The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 251 Official: Who is harming me?

Chapter 251 Official: Who is harming me?
  Borderlands Day 285.

Although the official did reveal signs of active recovery, the time for recovery was once again delayed.

The protagonist this time is Jerome.

After a period of silence, he couldn't help but want to make friends with Bruce.

He frantically found two men and a woman who were similar in size to Bruce's parents, had plastic surgery to look like the Waynes, and then played the role of the murderer himself.

In Jerome's words, as Bruce's best friend and the person who knows Bruce best, it is a pity that he was not present at such an important moment as Bruce's parents were killed.

So he captured Alfred and Selina, forcing Bruce and him to relive the night when their parents were killed.

From watching Zorro in the cinema, to leaving mid-show and ending in a dark alley.

But to Jerome's surprise, Bruce was not affected at all.

He is no longer the crying little boy he used to be. Bruce has been fighting crime for more than two years, and Li Ming has been constantly building him up. Bruce's mind is extremely powerful.

Of course, Jerome's plot didn't work at all. In the end, he was so angry that he shot and broke Selina's spine before escaping.

Even if he can't be a friend, he still wants to be Bruce's most impressive enemy.

After various medical methods failed, Bruce approached Li Ming for help, and Li Ming gave him a seed obtained from Ivy.

After Selena ate it, she miraculously recovered and gained cat-like abilities.

Then Selina went crazy to seek revenge on Jerome, and Bruce followed him every day because of her worries. Finally, when Jerome wanted to spread the poisonous gas from the ACE chemical plant in Gotham, she and Gordon stopped him again.

When Jerome and Bruce were confronting each other, they accidentally fell into a chemical pool and temporarily ended their fight.

However, before the poison gas bomb was about to explode, Gordon threw it into the river outside Gotham. The pollution immediately spread over a large area, and Gotham's waterways were also blocked. Even if the officials wanted to recover, they could not get through.

Everyone can understand the surprise, but not long after it was revealed that a congressman had accepted bribes. During the investigation, a large number of emails between the congressman and Teresa Walker were discovered, which included his support for Walker to destroy the Gotham Asylum. Well Evidence for forceful bombing by the military.

This time things took a turn for the worse. Although no other high-level officials were implicated in the follow-up investigation, the mud had reached its crotch, and the official could not explain it clearly.

The public will only think that the official government is deliberately protecting the case, which will aggravate the public sentiment even more.

At the same time, Pente Baker announced his resignation as the mayor of Gotham to show that he had nothing to do with the incident.

Originally, the previous incident in which the official teamed up with the consortium to attempt to carve up the Gotham Group was not completely over. Now that this crisis has arisen, the official government did not dare to take any unnecessary action.

However, the Gotham Group's previous matter was an official fault, and they were able to get over it. But this time, even they were confused about Walker's matter, but the evidence was solid, and no one thought it was the congressman's personal behavior.

Especially when this congressman died mysteriously not long after he was arrested!

Now, not only the outside world is in an uproar, but the government and financial groups are also furious and suspicious of each other.

The official believed that the consortium had deliberately framed the case, while the consortium believed that the official affairs had been leaked and deliberately denied.

Now both parties have put aside the Gotham Group and Li Ming as victims. Now it is time for political struggle.

Regarding Gotham, neither the official nor the consortium wants to get any more involved. They want to recover it as soon as possible and restore it to its original state.

However, the officialdom and the consortium are basically on the outside and can be delayed, but the families of Gotham cannot delay it.

Especially small families, which originally had fixed assets, are now equivalent to having most of their assets frozen. Gotham's recovery is far away, and ordinary people can still live a good life with the assistance of Gotham Group and Wayne Group. But for the former upper class, survival is not enough. They are born to enjoy life, and now every day It's suffering.

So finally someone couldn't hold on any longer. When Li Ming's people revealed that they wanted to buy land and properties, many small families began to sell.

In the current situation, it is natural to sell it at a low price, but the family has nothing to do. The later it is sold, the lower the value.

Even some large families were fed up with Gotham and chose to sell their properties and land to Li Ming to live in a different city.

The land in Gotham held by Li Ming soon exceeded half of the total area of ​​Gotham. The remaining big families were unwilling to sell their land, so Li Ming took coercive measures.

Whoever is unwilling to sell will have a battlefield on their territory, turning the big family's property into a pile of rubble. No one can withstand this.

Even within the most stubborn Elliot family, there are many voices calling for the sale of the territory.

Because there are frequent negative news about the government and the consortium, not only the family, but also the consortium is worried that there will be small tricks after the recovery, so it is better to take the money and leave.

As a result, Li Ming's Gotham land quickly reached 72%, and the rest was in official hands.

Seeing that the time was about right, he finally began to clean up the major gangs in Gotham. The first ones to be dealt with were the Kraken Gang and Naihe Island.

The method used is very simple, a beauty trick.

At this time, I have to praise MVP Jim Gordon.

When Gotham first became a no-man's land, Barbara helped him a lot, and the two got involved naturally.

Afterwards, the relationship between Gordon and Barbara remained complicated, and the entanglement between criminals and police could not be sorted out in one shot.

But when they regained Naihe Island, Xiao Lai was controlled by Walker with a mind control chip. After Gordon rescued Xiao Lai, they both found that they still loved each other deeply.

So they got married, and Li Ming personally held the wedding for them.

At the wedding, Li Ming also received photos of Bruce kissing Selena passionately.

Ah Fu also took the photo.

What is dramatic is that not long after Gordon's marriage, Barbara suddenly came to tell her that she was pregnant.

After experiencing countless heartaches, Gordon accepted the child under Xiao Lai's persuasion and was willing not to take the child away from Barbara after the birth, provided that Barbara changed her ways.

Barbara agreed.

Then the only major gangs in Gotham were the Fish Gang.

Although Jerome was not dead, after being fished out of the chemical pool, he was not only disfigured but also unconscious. The Clown Gang naturally disbanded.

Others, such as fireflies and pig-headed men, were also forcibly breached.

But the Fish Gang still occupies one-third of Gotham's territory. At this time, the Fish Gang's traditional arts come into play.
  Borderlands Day 320.

On the grounds of safeguarding the overall situation of Gotham, Butch wanted to imitate Fish and help Li Ming complete the unification of Gotham in exchange for the opportunity for Fish Gang to continue to survive in Crime Alley.
  In this regard, Li Ming also "magnanimously" accepted Butch's surrender on the pretext that he did not want to cause too many casualties.


  (End of this chapter)

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