Chapter 225 The first vest

In addition to being a powerful robot, the biggest advantage of the Terminator is that it can be perfectly hidden in the human world. Naturally, Li Ming will not let this advantage go.

He sent seven Terminators to form an infiltration team, and after allowing Sunday to arrange a reasonable identity, he also infiltrated onto Isla Nublar.

This team is led by T-1100, which is a new model developed on Sunday. It is made of liquid nanometal. In addition to turning its hands into cold weapons, it can also transform into thermal weapons such as energy cannons and laser transmitters.

The crew also includes two T800s, two T-850s and two T-1000s.

Too many unfamiliar faces at once will attract attention, but seven terminators can also cause some trouble for the reincarnators.

After all, these Terminators are enough to make another Terminator trilogy.

Anyway, one or two Terminators can make a movie.


A loud noise came from the island, accompanied by the ground shaking.

Everyone in the camp looked up and saw that the crater had erupted, and violent lava began to flow down the mountain, burning all the creatures they encountered on the way.

"Quick, retreat toward the port!"

Commander Ken came back with the convoy, and Li Ming greeted him because he saw Velociraptor Blue lying in one of the cars.

"Where are Claire and Owen?" Li Ming asked knowingly.

He actually knew the plot, and the Lockwood Foundation had no good intentions at all.

It is said that it is to save the dinosaurs on the island, but in fact, Mills, the head of the foundation, goes against the wishes of the founder Benjamin. He plans to auction all these dinosaurs, and a few will be kept for research.

Kenya and Mills are of the same species, and the hero and heroine are just tools they tricked into capturing dinosaurs.

Now that the dinosaur is captured, Mills, Owen and others are left on the island to die.

"It's a pity that they couldn't escape."

Ken said with a regretful look on his face.

On the way, I heard that Li Ming's surgery was very successful, and he was a little polite to the doctor.

"that's too regretful."

Li Ming knew that Mills and others were fine, but he had to put on a show so that it fit his current personality.

He walked up to Velociraptor Blue. The Velociraptor was injured during the capture. This was just an opportunity to improve his favor.

Li Ming touched Blue's forehead.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine soon."

Blue looked at him and then calmed down a little.

"Is that the mission goal?"

At this time, the reincarnations from Heaven and Zhongzhou also rushed to the dock. After Phoenix searched for a while, he soon discovered Blue.

"Yeah, it's that damn velociraptor," Hoskins replied.

If he hadn't become a reincarnation, he would have died at the hands of the raptor.

"Who is that person next to you?" Phoenix saw Li Ming next to Blue.

Hoskins frowned: "I don't know."

They asked the mercenary who led the way, and the mercenary said tremblingly: "That's Dr. Li Ming from the Lockwood Foundation. He was invited to perform the surgery."

"Quan Four?" Phoenix asked his team members to verify.

"There's no problem with that doctor's identity, and he has all the information."

"Pay more attention." Phoenix was not as careless as he appeared. "There is still an abyss reincarnation who has not shown up."

Phoenix knew that as an opponent against Abyss, he had to worry about reincarnation hiding his identity.

Although the Abyss is full of a bunch of bad guys, Phoenix doesn't take it completely lightly.

"Want to lurk there?" Hoskins asked.

"No, just grab the mission target and leave."

Phoenix refused. “If there are reincarnators from the abyss here, we will be exposed when we get to the island.”

He nodded to the team, and Quan Wu and Quan Liu walked towards the trailer where Blue was.

Li Ming pretended not to care, but his heart was already ringing with alarm bells.

Unexpectedly, the people in heaven did not intend to control the situation, but took action directly.

He silently issued an order to Sunday, asking the nearby Terminator team to intervene.

"Stop, who are you?"

The leading T-1100 raised his rifle to prevent the two reincarnations from Heaven from approaching.

Quan Wu and Quan Liu didn't take the mercenary in front of them seriously at all. Quan Wu raised his hand, and T-1100 felt an inexplicable and irresistible force, throwing him ten meters away.


Quan Wu suddenly felt something was wrong. The weight of the telekinetic feedback did not match the size of T-1100.

But before he could speak, other Terminators opened fire. Quan Wu couldn't dodge in time and was shot in the shoulder. He then quickly activated his telekinesis shield, suspending all the bullets behind him in the air.

"Enemy attack!" Quan Wu shouted loudly, "These people..."

Before he could finish speaking, several energy rays sealed his mouth.

The Terminators started taking action when the T-1100 was knocked away. They fired with Wakanda's energy guns, catching Quan Wu off guard and being hit in the head by the energy guns.

If he hadn't used telepathy to protect himself at all times and let telepathy weaken the energy attack, Quan Wu felt that he could be killed on the spot.

But even so, Quan Wu has lost his resistance now.

Phoenix reacted quickly and rushed to Quan Wu's side. The speed surprised Li Ming.

This speed is definitely close to the speed of sound.

Phoenix was in the front, took two energy bullets, and then knocked all the Terminators away. A T-800 tried to resist, but Phoenix ripped off its head.

"Robot? This is..."




While Phoenix was stunned, two more explosions suddenly sounded, followed by the screams of the reincarnators from the Zhongzhou team.

He turned around and saw that a Zhongzhou reincarnator had lost half of his head and died on the spot.

Next to the dead reincarnation was the mercenary who had been thrown away by him just now. At this time, the mercenary's arm had turned into an energy cannon and fired at the Zhongzhou team.

"Quan Wu, use it to bless you."

Phoenix realizes that they have been ambushed and immediately sends Quan Wu, who has lost his combat effectiveness, to quickly return to the fight.

On the other side, the Zhongzhou team, which had been decimated by the surprise attack, also began to fight back.

"The Thunder God and the Lightning Mother, help me with my magical powers, and the five thunders will rectify the law!"

Mr. Zhao held up the Thunder Jue with both hands, and the lightning flashed towards the T-1100, knocking it away.

The area hit by the lightning turned into liquid, and the recovery speed was very slow.

Others immediately followed suit, and four Terminators were destroyed in just one minute.

But Li Ming didn't feel distressed at all. These were originally used by him to test intelligence.

"None of them are human... Ugh!" A reincarnator from the Zhongzhou team just said his detection results, and then wailed without making any sound.

Everyone quickly looked over.

In his position, Wesker One was slowly getting up and taking his hand away from the heart of the reincarnation.

"It turns out it's you!" Phoenix's pupils shrank when he saw Wesker No. 1's costume, "Zhang Weike!"

 Wesker face.

  (End of this chapter)

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