Chapter 369 Surprised Clark
  The gangster drove a box truck straight out of Gotham, with the four hostages on board in danger.

However, when there is an emergency and the police are too late to arrive, Gotham still has an emergency defense.

  A can of black paint was accurately splashed on the windshield of the truck, and the completely invisible driver had no choice but to stop the vehicle.

After getting out of the car, they were struck by justice.


Bruce fell from the sky and knocked down the two of them. After the wedding, Selina ran away again. He could only put on his uniform and go out to watch the night.

But just when he was about to kill all the gangsters, the gangsters in the back row actually lifted up their clothes and revealed the bombs inside in an attempt to kill them all. The countdown only lasted ten seconds!

As expected of Arkham.

Bruce quickly opened his multifunctional belt and was about to take out the freezing air conditioner, when a person suddenly rushed out from beside him.

With his head covered so that he couldn't see his face, he snatched the hostage from the gangster's hand at an extremely fast speed.

It was Clark who disappeared.

At this time, Bruce rushed over and pressed the freezing air on the bomb, freezing the entire bomb and half of the gangster's body.

"Who are you?" he asked.

But Clark didn't answer. He was afraid that he would be recognized if he spoke.

Seeing that the hostages were fine, Clark left the place directly, leaving Bruce thoughtful.

But Batman didn't stop for too long. These criminals were just part of the story. The most important thing was to figure out what happened in Arkham.

This busy work lasted until late at night.

Jerome ran away again.

He specializes in taking advantage of the slack time in the municipal government, such as Penguin's wedding, to escape unexpectedly.

When Batman arrived, there was only a note from him.

“Have fun!”

After investigation, it was discovered that Jerome had fled to New Gotham, but it was outside the scope of Gotham's law enforcement, and the Gotham Police Department had nothing to do with him.

Bruce went to search, but there were no clues.

After Clark returned, he accepted Li Ming's invitation to live in Gotham Manor.

This is Li Ming's own mansion, just next door to Wayne Manor.

Arthur had gone to bed first because he drank too much, or of course he might have slipped away.

Because Arthur's grades were really terrible, there was no hope of getting into high school. Li Ming casually said at the banquet that he wanted to fix him, so Arthur quickly drank away.

Of course Li Ming was just joking. He was too smart to be called Neptune?
  After the remaining people said good night to each other, they went back to their rooms, but after Li Ming closed the door, he also released a source of energy barrier in the room.

"What is this?" Diana asked.

Li Ming gave a bad smile: "Soundproof."

Clark also went back to his room to change his clothes. There were all kinds of brand new clothes.

Just when he was taking off his clothes, Clark suddenly discovered a small bat-shaped device on his clothes.

"This is……"

He was suddenly shocked, noticed something, and quickly looked out the window.

Clark's room faces Wayne Manor.

In the lighted room at the other end, Bruce was standing at the window in his pajamas, holding a telescope.

Seeing Clark looking over, Bruce smiled slightly and saluted playfully.


Clark was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but smile, and he said hello sheepishly.

Unexpectedly, on the first day in Gotham, his identity was exposed.

Batman is really awesome.

he thought to himself.

The next day, after breakfast, Li Ming called everyone together, and the closest group of people sat in the hall.

The staff had been called away, and Afu was drinking black tea in the garden with Tom Curry.

"Okay, you don't have to peek at each other anymore."

Li Ming waved his hand and smiled, disturbing the awkward atmosphere between Bruce and Clark.

"Clarke...isn't an ordinary person, right?" Bruce finally couldn't help but ask.

Clark could only chuckle.

He saw that Bruce's identity as Batman relied on superpowers, but Bruce relied on human wisdom.

Compared with Bruce, the great detective, Superman's character is really simple.

Then he remembered that he had not officially introduced himself to Li Ming, and quickly explained: "I didn't mean to hide it. I... am actually an alien."

In front of Li Ming, whom he and his father trusted, and Bruce, a superhero, Clark chose to tell his biggest secret.

But to his surprise, everyone was only slightly surprised except Arthur who reacted a little louder.

By the way, Arthur found out Bruce's identity last night.

Seeing that Clark was surprised, Li Ming smiled and said: "Clark, I am very happy that you are candid, but you don't need to be too cautious with me."

"Because in the eyes of outsiders, there are quite a lot of strange people here."

Then Li Ming pointed to himself: "I, a multiverse traveler, often go to help protect other worlds."

"No wonder His Excellency Li Ming always disappears."

Clark suddenly understood, and his admiration for Li Ming deepened.

"I said just call me Li, Clark." Li Ming corrected his name.

Clark nodded.

Protecting other worlds is much more powerful than protecting a city. Although Bruce and others knew this for a long time, they still looked at Li Ming with admiration.

Especially Diana, her eyes were almost wired.

Li Ming didn't lie. He helped those mission worlds not to be invaded by other camps. Wasn't he protecting them?

It's just that he got a lot of benefits by the way.

Then Li Ming pointed at Arthur again.

"This is the son of the Queen of Atlantis, Arthur Curry."


As a native Kryptonian, Clark naturally knows this legendary underwater kingdom.

"Yes, but I can't let Atlantis discover my identity." Arthur replied with a grimace.

But Bruce tapped him on the shoulder, and Arthur perked up again, raising a hand into a fist.

"But I am determined to become a superhero and be a good helper to Uncle Li Ming and Brother Bruce!"

Clark nodded, sure of his drive.

Finally, Li Ming put his arms around Diana and introduced: "This is my girlfriend, Diana Prince."

"She is the princess of Paradise Island, the daughter of Zeus."

Clark's eyes widened instantly.

No wonder everyone is not very surprised by his alien identity. It turns out that they all have great backgrounds.

"Zeus...Zeus?" he asked impatiently, "Is there really a god in this world?"

This question is something that almost all humans are curious about.

"Yes, and no." Li Ming replied.

Then he gave Diana an apologetic smile: "I'm sorry, Diana."

"It's ok."

Of course Diana knew what he wanted to say and immediately shook her head to express that she didn't mind.

"Gods are actually a group of living beings with supernatural abilities. Just like Clark, if you appeared in the era of ignorance, humans would also regard you as a god." Li Ming said.

"I don't want to be a god." Clark shook his head quickly, "I am a human being from a small farm in Kansas."

Li Ming understood that although Heng Chao was almost the most divine superman, he was always a human being who wanted to live a good life.

"Of course, only we ourselves can decide what kind of existence we will become." Li Ming finally asked, "So Clark, you came to me, have you made your decision?"

Clark thought for a moment, nodded to Li Ming, and then said firmly: "I figured it out."

"I want to help others too!"

  (End of this chapter)

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