The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 271 Thor’s Day of Redemption, Space Stone

Chapter 271 Thor’s Day of Redemption, Space Stone


There was a carnival going on inside the Asgard refugee ship.

Beer is a must, so the two Karma Taj Masters on site who can refill their cups quickly became popular with everyone.

Although apart from being blocked from the bombardment, the Asgardian refugees basically did not experience any crisis, and some civilians even did not even know who Thanos was.

But it doesn't matter, they are Asgar people.

With companions and wine, you can get high.

What? Are there two Thors?
  Double the joy!
  However, after hearing Thunder Sol recount his personal experience live, many people fell silent.

They looked at this obviously much mature Thor with mixed emotions.

Don’t the Asgardians know what Thor is like?
  For more than a thousand years, he has had a carefree personality. Even if his parents passed away and his home was destroyed, he could still quickly pick up the pieces and remain optimistic.

To be able to look so mature now must be because he was suddenly burdened with a heavy blood feud and was under a lot of pressure.

Thunder Thor also saw Loki in the crowd.

Seeing Loki again, Thunder Thor could no longer hold back his emotions, and tears immediately flowed down.

He remembered that before Thanos arrived, he dared to tell Loki that I would take care of everything, but in the end he still failed to save Loki.

At this time, an Asgardian refugee suddenly came forward and gave him a hug without saying anything.

After he walked away, another person came over and hugged Thunder Thor.

Then the third, fourth...

Many Asgardian refugees came forward and gave Thunder Thor a hug or touched his arm one by one. Many of these people were those who died in Thanos' attack.

Feeling the warmth of his lost people again, Thunder Thor couldn't hold himself any longer and burst into tears.

"sorry Sorry!"

In front of these people, he could finally vent his true feelings, crying like a child weighing two to three hundred pounds and over a thousand years old.

In the past few years, the guilt for not being able to save Loki, Heimdall and the people had been eating into his heart all the time.

"I didn't protect everyone, I'm not a qualified king..."

At this time, Loki also stepped forward, gave Thunder Thor a firm hug, and said firmly in his ear: "Brother, you have done a great job."

"You are the best king of Asgard!"

Brother's approval was worth a thousand words. Thunder Thor hugged Loki very hard, making Loki breathless, and quickly patted his arm twice.

And Thunder Thor was in tears. After letting go of Loki, he went over and hugged Heimdall, not even letting Hulk go. In the end, Thor in this world couldn't help but come over to comfort him. Thunder Thor's My emotions gradually came under control.

"It's all over, don't think too much about it."

"Come and drink!"

Thunder Thor was no longer sleepy when he smelled the alcohol: "Drink!"

The atmosphere in the spaceship became lively again. After getting drunk, one person asked the two Thors who was stronger, which immediately aroused their interest.

So the two started fighting on the spot, neither using any magical power, just a pure battle of skills. When they got excited, Thor pulled off his clothes and went into battle shirtless.

Thunder Thor also followed suit, causing the Asgardians around him to sigh.

He has matured a little, but only a little. It seems that no matter what stage he is in, Thor still has that clear stupidity.

At this time, many people also noticed the tattoo on Thunder Thor's back.

There is a huge Loki helmet pattern in the middle, with the words "RIP Loki" written on it.

On the left is "Brother," and below it is "RIP in Mischief."

It's all about Loki, and it makes Loki a little bit irritating.

There is also a parchment pattern on the right side of the helmet, with mother, father, Heimdall, Loki, Tony, and Natasha written on it.

This was tattooed by Thunder Thor to commemorate someone close to him.

Based on Loki's understanding of Thor, except for his girlfriend Jane, this includes almost all the people Thor cares about most.

"Jane Foster died too, of cancer."

As if he could see what he was thinking, Li Ming, standing next to Loki, suddenly said.

Well, that's all now.

"Is he lonely now?"

Loki couldn't help but ask.

Li Ming thought for a while and nodded.

"But now that he has a daughter, it should be able to alleviate a lot of loneliness." Li Ming used a guessing tone. After all, that was the end of Thor 4. "Daughter?" Loki was shocked, "And Jane?"

"Adopted." Li Ming explained.

"Oh, Odinson special."

Loki couldn't help but smile. He was also adopted by the Odin family.

The battle situation between the two Thors was still tense. In the later stage, Thor focused more on improving his divine power, but his skills were not improved at all.

"This is all because of the Tesseract, right?"

After a long time, Loki suddenly asked.

"Thanos? Yes." Li Ming nodded, and then he saw a flash of blue light.

Loki took out the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and handed it to Li Ming.

This made Li Ming a little surprised. He originally wanted to find a breakthrough from Thor, but he didn't expect Loki to be so proactive.

"Now that Asgard is gone, even if Thanos is gone, there will still be others coveting it. Since Thor and I don't know how to use it, we might as well give it to you."

Loki explained, and of course he didn't forget to add one sentence at the end.

"But if anyone comes looking for this thing, I will definitely tell you that it is with you."

"of course."

Li Ming smiled and nodded.

The communication with Loki was more comfortable than expected.

In fact, Loki has never been that bad, he just lacks guidance and sense of responsibility, otherwise he would not be able to become the God of Story in the end, the new legacy person, shouldering the heavy responsibility of guarding the multiverse.

Although the price is eternal loneliness.

Speaking of which, Li Ming never thought that Loki would become the first person in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the past, he regarded Loki as a comedy character.

As a result, "Loki" turned around in the first and second seasons. The Avengers are still preparing to fight Kang the Conqueror, and Loki has already replaced the most powerful Kang.

If given the chance, Li Ming would also like to visit the world of "Rocky".

"Want to help?" Supreme Strange asked.

"I'll do it myself."

Li Ming took out the Infinity Gauntlet from the nanometal box placed aside and put it on. He held the Cosmic Cube in his right hand and made a fist with his left hand.

The purple light of the Power Stone immediately lit up on the Cosmic Cube, and in an instant the Cosmic Cube shattered, revealing the blue space gem inside.

Loki opened his eyes slightly. He never knew there was such a thing in the Cosmic Cube.

Li Ming used his right hand to control the space gem to the hole of the Infinity Glove. A suction force came from the glove and directly embedded the space gem.

The glove then bursts with energy, indicating that the gem is ready for use.

The people around were also attracted by the energy shock, and the two Thors also stopped fighting.

"Everyone..." Li Ming grinned, "Want to experience space travel?"

It turns out that the Space Stone is much faster than the Bifrost.

In just one second, the refugee ship arrived in the outer space of the Earth.

"Here we are."

"By the way, how to arrange the personnel? I can't help with this. After all, I am still a black man in this universe."

Li Ming said suddenly.

"Uh, yes, strictly speaking, I am a stowaway, and I don't have enough money on my body." Supreme Strange also reacted immediately.

He was also right. Although Strange was the Supreme Mage, he was also the Poorest Mage.

"You can call Tony, he will definitely be able to help." Thunder Sol gave his own suggestion.

Asgardian interstellar refugees coming to Earth will definitely involve a lot of wrangling, and none of them want to get involved in this trouble.

These three people, the King of Gotham, the Supreme Mage, and the King of Asgard, are all hands-off bosses.

"Where is New Asgard?" Thor asked quickly before they left.

A flash of memory flashed in Thunder Thor's eyes: "Loki, Thor... Thor."

Calling his name made him feel a little weird.

"You still remember the beach where my father left, right?"

 Thank you to Laoshan Taoist for your monthly ticket support! ! !

  (End of this chapter)

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