The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 372 Various villains begin to develop

Chapter 372 Various villains begin to develop
  "Another clown?"

Li Ming was very surprised when he saw the information sent on Sunday.

In New Gotham, a new villain has recently appeared, wearing a purple suit, green hair, and clown makeup on his face.

The most important thing is that he has a knife wound on both sides of his mouth, which makes him look like he is smiling all the time.

Li Ming had only seen one clown with such characteristics.

Heath Ledger's version of the Joker.

He thought Jerome was the clown in this world, but he didn't expect another one to appear.

Strictly speaking, although Jerome had a group of clowns under his command, he did not officially call himself a clown.

But this one, in a big way, showed his name as the Joker.

But the new Joker disappeared quickly after committing two murders and robberies. The New Gotham Police Department had no idea who committed the crime, and even Batman was not alerted.

That is to say, the surveillance coverage on Sunday was relatively wide, and one surveillance camera happened to capture him committing the crime.

Although no one knew the clown's identity, Li Ming still found clues from Bruce's actions some time ago.

"Red Hood, two robbers trying to rob the card factory... The Killing Joke?"

"Joe Cole."

On the screen of Li Ming's secret room, a screenshot of Qiao's surveillance was displayed on it.

"It's really a clown when you read them together." Li Ming said.

Joe's body shape is not the same as the clown in "The Dark Knight" who can challenge the police. However, Li Ming discovered through satellite tracking that Joe changed cities and used the money he robbed to learn fighting and even bought a bicycle. A bunch of psychology books.

This made Li Ming look a little weird.

This clown actually knows that he must enrich himself before committing a crime!
  One look at it shows great ambition.

Li Ming sighed for Bruce.

He will be blessed in the future.

Clark has already returned home and informed his parents of his decision.

The Kents also support his approach and are very happy that he has found his own path.

In the past, they asked Clark to hide himself because there were no superpowers in the world, and it would be very detrimental to Clark if he was exposed.

Now the biggest superpower crisis has been borne by Li Ming, and there is also Batman Zhuyu at the front. I heard Clark say that there are many other superpowers around Mr. Li Ming, so the Kents' views have also changed.

Of course, the main reason is to reassure Li Ming, because Li Ming promised that if he has any difficulties, he can seek his help.

The good feelings are rising slowly.

Now Clark has been working as an intern reporter at the Daily Planet for more than two months.

His press releases are well written, especially the ones he publishes very quickly. He is also willing to help his colleagues, and he quickly gets involved with them.

In this atmosphere, colleagues did not mind Clark's occasional disappearance.

It is worth mentioning that the female reporter responsible for taking care of Clark is named Lois Lane, and she has just arrived at the Daily Planet.

The hottest news in Metropolis right now is that there is an extra superhero here.

He wears a blue tights. When many accidents happen, he can rush to the scene and use his physical fitness beyond ordinary people to save the disaster.

Because he usually wears Li Ming's special glasses, and Clark will consciously adjust his identity in his daily state, making him completely different from his undisguised superhero state, no one recognized him.

As for the photos on his old file, it doesn't matter, they will be released on Sunday.

The same goes for paper archives. Li Ming's clone army covers a wide range of areas, so it is very simple to replace the archive photos.

For the new superhero in Metropolis, "Daily Planet" was the first to give the name.


The apt title was unanimously loved by the people.

However, both Batman and Superman have encountered some problems recently.

"Vigilante or Criminal?" Batman hunts down gangsters and causes widespread destruction!    《Superman injured robbers, who gave them the law enforcement power? 》

"Members of Congress call for superhuman beings to be registered with their real names. 》

"Do we really need superheroes?" 》

News media such as newspapers and television suddenly appeared a lot of negative news about superheroes, which directly affected the reputation of Batman and Superman.

Li Ming clearly felt that someone was manipulating him.

It's not like there aren't similar news in normal times, but for such a concentrated appearance, someone must be behind the scenes.

"On Sunday, look for clues on the Internet, such as the media's bank accounts, to see who is behind the scenes."

"Okay, Your Excellency Li Ming."

Sunday's move was quick and the target was quickly secured.

"Boston Syndicate."

Sunday projected all sorts of numbers.

“Most of the media leaders who spread negative news have recently received funding from the Boston consortium,” she said.

Of course, there are many ways to deal with funds, but Sunday's analytical skills are very strong, and he was able to peel off the Boston consortium.

Li Ming happened to also know who the Boston Consortium supported in the political arena.

"Pent Baker."

He chuckled.

"It seems that the former mayor of Gotham is very dissatisfied with the commander-in-chief's rejection of the "Superhuman Registration Draft" and wants to use public opinion to put pressure on the authorities."

"Since you want to fight a public opinion war, let's do it."

Waging a public opinion war, especially one that has no official outcome, is nothing more than burning money.

As for money, Li Ming never cares about money.

He also didn't know how much money he had.

I can’t spend it all anyway.

After Li Ming stepped down, the Boston Consortium was able to compete with him at first. However, with the continuous injection of funds from the Gotham Group, the Boston Consortium gradually couldn't hold on, and the reputation of Batman and Superman gradually improved.

It was not until half a month later that the Boston Consortium completely withdrew from the public opinion war, and the storm gradually subsided.

"Okay, I see."

Ponte Baker put down his phone with an expressionless expression.

"Sir, what did the consortium say?" his deputy asked.

"The funds invested by the consortium have reached the limit. They said they would not offend the King of Gotham on such a trivial matter just for me." Pente replied.

The deputy frowned: "This is indeed difficult to handle. After all, unlike Li Ming, we control a company that is more powerful than a consortium."

"Hey, they support me, don't they just want me to compete in the ring with the King of Gotham? They are actually timid."

Punter was well aware of his situation.

"The consortium cannot be relied upon after all. It must support the capital that specifically supports me."

He suddenly thought of a person, turned to the deputy and asked: "That Lex Luthor who came to the door before, can you give him more support?"

"Lex?" The deputy hesitated, "Sir, his background is somewhat..."

"Lex Luthor's starting capital came from his father's insurance money, but the time of his father's death was too coincidental, and there may be some ulterior secrets in it."

"I'm worried that if word spreads in the future, it may have a bad impact on you."

But Ponte Baker waved his hand: "It's best to control such talents. Don't worry, Luther can't make any trouble."

 Thanks Galaxy 123
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  (End of this chapter)

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