The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 314: Pikabai, the natural enemy against natural enemies

Chapter 314: The natural enemy against natural enemies—Pikabai
  The Egyptian incident had a great impact. Many cities around the world were attacked by Decepticons, and the world-famous Giza Pyramids turned into the Great Pit of Giza.

The theory of alien threat was rampant for a while. At this time, the official promptly reported the truth of the incident, and the popularity of the Autobots and Li Ming suddenly increased.

It’s not that the officials don’t want to hide it this time. The power of the Decepticons is obvious to all. Who knows how many alien relics are still on the earth?

Even other pyramids in Egypt have begun to organize all-round detection. Even if a bomb is used to violently open a hole, it is necessary to find out whether there are other alien super weapons inside.

Therefore, Autobots who are friendly to humans are good partners, and now even the officials dare not treat the Autobots too harshly.

They want something like the Star Reaper, which has good alien technology but can destroy the sun. It's too exaggerated. What if the Autobots get annoyed and come up with something else?
  Even Skyfire has returned to the Space Museum, and no one will investigate his identity as a Decepticon.

In fact, Li Ming's reputation was already very famous before, because the Fallen King Kong wanted him globally, so many people knew him.

Now the official report said that with the assistance of him and Simmons, he successfully found the key to the Star Reaper and prevented the destruction of the sun, making Li Ming's reputation even greater.

That's right, Li Ming is a former police officer and Simmons is a former agent, so the beautiful country officials put most of the credit on them, letting the world know that it was their people who saved the earth.

Therefore, this has also attracted many people's doubts, thinking that the actual role of Li Ming is not that great, and they are all blown up by the official.

But Simmons gained so many fans that he no longer had to open a deli.

By the way, there is no old ghost Zheng anymore, and the fallen King Kong did not let him live for one more second after returning to Mars.

Li Ming didn't care about this. He was still having fun around the world and checking out his trophies.

He put both the Stellar Reaper and the Leadership Module into his portable space. The Stellar Reaper was a large mechanical device. Only a small part of the top of the pyramid was exposed, and there was a large scale below.

This thing can extract the energy of stars in a short time, and the Cybertronians use it to make energy crystals.

Now that Li Ming has the physical objects and the manufacturing technology, there is not much problem in mass-producing the Stellar Reaper.

And after leaving it to Sunday to study for a period of time, convert the extracted star energy and re-launch it. It will be an excellent star-breaking weapon, much more destructive than Asgard's Rainbow Bridge.

As for the leadership module, in the Transformers movie world, there is only one physical object, otherwise the six supreme beings would not need to hide it at the cost of their lives.

But Li Ming also has a way. He throws it into the analysis interface and can redeem it with points after the analysis is completed.

Li Ming did not start analyzing the infinite gems immediately, he was just waiting for it.

[Resolution time: 53 days. 】

It was almost two months, so Li Ming adjusted the progress of Fallen King Kong and others in collecting energy pillars to ensure that they would not collect them too quickly.

The energy pillar is a device that builds a space bridge. The last energy pillar of Cybertron is on the spacecraft that prevents natural enemies from falling on the earth.

It was the one Li Ming transferred to Titan.

Of course Li Ming released the natural enemy.

He is the former super leader of the Autobots and the boss of Optimus Prime, who led the Autobots and Decepticons in a civil war.

But after the destruction of Cybertron, the Autobots gave up the idea of ​​​​the Autobots and wanted to rebuild Cybertron, so they secretly colluded with Megatron and wanted to take the energy pillar to the earth and use space bridge technology to save Cybertron.

However, the spacecraft of the enemy was accidentally destroyed, and it took thousands of years to land on the moon.

"Defend Natural Enemy, we have always known that the Ark was on the moon, but it suddenly disappeared two years ago. What happened?"

On the Mars base, Fallen King Kong asked.

The Decepticons not only knew that the Ark, their natural enemy, was on the moon, but they also bribed humans on Earth to prevent subsequent human plans to land on the moon.

It's just that the Fallen King Kong has left Cybertron a long time ago, and he doesn't know that Megatron and the Natural Enemy have cooperated.

"The space bridge should have been accidentally activated, teleporting the spacecraft to Titan. I was still in a coma at that time." Yu Tian En couldn't say, so he could only guess.

"Then how did you wake up?" Megatron asked.

"A young man from Cybertron woke me up, and I made a deal with him, asking him to share his energy with me." "What did you give him?" Fallen King Kong asked.

The natural enemy was silent for a moment, and then said: "Space bridge technology."


Fallen King Kong and Megatron were shocked. The space bridge technology was originally created by Yun Enemy. He was the only Cybertronian who knew it. Now he actually gave it to a Cybertronian for a mere amount of energy?
  "You would actually give the space bridge technology to others?" Fallen King Kong couldn't believe it.

Yu Tian En did not speak, but he recalled his encounter on Titan.

A strange white Cybertronian pointed a huge energy gun at his head: "Hey, old guy, do you choose technology or energy?"

Of course he didn't want to give technology, but in order to rebuild Cybertron, Yunni still chose energy.

I feel so sad and indignant about the natural enemy that only ten thousand years have passed. Are today's young people so disrespectful of their elders?
  "Is he a Decepticon or an Autobot?"

Fallen King Kong wants to inquire and find the Cybertronian. The space bridge technology is as important as the Star Reaper.

"He does not belong to any faction. He is very young and should be a descendant of neutrals."

"I woke up and found that the energy pillars were scattered on the earth. We have found two energy pillars, as well as the hundreds you have hidden, but the most important main control pillar is still missing. Only by finding the main control pillar can we Open the space bridge and teleport Cybertron over."

After the natural enemy replied, he changed the topic. He didn't really want to talk about the young Cybertronian.

It was the first time in his life that he was bullied by an unweaned Cybertronian.

"Let your human helpers on the earth seize the time and search for the whereabouts of the energy main control column as soon as possible." Yu Tiandi's tone was very impolite.

Although he has joined forces with the Decepticons, the fact that he is fighting against the natural enemies is for Cybertron, which does not mean that he recognizes the Decepticons.

"it is good."

The Fallen King had just experienced a failure and was not that confident, but his scarlet eyes were fixed on the two energy pillars he had found.

After Cybertron is teleported over, the natural enemies will be useless, and it will not be at his discretion.

"Creator, this is the space bridge technology handed over by Yun Enemy, including the manufacturing and manipulation methods of energy pillars."

On Titan, Picabai respectfully handed over a data plate with both hands.

After taking it, Li Ming couldn't help but joked: "Pica Bai, you made the natural enemy so embarrassed that he wanted to skip the topic about you."

Picabai scratched his head: "Hey, I just imitate your behavior, the creator."

Picabai's prototype pickup truck has been with Li Ming since the second mission world, and it also retains its previous memories.

Li Ming's smile froze.

"Look what this is?" He took out a fire source energy.

"Is this my mission reward?" Pikabai was overjoyed.

The fire source energy suddenly dissipated in Li Ming's hand.

"No more now." Li Ming said with a cold face.

My character is not that bad.

 Thank you Youyou Shuangdi

  ohouse god o
    Lazy and Sudden Death, the three white men are greatly supported by their monthly votes! ! !

  (End of this chapter)

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