Chapter 197 Stingy Sithorn
  Strange delayed for a long time before saying goodbye to Christine from Universe 838 with difficulty.

Then when he returned to Karma Taj, he saw another Christine.

"What? Girlfriend!"

After learning the identity of Christine from Li Ming, Strange held his head absurdly.

No matter how powerful Supreme Strange was, he had never envied him, but Supreme Strange was actually with Christine, which he couldn't accept at all.

Are Doctor Strange and Christine destined to be together?
  He thought of the dark and strange things he had encountered. The dark and strange dreams traveled through countless universes, and even caused his own world to collapse, but he could not find a world where he and Christine were together.

But suddenly Li Ming said that Supreme Strange was with Kristen!

Envy, jealousy, sourness.

Various emotions filled Strange's mind until Li Ming told him the price of Supreme Strange and Christine being together.

"The entire universe?"

Strange's sanity gradually returns. If the price is so heavy, then forget it.

"I'm trying to figure out how to save all this. The biggest hope lies with Li, so maybe we have to stay in Kama Taj for a while." Supreme Strange said calmly.

They should be Doctor Strange and Christine, the only couple in the multiverse to be together alive.

"Lee, how come you have America's abilities?" Strange asked curiously.

"Honestly, I don't know. It should be the reason for the portal. I haven't figured out the specific reason yet."

Li Ming shook his head, he didn't know anything.

Strange and the others have seen a lot of weird things, so they are not too surprised by Li Ming's copying ability.

"I'm thinking of a way to combine the ability to travel through time and space, so that I can travel to before the timeline is changed and change the experience of that universe."

Li Ming revealed his plan. The timeline of the Supreme Strange Universe was cut by Ancient One. Simple time travel cannot return to the beginning. You must be able to travel through time and space at the same time.

As for the Supreme Strange, of course we can't fool around with a parallel world, it must be his original universe.

However, after Li Ming's time and space portal is successful, he can also do this.

"Don't worry, we have a lot of time." Supreme Qiyi persuaded, he had already tasted the bitter consequences of eagerness for quick success.


Suddenly the Supreme's strange right hand turned into several tentacles, and it took him a while to return to its original state.

Because he has swallowed too many mysterious creatures, he occasionally cannot maintain his body balance.

"Try drinking this."

A bottle of red potion was handed to Supreme Strange by Li Ming. This was [Blood Orchid Serum]. According to the introduction, it can increase vitality. I don't know if it will be useful for Supreme Strange. Li Ming also treated it as a living doctor.

Supreme Strange drank it directly and immediately felt a lot more relaxed.

"What kind of magic potion is this?" Supreme Qi asked.

"I found it in other universes." Li Ming replied.

Strange sighed: "It seems that your experience in the past four years has been very exciting."

He thought of himself. It had only been a year since he came to Karma Taj, and he had already fled to the dark dimension to negotiate terms with Dormammu.

And until now, Dormammu is the top villain he has ever seen.

After everyone separated and went about their business, Li Ming returned to his room.

He also chose to live in Kamal Taj. After all, there is no safer place on earth than here.

Supreme Strange and Scarlet Witch will go back crying even if Thanos comes again.

His main mission this time is to travel through the multiverse three times and return alive. Now that he has traveled twice, he only needs to travel through the multiverse once more to complete it.

This task is difficult for other reincarnations. The biggest difficulty is how to travel through the multiverse.

There is no other way but to have a good relationship with America, and if you want to have a good relationship with America, you have to face the Scarlet Witch.

So the survival required by the mission is actually to survive under the hands of the Scarlet Witch.

But who told Li Ming to have [analysis]? Now he can complete the task whenever he wants.

The task that Li Ming is more concerned about is actually another task.

[Prerequisites for strengthening the time and space portal]

Time travel enhancement has been completed.

Space shuttle enhancement is not completed.

Time traveled through the past once and was not completed. Time travel in the future has been completed.

The Parallel Space Brigade has traveled through once and is complete.

Li Ming has already met three of the five prerequisites. The space shuttle enhancement and other steps can be completed by returning to space. Only one time travel in the past is left to be completed.

Originally, Li Ming thought that it would count if he traveled to the past in the supreme and strange time, but he thought that time line was not completed, so the conditions were not met.

"I still have to go to 1918."

Li Ming suddenly thought of Diana, and felt a little itchy in his heart.

It had been almost a year and a half since he and Diana were separated, and he missed Diana a little bit.

"I really don't know how Diana waited 70 years to come here."

Then Li Ming took out a tube of blood, poured a third of it out and threw it into the analysis interface.

This is Wanda's blood, and he also covets Wanda's chaos magic.

Then he put the remaining blood in the Legion's laboratory. He wanted to use Wanda's genes to create two children for her.

Wanda was very concerned about this matter. She moved directly into the Legion, paying attention to the culture tank all the time, watching Tommy and Billy grow from embryos to babies, and then slowly grew to the age she remembered.

"Now all that's left is memory. I can instill it into them directly, or you can use magic to do it." Li Ming said.

But Wanda asked instead: "Can't we use two together?"

She wanted to 100% create the child in her own image, so she tried to be safe.

Li Ming thought for a moment and agreed to her proposal.

Then Wanda uploaded all the memories about the children to the Red Queen, who then instilled them into the bodies of the two children.

After Wanda used chaos magic to perfectly integrate the children's memories and bodies, she stood aside quietly waiting for the children to wake up.

"Mommy? Where are we?"

This is Tommy's voice.

"Mommy, Mommy, I want some ice cream."

This is the sound of proportion.

"Why are you crying, Mommy?"

Wanda hugged the two children who ran over tightly and shed tears of excitement. She finally achieved her wish.

"Mommy is fine. You just had a serious illness and you are all well now." Wanda held the two little hands and walked into the portal that Li Ming opened at the right time. "Mommy will take you to eat ice cream!"

Before leaving, Wanda nodded gratefully to Li Ming, letting Li Ming know that he had another top-notch combat partner in the Marvel world.

But after Wanda left, Li Ming's smile fell.

Wanda's wish was granted, but his was not.

【Wanda bloodline】

Quality: Epic

Type: Bloodline

Effect: Spirit +21, you can gain super power [Probability Modification (A Level)], and your bloodline can be upgraded to [Scarlet Witch Bloodline] after being approved by the Demon God Sithorn.

Although [Probability Modification] sounds like a powerful ability at first glance, Li Ming's original intention was to have chaos magic like the Scarlet Witch. However, the Scarlet Witch's power was mainly given by Sithorne and could not be analyzed without blood.

Sithorn is the top demon in the Marvel universe. Even Mephisto and Dormammu have borrowed his power, and the "Book of Darkness" is what he left behind.

Although he is dead, for Sithorn's level, the meaning of death is that he can't make trouble in the outside world for the time being.

[Wanda Bloodline] gave Li Ming a channel to communicate with Sithorn. It is currently only one-way. However, after Li Ming tried for half a month, Sithorn was very cold and aloof, no matter how much he said it, No reaction at all.

Li Ming didn't understand. Wanda could borrow it, so why couldn't he?
  Li Ming also asked the observer, but the observer said that Sithorn was better than him and he had no clue.

However, the ability of [Probability Modification] is very strong. Li Ming can change the probability of things as long as he consumes energy.

For example, if he goes to buy a lottery ticket, he originally has a small probability of winning. After using Yuanli to use [Probability Modification], he will be able to win 100% of the time!
  Wanda used this ability when she was a child to turn missiles that fell into her home into dumb bombs.

Li Ming suddenly thought that there was a small possibility that Sithorn would recognize him. Then...

He activated [Probability Modification] and tried it. The target was that there was a 10% chance that Sithorn would agree to lend him power.

Suddenly, the source of power in Li Ming's body was instantly drained, and he was so frightened that he quickly stopped using his ability.

So stingy!
   thanks bad guy
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  (End of this chapter)

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