The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 374 DC No. 1 Buttocks

Chapter 374 DC’s number one buttocks

John Grayson is Li Ming's die-hard fan. He met Li Ming by chance before Borderlands, and his beloved Li Ming personally gave him a necklace.

Later, when Pent Baker captured Penguin and Riddler, John was the first to stand up and protect them.

Of course, he also has a more important identity, Dick Grayson's father.

Dick Grayson, the eldest son of the Bat Family.

The famous combination of Batman and Robin, he is the first Robin and the most popular Robin.

When he grew up, Dick also became Nightwing and continued his activities. He served as the leader of the Teen Titans and was a very important superhero.

The moment he saw the Grayson family's safety rope break, Li Ming realized that this was Dick's origin story.

He looked at Bruce and found that he was indeed staring at Dick, his clenched fists just loosening.

Bruce almost saw the tragedy that happened to him happen again just now.

In the original plot, Dick would watch his parents die before his eyes, and then be adopted by Bruce, who also saw his parents die before his eyes.

After that, Bruce continued to train Dick, and eventually Dick became Batman's best helper, Robin.

Li Ming had just hesitated whether to let everything happen, but he couldn't bear the death of his biggest fan John Grayson in front of him, so he finally saved the couple.

But Li Ming deliberately caused the Graysons to be seriously injured, leaving a possibility for Dick to follow his original trajectory.

But Li Ming glanced at Dick secretly.

This butt is indeed very perky.

That ratio is completely inferior to that of the American team.

No wonder there is that saying.

Young Master’s butt and DC’s soul.

The Graysons were quickly taken to the hospital.

They are both out of danger, but Mrs. Grayson will need to stay in bed for a long time to recover, and John Grayson will need to use a wheelchair.

At least for a long time, they couldn't take good care of nine-year-old Dick.

Bruce and Li Ming followed the whole process and are also in the ward now.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Li Ming." John Grayson held Li Ming's hand tightly. "If it weren't for you, our whole family would have died there!"

"It's okay John, but..." Li Ming patted John on the shoulder and changed the subject, "Have you decided who will take care of Dick?"

Speaking of this, John was also very distressed: "My relatives have all left Gotham, and I want to try leaving Dick under the care of the circus..."

But then Bruce interrupted: "No."

"I've seen your safety rope and it was deliberately damaged. It would be dangerous for Dick to return to the circus."

"What!" John was shocked, "'s impossible. We have a very good relationship with our colleagues in the circus, and they wouldn't do such a thing."

Li Ming also added: "The Gotham Police Department has interviewed everyone at the circus and found nothing unusual, but it is really not appropriate to let Dick go back at this time."

"But if we don't go to the circus, I don't know where to send Dick?" John frowned fiercely.

Li Ming secretly looked at Bruce from the corner of his eye. If Bruce was not interested, he would take Dick back and then find some excuse to stick it next to Bruce.

But maybe because Dick's experience was so similar to his own, Bruce felt sympathy, and he said directly: "You can come to Wayne Manor, and I... let Afu take care of him."

At the critical moment, Bruce changed his mind, because he suddenly thought that he had never taken care of a child, so he should leave it to Afu.

Alfred likes with his real name.

"Mr. Wayne?"

John was very surprised. He looked at Li Ming and found that Li Ming was also nodding, so he trusted Bruce more.

After all, Bruce's reputation in Gotham was very good.

And if Dick goes to live with Bruce Wayne, no matter who wants to harm their family, Bruce will definitely be able to ensure Dick's safety.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Wayne!" John said.

Then he pulled Dick between himself and Bruce, and warned carefully: "Dick, you must be obedient when you go to Mr. Wayne's house, do you understand?" Although Dick was only nine years old, he was very sensible, and he nodded vigorously.


Seeing Dick, Bruce seemed to see himself in that alley sixteen years ago.

Fortunately, Dick's situation was much better.

Bruce thought in his mind.

However, that night he also met Li Ming who rescued him.

Bruce touched Dick's head and then laughed.

My luck is also good.

Dick felt the warmth above his head, raised his head and saw Bruce's warm smile. He felt that he would always remember these two people.

Mr. Li Ming, and Bruce Wayne.

"Hey, don't be afraid."

At this moment, Dick felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw a curly-haired boy grinning at him.

"My name is Arthur Curry." Arthur patted his chest boldly, "I will protect you from now on!"

Dick laughed too.

Well, he won't forget Arthur Curry either.

After Bruce brought Dick back to Wayne Manor, to his surprise, Alfred did not show displeasure, but was very happy.

Wayne Manor is very large, but there are only a few family members. It has been deserted before Li Ming came back, so Ah Fu welcomes Arthur to stay here for a long time. It is of course better to have another member now.

After learning about what happened to Dick's family from Bruce, Alfred felt even more pity for Dick, and also understood why Bruce took the initiative to take care of Dick.

Because he saw the shadow of his young master in Dick.

That was the young master's most helpless time. Without Li's constant guidance and protection, he didn't know how Bruce would have come out.

Ah Fu knows that Bruce has always regarded Li Ming as a role model. Now facing the same situation as Li Ming, Bruce will naturally lend a helping hand to Dick just like Li Ming did to him.

In Wayne Manor, Dick received meticulous care. Afu was like his grandfather, taking care of everything in life, and Arthur was like an older brother, always protecting him no matter what happened.

It's just that this brother is a bit more naughty than him, and most of the troubles in the manor are caused by Arthur.

What makes Dick very happy is that Wayne Manor is very close to Gotham Manor, and Mr. Li Ming actually opened the door to him.

He has listened to his father telling the story of Lord Li Ming's efforts to save Gotham since he was a child, and his father also taught him to learn from Lord Li Ming and protect their Gotham when he grows up.

Now that Dick and Li Ming can see each other often, it is simply a dream come true.

But what made Dick feel the most special was Bruce.

He could feel Bruce's concern for him, but he always felt a little strange sometimes.

It's as if Mr. Wayne has two identities.

And several times at night, he seemed to see Mr. Wayne going out.

He had asked Arthur, but Arthur was vague, but Dick was able to trick him out of a secret room in the study with a few roundabout words.

Dick couldn't restrain his curiosity, so that night he secretly used a rope to climb to the beam of the study, but when he saw Bruce coming back, he let out a cry of surprise.

Because Bruce was wearing a dark suit.


Bruce quickly looked up, but then Dick's foot suddenly slipped and he fell from the rafter. Bruce hurried over to catch him.

And Dick's head is still confused.

"Bat...Mr. Wayne is Batman!"

 Thank you Red Cloud Meteorite

  eternal dream

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(End of this chapter)

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