The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 303 Transformers Spokesperson

Chapter 303 Transformers Spokesperson

In order to arrive as soon as possible, Li Ming and others took a car and then took a plane.

Because Optimus Prime was too big, he decided to let Bumblebee and Li Ming go there first, and he and Ironhide arrived later.

On the helicopter, in addition to Li Ming and Simmons, there was a new face.

"Hello, I'm Case." The white man greeted the two of them.

He has medium-long wavy hair, and his eyes are as narrow as slits on his eyelids.

"This is a signal expert who helped decipher the intrusion signal." Simmons took the initiative to introduce.

Li Ming smiled at Case, knowing that Simmons knew him without introduction.

A member of the Hell Team, judging from his strength, he should be a third-level reincarnator. In Li Ming's eyes, his source power mark was dazzling on Case.

It seems that he has taken the place of two signal experts, a man and a woman, in the plot.

However, two members of the Hell Team came to contact the authorities, and one person did not follow.

"Hello, I'm Li Ming, from the Los Angeles Police Department." Li Ming introduced himself confidently.

"So...what did they want you for?" Case didn't feel uncomfortable in the helicopter at all.

He guessed that Li Ming must be a key figure in the plot, so he asked for information.

"I bought a car and it turned out to be an alien robot."

"Wow, where is it?" Keith looked curious.

"On another plane." Li Ming replied.

This time the Autobots entered the scene as cooperators, so Bumblebee was not treated cruelly again.

After arriving at Hoover Dam, the Secretary of Defense personally came to receive them.

No wonder the specifications are so high, the Decepticon attack has already begun. All satellite communications on the earth have been cut off. They can't even contact the president and can only rely on radio to command the nearest army.

The Minister of Defense had just met the person in charge of the Seventh District who came to his door a few hours ago. It was the first time he knew of the existence of the Seventh District.

The Seventh District was secretly established by the President and reported directly to the President, who was probably the first Secretary of Defense to know.

At a time of great distress, the Minister of Defense heard that aliens were coming to seek cooperation, so he quickly brought people over to inquire about the situation.

Simmons brought Li Ming and Bumblebee to the front and briefly introduced their identities.

In front of everyone, Bumblebee transforms into a robot, drawing a series of gasps.

"What is the purpose of you coming to Earth?" asked the Minister of Defense.

"When you save one life you save the world." A line from Syndra's List comes over Bumblebee's radio.

"He means to save the world." Li Ming promptly translated.

The Minister of Defense looked over in confusion: "Are aliens' communication methods so strange?"

"His name is Bumblebee. His vocal system was damaged during the battle."

Li Ming pointed to himself: "I am his spokesperson."

"I will still love you even if the world ends." Bumblebee picked another line and said it specifically to Li Ming.

Seeing that the alien robot didn't seem to have any malicious intent, the Minister of Defense felt a little relieved.

Then Li Ming told the Minister of Defense what Optimus Prime said, which made his heart rise to the highest level.

"Alien invasion? Here?"

The Minister of Defense quickly asked the person in charge of District 7 behind him: "Is the Fire Source Cube they are talking about really here?"

"Yes." The person in charge of District 7 was also shocked.

Moreover, he has more secret information, which he can only tell at this critical moment.

"The one they talk about...Megatron, should be here too."


The Minister of Defense's eyes widened. He knew that the beautiful country was capable of committing suicide, but he didn't expect it to reach this level.

Putting a strange robot and a cube with mysterious energy together is comparable to Doctor Strange sending the Time Stone to Thanos to Titan.

"Take us there quickly." The Minister of Defense's heart was about to jump out of his chest, and he quickly asked the person in charge of District 7 to take everyone into the secret base under the dam.

"By the way, this is Captain Relox. They have fought aliens in the Middle East."

The Minister of Defense introduced the two men in military uniforms behind him. I know Lelox Li Ming, the spokesperson for the recruitment work of "Transformers".

"This is Major Fabre, our... special military adviser." The Minister of Defense paused, still having reservations.

Li Ming also nodded with the visitor.

Coincidentally, he also knew this person.

Captain Heaven, unexpectedly transformed into a major.

Fabre also nodded to Li Ming, but his eyes were fixed behind Li Ming.

Li Ming glanced over from the corner of his eye.

Sure enough, intelligence expert Case and special adviser Fabre were staring at me and me at you.

Keith recognized Fabre's identity at a glance. After all, Fabre was a fifth-level reincarnator and from the enemy's family. Keith had his identity information.

His face turned pale and he quickly moved closer to Li Ming: "It looks like the situation is not good."

"Ah?" Li Ming replied as if he knew nothing about their relationship, "Yes, it's very bad."

Seeing Case and Li Ming interacting, the murderous intent in Fabre's eyes dissipated a little.

Hell's reincarnators can be killed at any time, but he doesn't want to leave a bad impression on the protagonist of the plot. After all, in the eyes of Heaven and others, they are at a disadvantage, and it is necessary to use the power of the plot.

That's right, in the eyes of all reincarnators, Li Ming is already the protagonist of the plot.

As a bridge between the Autobots and the authorities, there is even an Autobot serving as a bodyguard. Who would believe that he is not the protagonist?
  At this time, Li Ming suddenly groped everywhere on his body and checked every pocket.

"What are you looking for?" Fabre asked proactively.

Yes, he is also with Li Ming.

"My phone is missing." Li Ming sighed, "Forget it, now is not the time to look for it."

As expected, his mobile phone ran away on its own.

The person in charge of District 1 introduced everyone to the frozen giant, Megatron, who they named NBE-.

Most modern technologies in this world are the result of reverse engineering of NBE-1.

But thinking that the robots made by the Fire Source energy on the earth were all Decepticons, it was difficult for Li Ming not to think that this was not Megatron's intention.

Let all electronic products on the earth adopt his technology, and then after Megatron obtains the source of fire, he can immediately transform the Decepticon army all over the earth.

"You have been freezing him, but he is still alive?" the Defense Minister asked.

"It seems so now." The person in charge had a complex expression.

"God bless, please add more refrigeration machines. The cost will come from national defense funds." The defense minister couldn't help but said.

The person in charge nodded: "It has been frozen since 1935 and is very stable."

"Where is the source of fire?" the Minister of Defense asked again.

He felt like he was acting as a fake defense minister. He knew nothing about so many things that endangered national security.

"follow me."

Everyone followed the person in charge and moved to the other side, and immediately saw the source of fire mentioned by Optimus Prime.

A huge metal cube.

“So what we’re moving is the size of several football fields?”

The Secretary of Defense is in trouble.

"Minister, you mean transfer?" The person in charge frowned, "This is one of the country's most important assets, we can't..."



At this time, the base suddenly shook violently.

"Under attack, under attack!" the staff quickly reported.

The person in charge immediately changed his expression: "You're right, we must move as soon as possible!"

 Thank дcxptц
    Dark and bad
    Yoyo Frost Flute
    Howling Moon Wind Wolf
    Book Friends 20230527225453764
    Ice Curse Ghost Wolf
    Book Friends 20200124231531625
    Bald Xiaohua’s eight big monthly votes support! ! !


  (End of this chapter)

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