The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 348 The power of obliteration

Chapter 348 The power of obliteration
  The holy land has completely turned into a battlefield.

Neptune and Thanos One, Li Ming and Dory fight against each other.

Thanos One is not as powerful as Neptune and has always been suppressed.

But he was not helpless, and because of his good physical fitness, he always avoided critical injuries and fought a fierce battle with Neptune.

It will be much smoother on Li Ming's side. Dolly is a spiritually enhanced reincarnation, and is very powerful in illusions, telekinesis, and mental attacks.

But Li Ming uses the power of thunder, which is extremely restrained to the spiritual body, and he has learned a lot of spiritual usage techniques from [Source Power Application Lv. 4], and [Spiritual Power Forging Method] also has many spiritual attack methods, and Dolly can't stand it at all. At the end of the day, he could only take back his soul body, but he was soon injured again.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Dolly quickly retreated. Before leaving, she used all her strength to give Li Ming a hard blow.

Soul storm!

Li Ming suddenly felt that his mind was turbulent. He quickly frowned to calm down the mental impact he received. Dolly took the opportunity to rush to Neptune.

"The divine power he used was too restrained for me."

Neptune defeated Thanos One with Spring Hammer, but was kicked out by Thanos One himself.

There are angels and demons in this world, so it's not surprising at all that divine power appears again.

Neptune's gauntlets glowed, and an energy sword emerged from each gauntlet, accompanied by violent vibrations.

"Deal with those in the abyss first," he said.

Thanos One just tried to kill Danny, which made Nipton guess that his thoughts were the same as those of the Holy Land monks, and he was not from the same group as Li Ming.

He was betting that Li Ming would not help Thanos One.

Li Ming certainly didn't know how to do it, but the inscription on the Gotham Scepter on his right hand lit up.

Annihilation is charging up.

He chose to kill them all together!
  As long as Thanos One can control Neptune for a short time after the charge is completed, it will be fine.

Neptune's energy sword is so powerful that Thanos One's double-edged sword was immediately deflected when he struck it.

The vibration on the energy sword is too violent, which greatly affects the performance of Thanos One.

But he had a great advantage over Neptune. After deflecting Thanos One, he quickly slashed several times on Thanos One. Even the wounds burst open, and there was a strong energy on them, which slowed down the recovery speed. .

Li Ming saw that Neptune's ability was vibration!

Thanos One's wound appears to have been caused by a single knife, but in fact the wound is constantly vibrating, causing him continuous damage and a constant cycle of healing and destruction.

And Dory also discovered that mental attacks have miraculous effects on Thanos One, because the core of Thanos One is Li Ming's consciousness, and Li Ming's spirit is only D~D+, resulting in Thanos One's spiritual defense not being high.

Can't wait any longer.

Thanos One is strong in melee combat capabilities, Neptune's ability is just enough to restrain melee combat, and Dory also attacks weak points. If this continues, it will be easy for them to seize the opportunity to completely kill this vest.

Li Ming directly activated Annihilation. Although the charging time was not enough and only 20% of the energy was injected, he now had a lot of energy in total, so the power of 20% of Annihilation should not be underestimated.

The further you go, the harder it is to charge up Annihilation, and the longer it takes.

The target of his attack was Dolly.

Dolly had already used Blessing, and Annihilation probably couldn't kill Neptune, so Li Ming decided to kill one person first.

Because it was a sneak attack, Dolly was hit by Annihilation without reacting at all. She simply could not withstand this destructive energy, and her body and soul were constantly dissolving.

Neptune was horrified and anxiously grabbed Dory, trying to use energy to help her survive the attack, but he found that no matter how much energy he input, it was difficult to slow down the digestion speed.

"Use the phylactery!" Neptune shouted.

Dolly quickly took out the tools she needed to save her life, and was determined to cut off most of her soul, but when she wanted to leave her body, she found that she couldn't.

"My soul is locked and I can't get out!"

Neptune could only muster the energy. First, he punched Thanos One, who had taken advantage of the opportunity to attack, to fly away. The powerful vibration energy plowed a canyon into the surrounding mountains.

Immediately afterwards, his left arm armor was wrapped with energy, reaching into Dolly's soul, using the vibration to force her out of the body, and successfully entered the phylactery to save her life.

But Neptune's left arm armor was completely destroyed by Annihilation. If he hadn't dropped it in time to avoid it, even his arm would have been injured. “What kind of attack was that?”

Dolly hid in the phylactery and shivered. Just now she really felt that death was coming.

Neptune's face was also ugly. Although Dolly was not dead, she had lost most of her strength. What surprised him the most was Li Ming's attack just now.

"The power of obliteration? How can the characters in the plot have such power?" Neptune stared at the arm armor that could not be repaired and lost contact with him in confusion. "What kind of ghost world is this?"

Li Ming wanted to try Annihilation again, but he gave up after thinking that the cooling time and charging time were not short. He did not forget that there was an actuary in heaven as a reinforcement.

Moreover, Neptune's combat effectiveness was still beyond his expectation. If Thanos One was not strong enough, he would have been killed long ago.

Even Annihilation Neptune can be forcibly interrupted.

In the last mission, Li Ming said that he would just fight someone at the sixth level when he encountered one, but now it seems that he underestimated the strength of the sixth level.

Li Ming did not intend to rush for success. This time, it would be good to defeat another member of Tiantian and slowly weaken their combat effectiveness.

He looked for him based on the source mark on Moreau's body, and found that Johnny and Nadia were also there.

The three of them had sad faces. Li Ming glanced around and didn't find Danny, and he immediately knew what was going on.

"Danny was still taken?" he asked.

Moreau told him what happened. Johnny and he acted quickly and used their good driving skills to catch up with Carrigan, even forcing Carrigan to roll over and kill him.

But just when they were about to find Danny, the werewolf who had appeared before suddenly appeared and snatched Danny away in advance.

Johnny and others had to hide to avoid being killed by the werewolf.

"Cheer up." Li Ming assumed the role of captain, "It's not time to feel frustrated and defeated yet."

"Mephisto hasn't performed the ceremony yet, we still have a chance."

Nadia was the first to respond. She was Danny's mother and she would do anything to save her son.

"Where is the ceremony?" Johnny also asked.

Although he does not have the power of Ghost Rider, as a human, he does not lack courage.

"Turkey, the Anatolian Plateau, which is considered the farthest place from heaven." Moreau replied.

"There's only one day left, we have to go now."

On the other side, Neptune placed Dory's phylactery in a secret laboratory. Although he escaped with his life, Dory's soul was also damaged and had to recuperate.

Zhao Rui's injury hasn't healed yet, and another seriously injured person has been added.

"Mephisto said he would wait until the conversion ceremony is over before helping us complete the experiment." Neptune said to Livingston.

"Guessed it." Livingston was not surprised.

How could the devil give the reward in advance?
  It is even unknown whether Mephisto will actually pay him.

But Team Paradise isn’t worried about that.

"Is everything ready?" Neptune asked.

"Okay." Livingston held up a gleaming cage, "The Holy Light Cage that I spent so many points to redeem is enough to imprison the newly transformed demon lord."

Mephisto, Neptune and others also have strategies to deal with Mephisto who may turn against him. After all, the Artificial Angel Project is the most important strategy of the Quan Angel Division and must not be missed.

"The ceremony is about to begin. The abyss and the characters in the plot will definitely come to cause trouble. I will go there first." Neptune said.

"it is good."

At this time, the abyss and plot characters they talked about had already arrived outside their secret laboratory.

 Thanks to Kuro for fast forwarding and ea rebirth than m

  There are three big monthly votes from Time and Space Exchange! ! !
    (┌ω)┌Thank you

  (End of this chapter)

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