The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 273 Tony: Envy of the Justice League Day 1

Chapter 273 Tony: Envy of the Justice League on the first day

Sol from 616 went back.

Although it is a beautiful place, in Sol's words, he is afraid that he will not want to leave if he stays for too long. His universe is still waiting for him.

Now that Thor's inner demons in the main universe have been eliminated, he feels it's time to leave the past behind and move forward.

And Li Ming...

[Space gem analysis time: 1273 days, 3 hours and 24 minutes. 】

Because he could only analyze one at a time, between power and space, Li Ming chose the space gem first.

It's not that he doesn't want to analyze the power gem first, but it takes three and a half years to analyze the space gem, while it takes six years to analyze the power gem.

Li Ming guessed that it was because he already had the ability to travel through space, so the space gem analysis time was shorter.

Of course, he stayed here and restarted his life of making a living.

Today I had a fast meal at Karma Taj, tomorrow I went to a party in New Asgard, and the day after tomorrow I had a big meal with Tony.

"Is this the big dinner...donuts?"

Li Ming asked absurdly while holding the food bag.

"Uh... don't worry about it. Let's take a look at this first. Why did the fusion fail?"

Tony would forget to eat and sleep when he was researching. Li Ming knew this in the movie.

He walked over and saw the problem of the fusion of liquid metal and nanomaterials.

"On Sunday, you can answer it." Li Ming said directly.

Even if he laughs to death, he won’t either.

Speaking of which, next time I can ask the Red Queen to instill all kinds of scientific knowledge, otherwise it won't be good to always understand nothing.

Li Ming touched his chin and thought.

Tony began to make liquid nanometal under the guidance of Sunday, and one person and one AI would discuss it from time to time.

Li Ming shared the technology on the steel suit with Tony, and Tony also promised to share his research results with Li Ming.

Tony was originally the most crisis-conscious among the Avengers.

Not to mention seeing the miserable state of future Thor with his own eyes, and knowing his original life trajectory, Tony became more and more convinced that his idea of ​​arming the earth was right.

But since the Ultron Crisis, even the Avengers have opposed his idea of ​​"putting on a suit for the Earth."

But what makes Tony happy is that his idea is supported by Li Ming, a superhero who can travel across the multiverse.

Although not fully supported.

"It is a good idea to put on armor for the earth, but I always think that it is inappropriate to simply build a layer of armor for the earth."

During the break, Li Ming spoke to Tony.

"Why? Do you also feel that people's freedom has been violated?"

Tony ate snacks in his mouth, handed the bag to Li Ming and asked while eating.

"That's not it."

Li Mingcai is not so particular.

"The main reason is that the price/performance ratio is too low." Li Ming expressed his opinion, "Your idea is actually to win with quantity."

Li Ming grabbed a handful of potato chips and threw them into his mouth: "But like this Thanos crisis, after he collects the six infinity stones, he only needs to..."


He demonstrated it live: "With just a snap of your fingers, half of all life in the entire universe will be wiped out. Numbers don't make much difference."

Tony learned twice in disbelief. He had never thought that there was such a level of power in the universe.

"Why snap your fingers?"

"Thor also said that Thanos and... I both played a role by snapping our fingers. Is this some kind of special ritual?"

"That's not true." Li Ming waved his hand, "If you want to, you can destroy the world by raising your middle finger."

"Infinite gem-level crises should be extremely rare." Tony was a little unwilling to give up.

"You have also seen Temple No. 2." Li Ming immediately broke his illusion.

Tony was silent. Li Ming took him to see Thanos' flagship.

The super battleship was 4,500 meters long and 200 meters high. It was densely packed with cannons. There were also a lot of small spacecraft of various types inside. According to Li Ming, there were hundreds of thousands of biological legions before.

What can you do with this kind of earth?

Pure technology crushing.

"And there are many careerists in the universe, and there will be others besides Thanos." Li Ming is referring to people like Kang the Conqueror, who is not only an enemy of the multiverse, but even a timeline player.

Tony frowned even more tightly. In this case, the earth's current defense force would be completely vulnerable to threats.

The Avengers used to be the strongest support on earth, but now they are gone.

"Actually, even if a plan like Ultron succeeds, the biggest crisis actually comes from within." Li Ming added.

"How to say?"

"The simplest thing is who controls this thing?" Li Ming raised his eyebrows.

Tony understood a little bit what Li Ming wanted to say.

"Logically, it should belong to you, but you are only an individual and do not have the right to act in other countries."

Li Ming analyzed each one.

"It won't work for the Avengers. The Avengers themselves haven't figured out who controls it yet."

Tony pouted, it was indeed true.

The Sokovia Accords?
  Although Tony advocated signing, in fact he didn't take it seriously. The main reason for the split of the Avengers was that the US team shielded Bucky, which led to the break with Tony.

Otherwise, if these two people agree, there will be nothing the official can do against them.

"You must not have considered it officially, right?"

Of course Tony shook his head, joking, and letting the authorities intervene. Isn't that a super-enhanced version of the Insight Project?

Before the cosmic invasion comes, the earth can be blown up by those politicians first.

"Lee, is there an organization like the Avengers in your universe?" Tony asked suddenly.

"Of course, ours is called the Justice League."

Although Li Ming's Justice League has not yet been officially established, it has already laid a good foundation for relationships with important members.

"How do you deal with this issue of law enforcement power and supervision?"

Tony wanted to learn from the experiences of different universes.

"Well...basically not."

"how is this possible?"

Li Ming thought for a while and introduced to Tony: "The members of our organization include super rich people like you, but regardless of the company, they are keen to go out and fight crime at night wearing battle suits."

"There is an alien orphan who can be called a god on earth, but he doesn't want to revitalize the race. Instead, he goes around saving the earth with a sense of justice."

"There is the King of Atlantis, the Lord of the Sea, who can control the world's oceans, but he never cares about national affairs and spends all day drinking on the shore."

"There are also the daughters of Zeus and the speedsters who can move faster than light and even reverse time."

Finally, Li Ming concluded: "The official did not interfere."

Tony Stark rolled his eyes.

As for this group of people, if Tony had a bad word to say, the officials really wanted them to stop doing their jobs and work as vigilantes every day.

Otherwise, stop them from saving the world and then all go do their jobs?
  Instead of leaving a group of superheroes, find yourself a lot of troubles such as big capitalists disrupting the political arena, alien visitors occupying the earth, and territorial disputes between oceans and land?

Ah, no, it’s not a troublesome thing, it’s something that could cost countless lives.

Officials are not stupid.

Envy of the first day of Justice League.

Tony thought to himself.

"So what's your suggestion?"

The superhero ecology of the DC world and the Marvel world are obviously different, so Tony simply asked Li Ming directly.

“If quantity is not enough, focus on quality.”

Li Ming gave his own understanding.

"If you are the one who opens Temple Number 2, then the whole world must accept protection, whether they want it or not."

"Of course, the premise is that you don't want to rule the world, and then you may lose a little bit of reputation in the early stages."

Tony thought about it carefully and then said.

"Fame? What's the use?"

 Thank Wabi_shabi
    One person has an old dream and two people have monthly ticket support! ! !

  (End of this chapter)

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