The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 292 Tony’s epic enhancement

Chapter 292 Tony’s epic enhancement

When Li Ming and the four returned to Earth, the Mind Stone on Vision's head had been removed.

The operation was very successful.

Except for the loss of the Mind Stone, Vision's consciousness was not affected, and even his superpowers were retained.

Just like Captain Marvel, the source of Captain Marvel's abilities is the Space Stone, but after the Space Stone disappears, Captain Marvel's abilities are still there.

The Mind Stone was handed over to Li Ming by Vision. So far, Li Ming has collected all the Infinity Stones except the Time Stone. He even has two Power Stones and Reality Stones, making a total of seven Infinity Stones.

But for Li Ming, these are temporary experience cards, and only the analyzed infinite gems truly belong to him.

But he didn't think it was too much, because he found that using the Infinity Stones as a power bank was really useful.

After collecting the Infinity Stones, the Avengers members went back to improve themselves.

WandaVision went to Karma Taj because Wanda had never studied systematically whether it was magic or witchcraft. It was just right to go to Karma Taj to practice.

Only this time, there will be no Scarlet Witch coming out.

At least not the blackened version.

Thor returned to New Asgard, and with the help of Nidawi, there was no shortage of armaments, and New Asgard quickly regained its combat effectiveness.

Tony continues to be immersed in the research of the Extremis suit. With the help of Li Ming, he has achieved initial results.

He successfully solved the problem of fusion of Extremis virus and liquid nanometal, and successfully created a new material named Extremis metal.

Extremis metal needs to enter the human body before it can be synthesized. It has the characteristics of liquid nanometals and can repair damaged armor just like the Extremis virus repairs the human body.

After the most important problem was overcome, Tony began to design the Extremis suit, and Li Ming also asked the Red Queen to create a new Extremis virus.

As long as Tony completes the design, the production of the new suit can be started as soon as possible.

Li Ming also continued to practice magic at Kama Taj. [Supreme Strange Spell] is the essence of Supreme Strange’s reading of many lost magic books and accumulated over hundreds of years. Li Ming can be promoted to Level 6 in just a few years. He has already benefited from [Source Power Application], so he will study it seriously when he has time.

During this period, Supreme Strange also specially taught Li Ming how to use the Eye of Agamotto, including his unique unlocking spell.

The Supreme Strange statement was just in case, but what Li Ming was thinking about was——

Blessed are Doctor Strange in parallel time and space.

Three months passed like this, and Tony finally completed the production of a brand new steel suit.

The reason it took so long was because this was a completely new form of combat clothing that was deeply embedded in the flesh and blood. The risk factor was quite high and it had to be ensured that it was completely harmless.

This is not only the request of Xiaojiao, but Li Ming also thinks so.

After all, Tony was his big treasure, and he couldn't let anything happen to Tony.

"Are you ready?"

In a high-tech laboratory, Tony lay on the test bench and asked.

On the mechanical tentacles on the experimental platform are the Extremis virus, specially processed fusion fluid, liquid nanometal and blood orchid serum.

Using the technology jointly developed by Tony and the Red Queen, through the action of the fusion fluid, after the Extremis virus and liquid nanometal enter his body, they will fuse to form Extremis metal.

"Why are you in such a hurry? This is your life!"

Little Pepper scolded her unceremoniously with her belly bulging out.

Tony didn't dare to talk back to a pregnant woman. He quickly pointed at Li Ming who had prepared five infinity stones and said, "Li can pull me back from the hands of death at any time."

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Li Ming specially borrowed the Time Stone from Supreme Strange and replaced the Space Stone from his gloves.

He didn't dare to fill up the Infinity Gauntlet. Even if there was source power to help him withstand the backlash, just standing still would consume a lot of money. There was a huge difference between putting five gems and six full diamonds.

Tony's reinforcement begins.

Operated by the Red Queen herself, the Extremis virus was injected first.

"I feel a little hot. Can someone give me some fever-reducing medicine?"

Hearing that Tony was still talkative, the nervous look on Pepper's face softened slightly.

The Extremis virus caused Tony's whole body to become a little red, but it has been improved to eliminate the side effects, so there is no need to worry about it exploding like before.

Although the superpower will inevitably be weakened, the safety is very high, and the Red Queen also learned from the T virus to further improve its self-healing ability.

Halfway through the transformation, liquid nanometal was injected into Tony's body, followed by a special fusion fluid.

Tony suddenly grabbed the handles on both sides. Veins bulged on his forehead and his face turned red, as if he had suffered great pain. After all, it is undergoing transformation and reaction in the body, so pain is inevitable.

The transformation has begun to bear fruit. Tony's strength has now increased a lot, and it is also accompanied by high temperatures. However, Li Ming has already considered this, and mixed vibranium into the experimental platform, so that Tony can be harmed.

Pepper looked very worried, but the light screen next to him showed Tony's physical signs in real time, and it was not life-threatening.

Fortunately, Tony's discomfort did not last long, and soon the Extremis Metal was successfully produced in his body.

This step has actually been successful.

But Li Ming was well prepared, and the Red Queen injected the blood orchid serum into Tony's body.

The newly generated Extremis Metal seemed to have encountered a catalyst, and its quantity and quality had greatly increased. In particular, Tony's cell activity had increased to the point where it surpassed Spider-Man.

"it's over?"

The Red Queen erected the test bench, and Tony walked down and asked with lingering interest.

He was still immersed in the energy boost brought by Blood Orchid Serum.

"What, you still want to have huge muscles?"

Li Ming asked teasingly.

Tony imagined himself with Steve's figure.

"do not want!"

He refused decisively.

"Try it." Li Ming suggested.

"good idea."

Before Tony finished speaking, a brand new steel suit was put on him.

The deployment speed of the Extremis suit depends entirely on the user's reaction speed.

And Tony's reaction speed now is at least seven or eight times that of before.

The improved reaction speed will also allow Tony to better utilize the high-speed and maneuverable advantages of the steel suit in battle. Otherwise, it would be a waste of resources if the Mach 10 speed could only be used to rush.

The new uniform is still mainly gold and red, Tony's standard color.

It is also equipped with Friday as an auxiliary system.

The overall style is somewhat similar to the Mark 85, and its weapons are constantly changing under Tony's control.

Laser cannons, plasma guns, thrusters, energy weapons...

The transformation was extremely fast, and many items that were obviously built by Tony on the scene appeared at the back.

For example, the test bench is exactly the same as the one on site.

"Awesome!" Tony's tone was full of excitement.

"In the past, you could only use modules designed in advance. If you wanted to build them on site, sometimes it would be too late due to delays, and they would be invalid before they were built."

"Now that I just figured it out, the suit can be made simultaneously. It's perfect!"

Tony thought for a moment: "It's like the suit is a part of my body, well... it's true now."

Tony is happy, and so is Li Ming.

Because Tony's results represent his results.

And his results can be used in many places.

People in other worlds must be grateful to Tony.

 Thank you Jian Meng 333
    Uncle DE in the wind
    Favorite one second before sunset

  A feather in the sky that will last forever

  May the gap shine brightly

    Kiss me to the seven big monthly ticket supporters! ! !


  (End of this chapter)

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