The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 362: Heartbroken Han Bruce

Chapter 362: Heartbroken Han Bruce
  After not seeing each other for several years, Bruce has lost his youthfulness and become mature and handsome, somewhat like Bell Bat.

He is now 27 years old, and his body and appearance are at their peak. Considering the training Bruce has undergone and the injection of genetic optimization fluid, he will surely remain at this peak for a long time.

"You haven't changed at all."

Bruce exclaimed to Li Ming.

Li Ming has always looked handsome and handsome since he first met him. Although he looks more stable now, his appearance has not changed.

With Li Ming's current strength, his appearance will not change at all in another thousand years.

"Yeah, it's really...jealous."

Ah Fu couldn't help but complain.

His hair has turned gray and he looks a little old. Seeing Li Ming like this makes him feel inexplicably unhappy.

But they all knew that Li Ming was special, so they didn't get too entangled and returned to the manor happily.

Bruce told them about what he had seen outside, how he blended in with the sneaky criminals, how he found the blue flowers requested by Henry Ducard in the snowy mountains, and how he entered the League of Assassins to study...

In front of the two people closest to him, Bruce was not as silent and cold as he was in the League of Assassins.

"So, young master, you haven't found anyone you like after being outside for so long?" Ah Fu suddenly asked.

Bruce is not young anymore, and Afu, as the minister of care for the Waynes, is naturally concerned about the important matters of the continuation of the Wayne family.

"Uh, no." Bruce opened his mouth and then denied.

"He hesitated, there must be something going on."

Li Ming held a bag of potato chips and watched the excitement. It was not a big deal.

"Obviously, it is true." Afu also nodded, "So Master Bruce, what is her name?"

Bruce had no choice but to confess.

"Thalia, but I thought she liked me, but she doesn't."

"She just came to get close to me so that I could join the League of Assassins and destroy Gotham." Bruce shook his head firmly, "I have nothing to do with her anymore!"

Li Ming pretended to believe it, but in his heart he thought that Bruce should not leave any ancestral DNA behind.

But this is Bruce's private matter. All he needs to do is have his blessings.

"Poor Bruce, but I think Selena is more pitiful." Li Ming took another bite of potato chips and ate them crunchily.

"Completely agree." Ah Fu continued to nod.

"Lee!" Bruce sighed helplessly, "I heard from Sister Diana that you have a bad character. Why didn't I believe it at the time?"

" is she?" Then Bruce asked again with a complicated expression.

On Catwoman's side, I have to say that Bruce is a heartless man, leaving Selina alone and running away for several years.

Li Ming didn't express his opinion anymore, and he didn't come back for several years.

"Selina is now Gotham's most famous... thief."

Ah Fu was breathing heavily when he spoke, which whetted Bruce's appetite.

"But the people she steals from rarely call the police, and Selena is very skilled and living a pretty good life."

Catwoman usually steals from people who are rich and unkind. Most of the treasures in these people's homes are of unknown origin, so of course they will not call the police.

Although Gotham is now peaceful and the people live and work in peace and contentment, there will always be profiteers, underground forces and corrupt officials wherever they are. It can only be said that in Gotham they are not as rampant as other places.

"But Selena usually doesn't like to talk to me. I think she was influenced by someone close to me."

Ah Fu was also good at making sarcastic remarks. He turned to Li Ming and asked, "Li, do you know him? Who is that person who said he would protect others for his whole life, and then turned around and abandoned the girl for several years?"

Although Afu respects Bruce's decision to run away from home for so many years, it is unrealistic to say that he doesn't have a little temper.

"Ahem, Afu!" Bruce became a little annoyed and quickly ended the topic.

But in his heart, he was thinking about how to explain to Selena. After wandering outside for so long, he realized that Selena was still his true love.

Then Bruce got down to business: "I want to be a superhero."

"Oh, that's really... an incredible ambition."

Afu was a little disappointed. He thought Bruce would calm down after coming back, but he didn't expect Bruce to be determined.

"Lee has given Gotham new life, but Lee has to go to other worlds frequently, and Gotham will face many new threats, such as the League of Assassins."

Bruce explained: "Although I don't agree with Raixiao Ogu's philosophy, one thing he is right about is that Gotham needs the Dark Knight."

"Okay, I only have one request." After Bruce became an adult, Ah Fu would no longer deny his decision, "Don't put your life in danger."

"Of course." Bruce nodded happily.

But Ah Fu immediately shook his head: "I'm really confused. How could I hope that Master Bruce would keep his promise?"

"Afu!" Bruce was speechless.

Catwoman gave a thumbs up.

"Lee, what should I do?"

Bruce quickly changed the topic and asked Li Ming for advice from the senior superhero.

"Bruce, only you can decide what kind of superhero you want to be."

But Li Ming did not give any advice, or in other words, he gave the best advice.

"About superheroes, I have taught you before. Now that you have all the abilities and knowledge you should have, it's up to you to decide what to do."

Bruce nodded. He had subconsciously relied on Li Ming just now.

But Li Ming's words made him sober up. He could rely on Li Ming and Ah Fu in life, but in the superhero career, the most important decision-maker was himself.

"I understand." Bruce immediately thought of a foothold, "I want to go to Wayne Group."

Although he was not interested in the group's business, Bruce knew that having money was his advantage.

He came to the Wayne Group, which he had been away from for a long time, but he discovered a problem soon after arriving.

The problem came from Earl, the CEO he appointed personally.

Earl, who was originally quite responsible, actually had the idea of ​​occupying the Wayne Group after Bruce didn't show up for a long time, and even hinted that Bruce Wayne was dead.

And Bruce's partner Fox Lucius has been squeezed out into a complete sinecure.

But Fox's mind is on various scientific researches, so it's not bad that no one bothers him in the Applied Science Department.

Bruce didn't alert the snake. He was no longer the kid who knew there was corruption in the group and had to be tough.

He only asked people to secretly acquire the shares of Wayne Group, and then showed his face to the group's senior management and said that he was still alive, and then found Lucius.

Lucius has also entered middle age. After the two reunited and talked after a long separation, Bruce also found what he wanted.

 Thank you book friends 20190206223403684
    assassin, night shadow

    Mirror Waltz

  Book Friends 20220612124509135
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  Lingkong Yiyu will last forever with the support of ten great monthly votes! ! !

  Special thanks to book friend 20220612124509135 for giving me 12 monthly passes hahaha!

  (End of this chapter)

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