Chapter 309 Creator Li Ming!
  After Thanos One made a simple agreement with Fallen King Kong, he and Old Ghost Zheng returned to Earth.

But he will definitely not "find" Megatron's location so quickly, because the source of fire has not yet been successfully analyzed, and Megatron cannot be resurrected if he finds it.

A few months passed like this, and Megatron's whereabouts were still unknown.

Fallen King Kong did not accuse Thanos One of being inefficient in doing things, because the Decepticons were also constantly searching, but also found nothing.

Of course, it would be damning if he could gain something. Li Ming asked Sunday to destroy all information about Megatron's whereabouts, and monitor the network and broadcast signals 24 hours a day, intercepting all relevant messages.

Although Sunday's ability is not as good as that of Transformers, he is also self-aware and knows how to fight guerrillas, which greatly delays the Decepticons' search for Megatron.

After all, even in the plot, it took two years for them to find it.

This made Sound Wave, who was in charge of intelligence work among the Decepticons, lament that the level of human information defense had improved dramatically.

The three remaining reincarnations in Paradise are hiding around the world, staying away from the Internet, staying out of the limelight, and not thinking about completing their missions at all.

The only child in hell, Keith, was officially recruited. He actually didn't want to agree, but as an insider who had direct contact with aliens, he had no excuse for such a thing.

Agent Simmons is furious, is there anyone who doesn't want to be compiled?
  Until this day, the source of fire was successfully analyzed.

【Tinder source】

Quality: Mythical

Type: Exclusive ability

Effect: Can be given fire to transform machines into Transformers. Possess Cybertronian knowledge inheritance (unlocked 7%). Can store energy and provide it to Transformers.

After integrating [Fire Source], Li Ming's first feeling was dizziness. This was caused by a large amount of Cybertron's inherited knowledge suddenly being stuffed into his mind, just like using the Red Queen's memory to transmit.

It took a while for Li Ming to recover. Fortunately, the [analyzed] ability would automatically adapt to Li Ming and add an unlock limit to Cybertron's knowledge, otherwise Li Ming would have gone crazy like Sam.

But only 7% of the inherited knowledge has transformed Li Ming. He had a hunch that if he studied systematically, he would soon become a super scientist.

Of course, the ability Li Ming is most looking forward to is transforming Transformers.

Taking advantage of the night, Li Ming secretly teleported to Titan, the planet Titan.

This is the largest moon of Saturn and the prototype for Thanos' home planet.

Although this place is also deserted, there is a Cybertron spaceship.


The leader of the Autobots, Yunni, drove it originally with the intention of going to the earth, but because the spacecraft was damaged, it landed on the moon. This also triggered the space race on the earth and promoted human beings to land on the moon.

The other crew members of the Ark were all killed, leaving only one Yunni who was in a deep coma. Thanos 1 went to the moon just to pick up the Ark.

No one cares if such a big spaceship is thrown away, do you have any sense of fairness?
  I picked it up and it’s mine!

Li Ming waved his hand and took out a white pickup truck. In the world of "John Wick", Li Ming drove this pickup truck back with the loot.

He inspired a fire source energy in his hand and fell on the pickup truck.

The next moment, all the steel in the pickup truck was transformed into deformed metal, and it began to deform on the spot. A few seconds later, a brand new Transformer appeared.

It is also white, and because it is a small pickup truck, it is smaller than the Iron Skin, which is also a pickup truck. It is about the same size as a Bumblebee, about five meters.

Li Ming also felt that he had an inexplicable connection with this Transformer, as if he would never betray him.

"See the Creator."

When the P.I.K.A. Transformer saw Li Ming, he knelt down on one knee and saluted.

Its sound was relatively crisp, which reminded Li Ming that its prototype pickup truck was still a new car.

Li Ming's eyes widened slightly, and he quickly understood this connection.

Because he was transformed by Li Ming, the new Transformers automatically regarded him as the main one, which made Li Ming very excited. I just don’t know if I can bring it out of this world.

Li Ming tried it and found that the new Transformers could no longer be stored in personal space because personal space could not store life.

But it can be put into the portable space he opened up with the space gem ability, which made Li Ming unsure.

If it can be brought out, Li Ming will soon have the strongest army in his hands.

He took a deep breath and put aside his worries about gains and losses. The pickup truck was the first Transformer he transformed, and he had to give it a name.

"Just call me Pikabai." Li Ming said.

He almost named him Pikachu.

There was only one word missing between pickup truck and Pikachu. Li Ming thought of it immediately, but he still didn't give a cute name to a cute guy.

Its prototype is a white pickup truck, so it makes sense to call it Pickup White.

"Thank you, the Creator." Pikabai replied happily. It can be seen that its character is also quite lively.

Pikabai does not belong to any faction of Autobots or Decepticons, but is a brand new race of Transformers.

Then Li Ming tested Pikabai's ability. First of all, Picabai's flexibility was very good. Pikabai even did a Thomas pirouette.

Its weapons are two energy guns. The firepower is similar to that of ordinary Transformers, but Pikabai has a charging mode.

The charging mode can fully charge the energy. After using it, the pipe lines all over Picabai's body will appear blue, and the overall skills will be greatly improved.

However, this is an explosive skill and will increase energy consumption.

Overall, Li Ming was very satisfied with the combat effectiveness. This was just an ordinary pickup truck.

Then he suddenly had a sudden idea and asked Pikabai to return to car mode. Li Ming replaced several parts of the car, added an energy cannon, and stimulated some fire source energy for it.

After the transformation, Picabai's equipment immediately evolved. It carried an energy cannon that had been transformed into deformed metal on its back, and its power was also improved.

It works.

In the plot, Charlie installed a radio on Bumblebee, and Igor was able to repair Optimus Prime the same way he repaired a car, proving that changes made in the mechanical state will also have an effect on the robot form.

Although the Transformers after "Bumblebee" and "Transformers" 1-5 belong to different plot worlds.

Then if the Transformers' materials are replaced in the camouflage state, the Transformers will be stronger after being converted into transforming metal.

Of course, the premise is that there is enough energy.

Li Ming became more playful, and he began to constantly replace Pikabai's equipment and parts until all its parts were replaced.

There is a classic philosophical question. If a ship is named Theseus and all the materials on it are gradually replaced, will it still be the original ship of Theseus?
  Li Ming has the answer to this, why not ask the Ship of Theseus for its opinion?

Anyway, even Pikabai's fire has been transformed by Li Ming, but he still thinks that he is Pikabai, just upgraded.

Maybe just switching to a different fire source will give you a different answer.

Now Picabai's whole body is made of gold-titanium alloy as the original material, which is the material of Mark 3. At the same time, the material of the power supply, which is the position of the fire part after deformation, is replaced with vibranium.

After the transformation, Picabai directly changed his weapon from gun to gun. His defense was improved by at least two levels, and his performance was also greatly improved. He was almost the same as Bumblebee in combat mode.

"Is this what it feels like to create a life with your own hands?"

Li Ming felt the energy of the fire source and kept praising in his heart.

Now He is also the Creator.

 Thank you Si Xiang Wu Lai for your monthly support! ! !

  (End of this chapter)

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