The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 378 Battle preparation, magical changes

Chapter 378 Battle preparation, magical changes

World number 20141024?

Li Ming immediately felt where he had heard it before, until he remembered Livingston.

“The John Wick world?”

This was the second mission world that Li Ming experienced, where he obtained the [John Wick Combat Template] that was of great help to him, and also killed two teams of reincarnators.

Incidentally, that is also the hometown of Pikabai.

If it was a coincidence that the reincarnators entered, then the fact that the reincarnators entered made Li Ming wary.

He has a lot of quarrels with Tiantang, but they are mainly with the Quan Angel branch. The first and second leaders of Quan Angel have abandoned the secrets and turned to the bright side. The news of the previous clues has not been leaked. There should not be anyone targeting him.

As for the possibility of Neptune's rebellion, Li Ming thought it was unlikely, because what he modified was cognition, which was the basis for how the two viewed the world. It could not be reversed so easily.

Moreover, the spirit of vengeance he gave the two of them was not simply to enhance their strength.

Li Ming directly dialed the communication with Neptune and asked him about the recent developments in heaven.

"There is no other special action other than a constant war with hell." Neptune replied

"World number 20141024, do you have any impression?" Li Ming asked directly.

Neptune was a little surprised now.

"This number? That's not..."

He immediately realized the seriousness of the matter and said quickly: "We have never disclosed any information about this world!"

Even if the modified cognition is not considered, Neptune and Livingston are in the same boat as Li Ming.

If the news about harboring Abyss were spread, the two of them would definitely receive the harshest punishment.

After Li Ming revealed that he was still entering the sixth-level Paradise Team, Neptune suddenly thought of someone.


"Angel branch?" Li Ming was very surprised, how did this person know this world.

When he learned the name from Neptune, he locked the suspect on Michelle.

The level of the sixth-order reincarnation team is not low, but as a seventh-order reincarnation, Michelle can indeed form it. The most important thing is that he has an indirect entanglement with Li Ming.

Angel flesh.

It's just weird where he got the world number.

Li Ming repeatedly confirmed with Neptune: "Is it true that no one else knows the clues that Livingston found?"

Neptune really couldn't figure it out, so he directly called Livingston himself.

"It has never been leaked to outsiders. If anyone else knows..."

After Livingston thought carefully, he suddenly said with a strange expression: "Base projection?"

"But how is that possible?"

Li Ming felt that it was not impossible. After all, the Red Queen in the Biochemical World Origin Mission had been invaded by Sunday countless times.

He even thought about whether the projection at Angel Quan's base was itself a part of surveillance.

Li Ming knows very well about planting spies for the enemy.

After leaving a sentence to let them find out on their own, Li Ming hung up the communication.

Now that he knew that the group of reincarnators were coming for him, he had to deal with them as soon as possible.

"Abyss, can I enter that world?" Li Ming asked, and then he added, "In a way that does not expose the camp."

[Ding, you can use the world origin to disguise yourself, but the agent has insufficient remaining origin. 】

This is easy to handle.

Li Ming immediately entered the biochemical world to start the world origin mission, and then went to the Marvel world again, and picked up one space, power, reality, and time gem each by the way.

The problem of the origin of the world was solved, and Li Ming brought the Transformers Legion that developed in the biochemical world.

Now there are more than fifty members of the Transformers Legion. The Legion's vehicle is a Temple II, and the most important thing is that it carries Li Ming's trump card.

Star Destroyer.

This is a large-scale killer weapon modified on the basis of Cybertron's super-technological star reaper. It can release the stored star energy and is a proper star-destroying weapon.

It is also one of Li Ming's trump cards.

In addition to this, he also brought Sunday's latest achievement, the Iron Terminator Legion.

The perfect combination of steel suit technology and Terminator technology is based on the Terminator REV-9 captured by Li Ming. The Terminator's skeleton is matched with a liquid nano-steel suit, which can disguise itself as a human or transform into Iron Man.

Neptune and the others brought a lot of trouble to Li Ming last time, and now the sixth-order reincarnation team is coming to cause trouble, so of course Li Ming must be prepared for battle.

He even brought a new version of the biochemical army with him. If he couldn't do it anyway, he would flip the table.

Time was tight, and the mission world and the reincarnation space had different flow rates. Li Ming took his army and started the teleportation directly.

[Ding, we have arrived at world number 20141024. 】

Because Li Ming entered abnormally and did not pass through the space, there is no main mission this time.

He looked at the world origin that the disguise cost, and it was almost the harvest of one and a half origin missions, and the price was quite high.

But there is also an additional effect. If Li Ming sees a reincarnator, the abyss can mark him.

As soon as he arrived, Li Ming used his source power to cover himself. The Heavenly Team didn't know how long they had entered before him, so they had to be careful in everything.

But as soon as he saw the surrounding scene clearly, Li Ming became surprised.

"This...should be in New York, right?"

The city in front of him was not as prosperous as the last time he came here. It was now desolate. The streets were full of abandoned cars and smashed shops, just like the ruins after the war. Gunshots continued to be heard in the distance. .

Li Ming had excellent eyesight. He looked towards the place where the gunshot was fired, and then his face became strange.

"Zombie?"   The painting style is wrong, this is obviously from the world of killers.

Then he remembered something. It seemed that when he left last time, he gave the reincarnation body of the T-virus tyrant to the high table.

Is it possible that they really came up with research results and restored the T-virus that eliminated the risk of infection?

Li Ming asked Sunday to carefully search what was happening in the world, and found that the earth had been completely disconnected, so he found an abandoned media and asked Sunday to enter their server to learn the general story.

It has been three years since he last left here.

After he left, High Table was still the underground ruler of this world. However, starting seven months ago, zombie bite incidents began to occur all over the world.

At first, the High Table used violent suppression to effectively control it, but two months later, the scale continued to expand. Three months ago, it suddenly swept the world, and the human world almost fell.

The latest news recorded on the server is - "The Matrix Company has established multiple shelters that can accept all survivors!" 》

"Matrix Corporation?"

This was a company that had never been heard of in the John Wick world. Li Ming searched for relevant information and found that three months ago, there was no news about Matrix Company at all, as if it appeared out of thin air.

Recalling that the virus suddenly swept the world three months ago, Li Ming smelled a conspiracy.

It would never be such a coincidence if there were reincarnations.

He hides and then releases a regular white man vest.

This was made for the purpose of camouflage. The physical quality is exactly that of an ordinary person, and the appearance is also popular.

Li Ming chose a very casual name.

Smith No.1.

Li Ming's consciousness was injected into Smith No. 1. In order to fit in with the surrounding environment, he made himself dirty and embarrassed, and then ran towards the sound of gunfire.

The gunfire had stopped, but Li Ming remembered the general location and steered Smith No. 1 to stagger over.

When he arrived, he found that this was a supermarket. No one was here, and there were only a few zombie corpses left on the ground.

Smith No. 1 pretended to be very distressed. He guessed that not all humans would be gone in such a short period of time, and they were probably observing him in the dark.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a well-armed strong man to appear.

"You!" He pointed the gun at Smith No. 1, "Put your hands up."

Smith No. 1 obeyed and did as he was told: "Okay, okay, don't kill me."

The strong man came over and examined Smith No. 1 carefully, looking at his eyes, touching his hands and feet, and then he lowered his guard only after confirming that he had not been bitten.


After he shouted softly, three more people jumped out from around him, all armed like him.

"Seph." The strong man introduced himself.


"You didn't go to the Matrix?" Cypher asked.

Smith No. 1 shook his head and pretended to be scared: "I...I don't trust them."

After he finished speaking, he saw two people looking at each other with complicated expressions.

"Who are you?" he asked quickly.

"The Human Resistance Army." Cypher looked confused, "Haven't you heard of it?"

"No." Smith No. 1 showed that he was very afraid of death. "I hid at home for three months and came out after running out of food."

"Human resistance? Oh my god, is humanity going to perish?"


Seifer didn't explain much, because there was a roaring sound outside, and the group of people quickly became alert.


"Come on."

"What should he do?" Someone pointed at Smith No. 1 and asked, his tone full of disgust.

"Take him..." Before Seif could finish his words, the supermarket was suddenly attacked by missiles, and they hurriedly hid everywhere.

Li Ming could clearly see from a distance that what was attacking them was a mechanical octopus that relied on anti-gravity technology to fly in the air. Each tentacle was a turret.

It's obviously not John Wick's world-beating technology.

"Where is the EMP?" someone asked.

"We don't need EMP!" Cypher said suddenly.

While the attack stopped outside, he walked out of the supermarket under the surprised eyes of Smith No. 1 and shouted to the mechanical octopus: "We are here to surrender, we want to enter the matrix!"


Li Ming in the distance almost ducked. No wonder this group of people were not very friendly to Smith No. 1. It turned out that they were running away.

As expected, the mechanical octopus stopped attacking, and seemed to have approved the surrender of several people. Then everyone's eyes focused on Smith No. 1.

"I surrender too," he said decisively.

It happened that Li Ming also went to see what the matrix was.

Matrix, mechanical octopus.

These gave Li Ming a full sense of déjà vu, as if he was in another movie.

 Thanks to Ruyunluochenda for your monthly ticket support! ! !




(End of this chapter)

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