant, because America was really hungry. While eating at the table, she introduced her origins.

She had already met a Doctor Strange, and the two had a good relationship, but suddenly a magical creature came to capture her and wanted to steal her abilities. Doctor Strange also died to protect her.

But at the last minute, Doctor Strange even tried to steal her powers to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

Li Ming nodded, it was something Strange could do.

He pretended to listen carefully, but in his heart he was paying attention to the analysis panel.

According to estimates, it would take 24 hours to complete America's bloodline analysis. Compared with when she first obtained the [Analysis], the speed was already many times faster, but Li Ming found that time was still a little tight.

Because according to the plot, Kama Taj will be attacked by the Scarlet Witch in less than 12 hours.

He had to hurry up and go to Karma Taj to see how to control the ability to travel.

"Prove it to me," Strange said.

So America took the three of them to the roof of a building and lifted a tarp.

There was actually the body of Doctor Strange lying inside the tarp.

"It seems that dreams are a window into our multiverse selves."

Strange quickly concluded based on his own experience.

"Then I once dreamed of being chased by a naked clown?" Wang frowned and realized that things were not that simple.

Strange realizes that America is now in danger, and if her powers are taken away by others, even the entire multiverse will be at risk.

For her safety, Strange and Wang urged America to take refuge in Kama Taj, and at the same time they discovered that the octopus monster had the mark of witchcraft.

The person who has studied witchcraft the most in this world is the Scarlet Witch.

"I'm going to find Wanda for help," Strange said.

But Wang was a little worried: "The Wanda now is not the Wanda you knew before. Don't forget what happened in Westview Town not long ago."

"Westview Town didn't cause too many casualties, right?" Strange still chose to trust his teammates who had fought side by side.

"I'll go with you." At this time, Li Ming stood up.

Facing Strange's puzzled gaze, he shrugged: "With your eloquence, I'm afraid you'll find an enemy for Kama Taj."

Wang nodded in agreement.

What made Strange unconvinced was that America actually nodded.

So Wang took America back to Kama Taj, while Strange and Li Ming went to find Wanda.

"So, where does that portal lead to?"

Doctor Strange still remembers taking Li Ming out of the abyss portal of this universe.

"Another universe, a universe that has suffered an apocalypse." Li Ming answered.

"Doomsday?" Strange was very sensitive to this word.

"Yes, humans in that world have been devastated by robots and biochemical viruses for a long time. It took me nearly four years to solve the crisis and establish a survivor base."

"Four years?" Strange asked. "We've only been through six months."

"Different universes have different flow rates of time."

Strange said with emotion: "As expected of you, no matter which universe you go to, you will always be a superhero."

Li Ming shook his head: "It's just a matter of conscience. In fact, many of the things I do are not superheroes."

"It's not a big problem." Doctor Strange is a man with broad morals.

"And it looks like your magic has improved a lot."

"Not only magic, I also gained other things."

While chatting, the two came to Wanda's secluded place through the portal.

The scenery here is very beautiful, with green grass and patches of apple trees blooming with white flowers, making it look full of life.

However, Li Ming knew that these were all illusions created by the Scarlet Witch using chaos magic. Unfortunately, he used all his power to sense and couldn't find the flaw.

This made him feel shocked. It seemed that there was still a big gap between the source power level of Level 3 and the Scarlet Witch. Strange introduced Li Ming to Wanda. After learning that he was also a superhero, Wanda also adopted a kind attitude.

Strange then talked about America, saying that the danger America faced was related to the entire multiverse, and wanted Wanda to help out with Karma Taj.

Moreover, Strange's emotional intelligence has made a rare breakthrough. He, who has always been conceited, actually called Wanda the most powerful magician in the world, although this is also a fact.

"What if you bring America here?" Wanda suddenly suggested, "I know what it feels like to be alone and helpless, and to be hunted because of your ability. I can protect her."

But at this time both Strange and Li Ming stopped.

Wanda, who was walking in front, also stopped and realized that she had let slip.

"You haven't said her name yet, have you?"


Strange shook his head and sighed, he felt that things were getting more difficult.

"Lying is more difficult than magic."

Wanda raised her hand and removed her disguise, only to see that the vibrant apple forest just now turned into dead tree trunks, and even the sky was shrouded in red.

"Book of Darkness?" Strange recognized the magic book floating next to Wanda at a glance.

"Are you familiar with the Dark Book?" Wanda asked.

"All I know is that this is a book of death that can make those who come into contact with it become corrupted and lost."

Strange begins to gauge how he can defeat Wanda, and then he realizes pessimistically.

Can't seem to beat it.

Strange tried hard to persuade Wanda to change her ways, but Wanda, who had lost everything because of her path to justice, was no longer the person he knew.

"Bring America before sunset, otherwise Kamal Taj will bleed into a river." Wanda gave an ultimatum.

"Well... maybe our atmosphere can be less tense."

At this time, Li Ming suddenly spoke and expressed his proposal.

"Wanda wants to see her child. I have a way."

Wanda and Strange looked over at the same time.

"I obtained human cloning technology in another universe and can create a person from scratch without any hidden dangers."

"We can use cloning to create Wanda's two children, and then Wanda uses magic to instill the children's memories, and everyone will be happy."

Strange was overjoyed. If cloning technology was as good as Li Ming said, this would indeed be suitable.

Wanda also had some emotions. In fact, she had done the same thing. In Westview Town, she successfully integrated Vision's memory into her new body and created White Vision, but White Vision also had other consciousnesses. Then he flew away and disappeared.

"You can even add some blood, use your genes to create a body, and make the two children your true bloodline."

Li Ming's further temptation finally convinced Wanda.

But just when she wanted to agree, the voices of children from another universe suddenly came to her ears: "Mom, don't you want us anymore?"

Wanda's mentality collapsed again: "No, no, mom is here. Mom will come to you soon."

Seeing her like this, Strange immediately knew that the Dark Book was affecting her, and quickly said: "Wanda, stay calm, what you heard is not true."

After a while, Wanda did calm down, but it was not Wanda who returned, but the Scarlet Witch.

She raised her hand and released two magic shock waves. Strange and Li Ming quickly used magic shields to block them, but they were pushed back a certain distance.

Li Ming retreated less than Qi Qi.

"You still have five hours."

The Scarlet Witch left a few words and then slowly flew away.

 Thanks to Yuhua Dengxian 233 for your monthly ticket support! ! !

  (End of this chapter)

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