Chapter 238 Batboy Bruce

"Then let's go back first."

Li Ming raised his hand to open the portal leading to Wayne Manor.

Bruce was not surprised. On his birthday, he asked Li Ming where he went after leaving Gotham. Li Ming told him that he was going to help other universes and showed him and Afu the spell.

After all, Li Ming can't keep hiding it from Bruce, but Penguin Gordon and the others still don't know.

Ah Fu was also very happy to see Li Ming back and quickly went to prepare snacks.

Although Li Ming is now incredibly powerful, he still likes to live in Wayne Manor.

Moreover, Li Ming actually did not purchase many physical properties. The Gotham Hotel and the Gotham Group's office buildings were all acquired and renovated. Since they had to be rebuilt anyway, Li Ming did not plan to spend more energy.

Bruce told Li Ming all his confusions, which were basically encountered in the process of fighting crime.

For example, he once arrested a robber, but that robber also had a family and children. After the robber was caught, his family lost its backbone and was bullied by others.

Such things abound, and it bothers Bruce.

He was clearly trying to stop the violence, but he was causing new people to suffer.

The more people he saved, the more people he found in need.

Li Ming touched his chin after hearing this: "It sounds like Gotham's social welfare has not been done well."

Bruce waved his hand quickly: "No, no, they are all outsiders."

Gotham is a city of opportunity, with many outsiders added every day.

"Why are you fighting crime, Bruce?" Li Ming asked.

"For justice." Bruce blurted out.

"Then just go ahead and do it."

Li Ming picked up a piece of waffles brought by Ah Fu, frowned, and did not take the second piece after eating.

"Things are always relative. What is good for most people will often harm the interests of a small number of people. This is where most of your troubles come from."

"What we have to do is very simple, just have a clear conscience."

Li Ming shrugged: "If you really can't stand it, just providing a job to the criminals' families will solve the problem."

Bruce hesitated a little: "Use yourself as the standard? You may make mistakes."

"No one is immune to making mistakes. If you make a mistake, just correct it as soon as possible. We don't need to hold ourselves to too high a moral standard."

Seeing that Bruce was a little confused, Li Ming added, "Don't worry, you can slowly think about how you want to protect Gotham."

If it were anyone else, Li Ming would definitely not let him do things based on his own feelings and preferences, but Bruce is different. Batman can always find his own creed in life.

"You are grown up now and can make your own decisions."

Bruce will turn 18 in just over a week.

Although he was still a little confused inside, Bruce laughed happily after hearing it.

He could finally protect the city with Li Ming, Gordon and the others.

Bruce raised his eyebrows at Alfred. The butler still treats him as a child.

"Just spoil him, Lee."

Alfred smiled and sighed.

"But Mayor Penguin has been having a hard time recently. Officials have clearly instructed him to step down next month. The new candidate has already given a speech on TV to canvass votes." Bruce frowned tightly.

There are four new candidates, all of whom have official, financial and local family backgrounds in Gotham, and none of them are involved with the Gotham gang.

Since Li Ming wants Penguin to step down temporarily, he will certainly do everything in place. The law has strict requirements for candidates, which is enough to ensure that people with ties to the Gotham Gang are not eligible to run.

Even candidates who are secretly supported by the Gotham Gang will be disqualified for various reasons.

After all, who do Penguin and Riddler want to run for election? No matter how well the confidentiality work is done, can Li Ming and Friday still not know?
  "Mayor Penguin has managed things very well, so why are the officials so anxious to oust him?"

Li Ming patted Bruce on the shoulder: "For the sake of profit, we don't have to have high hopes for the official."

"They're just a bigger version of Gotham from five years ago."

Bruce was silent. He felt that Li Ming was right.

"What do we do?" he asked.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Li Ming's answer gave Bruce confidence.

After chatting for a while, Bruce went back to rest.

He is not yet the time management master he will be in the future, and he cannot fight crime day and night.

Li Ming is not sleepy at all. His current physique is nearly 30 times that of ordinary people, and he is very energetic.

He opened the portal and came to the base of Indian Mountain, which is now Li Ming's secret base camp in Gotham. In addition to Hugo and Fletcher's laboratories, there is also Umbrella's clone production line.

Most of the employees in the base now are clones.

However, the production lines for steel suits and terminators have been dismantled, and Li Ming does not intend to allow such high technology to appear in the DC world too early.

Meanwhile, the core of Friday is stored here.

Li Ming changed Gotham's Fridays to Sundays, but the original Fridays were not eliminated. Li Ming asked Friday to be responsible for docking with the Penguin.

Not only that, he also added the Terminator's emotional module to Friday, which is responsible for the T-800's self-awareness.

After all these years, the Penguin still hasn’t given up on Friday.

Fortunately, Li Ming helped him. Whether he can talk about his true feelings on Friday depends on Penguin's own ability.

Hugo's current resurrection technology is very mature. Combined with human cloning technology, it can be said that as long as a person has a head left, he can survive.

Fletcher's freezing technology has also made a breakthrough. He can perfectly freeze people without harming the human body.

Although it was possible to thaw without harming the human body before, it was only possible for a short period of time.

In the original plot, the Riddler was frozen for a long time, and his brain was completely frozen after he came out.

Now Hugo and Fletcher don't have to stay completely at the base like before, and they can go out to relax and have fun at any time.

However, the two of them had no intention of running away. After seeing Li Ming's strength, they agreed that Li Ming was a good boss.

Even if you go out, you will be arrested to work. Whoever you work for is not beaten.

What's more, the treatment here is even better.

Then Li Ming went to the last location tonight.

Crime Alley, Fish Gang headquarters.

Butch and Tabitha, who were sleeping, heard the sound and quickly got up, and then saw Li Ming in the living room.

"Thank God, you..."

Butch opened his mouth to say hello, then suddenly closed his mouth. It was not until Li Ming took out a small gadget from a hidden place in the living room to indicate that it was okay that he continued.

"Your Excellency Li Ming, you are finally back."

"Eavesdropping device?" Li Ming played with the small thing in his hand, "Butch, how can you, the boss, be so miserable?"

"I deliberately pretended not to know, in order to paralyze other people."

"You should know about the law, right?" Butch was a little anxious, "There have been a lot of people coming to Crime Alley recently, and they have a lot of background."

"They let the Fish Gang do things for them, and the bug was there to keep me from getting out of control."

Seeing that Butch and Tabitha were a little nervous, Li Ming waved his hand: "Relax Butch, things are not that bad."

"Maybe you don't know, Mr. Li Ming, that they have official background and want to subvert the Gotham Gang!"

Butch added hastily.

Although he was sitting in the position of the boss of Fish Gang, Butch knew whose side he was from.

"I know, let them do it." Li Ming replied.

Butch breathed a sigh of relief: "I knew you would have a way to resolve the crisis."

"No, I mean..." Li Ming said with a smile, "Let them really subvert the Gotham Gang."


 Thank you for the secret of the wind

  it is more than words

  Cool breeze rises

  Xiaosu No. 1

  gray cat


  Climb to the pinnacle of contemporary legends
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  Called king, not king
    Five-clawed golden dragon baby
    ^_^Scorpion Tiger^_^Twelve big monthly votes support! ! !

  Thank you Yue Gucheng

  Climb to the top of the world and receive huge rewards from two legends! ! !

  (End of this chapter)

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