The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 331 Everyone can become Spider-Man

Chapter 331 Everyone can become Spider-Man

Li Ming had heard a statement a long time ago.

Spider-Man is a super talkative guy.

He experienced it with the Dutch spider.

But he didn't expect Miles to be better.

"Listen, Spider-Man doesn't wear a cape, that's a shame."

Benjamin Parker threw away the fabric that Miles had gotten from nowhere: "And we have to stay quiet during action. We are Spider-Man, and spiders are quiet. Do you understand?"

Then, before Miles could answer, Benjamin Parker said to himself: "Forget it, it seems you still don't understand, otherwise you wouldn't be stuck in the mouth by Li."

Miles rolled his eyes back at him.

"No no no!"

Suddenly Miles became very excited. He pointed at Kingpin and his group who walked into the laboratory door, and pulled off the spider silk from his mouth.

"That person, the person next to Kingpin, I dreamed about a few days ago!"

The person he was referring to was clearly the reincarnation of hell, Kerry.

"What?" Benjamin Parker was surprised and said with a weird look on his face, "Listen, I know boys your age do have strong hormones, but dreaming about men is too..."

Li Ming knew that Miles would not dream of a reincarnation for no reason. He asked, "Miles, do you still remember the scene in the dream?"


A trace of fear flashed across Miles's face: "I dreamed that I was lying on a hospital bed, and the person was drawing my blood, but I was motionless, as if...dead."

Benjamin Parker's face also became serious, this kind of dream was no joke.

"And I've never seen that person before." Miles asked worriedly, "Is this normal?"

At this time, Li Ming suddenly smiled and replied: "Myers, have you heard of this sentence?"


"The dream is reversed, don't worry." Li Ming said.

"Yes, I also dreamed that I accidentally found a wizard and destroyed the whole world. It was just a dream." Benjamin Parker also looked unconcerned, "You must have seen him by chance somewhere, but you forgot it. "

"Oh, oh." Miles was doubtful, but he felt much more relaxed.

Then he played with the spider silk launcher Peter gave him. Miles was very excited to use this thing for the first time.

"That dream wasn't ordinary, was it?"

Only then did Benjamin Parker walk up to Li Ming and ask.

"It's not a big problem. It's a feedback from the world's will... Well, in short, just protect the children." Li Ming patted Parker on the shoulder.

He could see that the will of the world did not want Spider-Man to die in the hands of the reincarnation, which made his success rate even higher.

"Then what do you do?" Parker looked helpless.

Li Ming suddenly put on the nano-suit.

"Be Spider-Man!"

The matter of stealing information was left to Parker and Miles. Li Ming had other things to do so that they could escape from the ambush.

That's right, an ambush.

There are reincarnators on the opposite side who have experienced the plot once. How could you not know that they are coming to steal information?

Since Li Ming already knew that there was an ambush, he must make preparations in advance.

Don't fight unprepared battles, this is what he taught Bruce.

Sure enough, not long after, there was a commotion in the laboratory. Parker and Miles were chased down the corridor by the female version of Doctor Octopus. Parker struggled to hold him back, while Miles ran away holding the monitor and host.

"What are you doing holding the monitor?" Parker asked as he swung over.

"Didn't you say take away the host? I'm doing it." He said with a well-behaved look on his face.

Benjamin Parker took the monitor from him: "Good news, we don't need a screen."

After saying that, he threw the monitor back, hitting the female version of Doctor Octopus in the face as he caught up.

Although he is out of shape, Benjamin Parker has been Spider-Man for twenty-two years and still has no problem dealing with a female version of Doctor Octopus. Although his personal life is in a mess, his superhero career is still impeccable.

This is why Benjamin Parker agreed to take Miles with him, because he was confident that he could protect him, as long as a large group of well-equipped security guards did not appear in front of him, including the Prowler, the female version of Doctor Octopus, and Kingpin.

"Damn it!"

Benjamin Parker instantly realized that he was being ambushed, and he quickly pulled Miles over to avoid the hail of bullets.

"Listen, kid, I'll help you hold them back later. You run away quickly and don't come back!"

His life was at stake, and Miles was frightened. He leaned against the wall and gasped, but he still mustered up the courage to shake his head.

"No, I can't let another Spider-Man be in danger because of me."

"We face it together!"

Benjamin Parker knows why Li Ming took Miles with him, because he really has the belief to be a superhero.

Although he was very moved, this scene was still too dangerous for the newbies. Just as Benjamin Parker was about to continue persuading, two gas masks fell in front of them.

"Put on your mask, Spider-Man."


The two Spider-Mans, one old and one young, were overjoyed and quickly put on their gas masks obediently.

"Oh, it's so hard to breathe with two masks on." Benjamin Parker also complained.

"Can I take off half of the mask inside?"

Being led by him, Miles felt much more relaxed.

After they put on their gas masks, Li Ming directly pressed a detonator, and inexplicable gas suddenly spewed out from the air outlets in the laboratory.

Fear gas from Scarecrow, and Jerome's crazy laughing gas.

After a while, the entire floor was enveloped in smoke.

This was made by Li Ming using the equipment in Peter's base. Although other foreign things are subject to mission restrictions, knowledge is not.

The biochemistry knowledge Li Ming had specially instilled before coming came in handy.

He himself didn't wear a gas mask. He had tried that Spider-Man's bloodline was enough to be immune to these poisonous gases, and the Iron Spider suit's anti-gas ability was excellent. Tony fully stretched the little spider's protection.

But Li Ming didn't know if Benjamin Parker and Miles could do it, so he decided to play it safe.

The security guards who came to surround them were all ordinary people. After encountering the two poisonous gases, they immediately lost their threat. They would either cry in their arms or shoot wildly in all directions. The scene immediately fell into madness.

"Go this way!"

Li Ming led the two of them to crawl outside from the ventilation duct.

"Are they...killing each other?"

Miles caught a glimpse of several scenes and turned pale with fear.

Benjamin Parker didn't look good either. The way he released the poisonous gas was really un-Spider-Man, but he didn't mean to blame Li Ming.

Firstly, Li Ming's purpose is to save them, and secondly, Spider-Man has no obsession with not being able to kill people.

It's just that because of their own kindness, most Spider-Man will not take the initiative to kill people, and even fight deliberately not to use all their strength.

After all, Spider-Man's character has always been a "friendly neighbor."

"Don't learn from me. Everyone's living environment is different, so they have their own way of behavior." Li Ming turned to Miles and said, "But the most important thing is to stick to your beliefs."

"Spider-Man is not an ability, but a belief. As long as you have belief, everyone can become Spider-Man." Li Ming said firmly.

"I agree." Benjamin Parker immediately agreed.

"Everyone...can be Spider-Man?"

Miles was shocked by Li Ming's words, and his prejudice against Li Ming was immediately abandoned in his heart.

"so cool."

 Thanks to Beer and Salt for your monthly ticket support! ! !

  (End of this chapter)

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