The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 384 Uncontrollable Smith, vest upgrade

Chapter 384 Uncontrollable Smith, vest upgrade

Neo and others followed Seraphim to the train station. During this period, Morpheus came to the matrix again and handed Neo something.

Code bomb.

According to Morpheus's idea, after Neo enters the resource center of the matrix, if the situation is not satisfactory, he can detonate a code bomb in the resource center. Even if it cannot paralyze the matrix, it can at least cause many loopholes in the matrix.

Then they will have more opportunities to find ways to overturn the matrix.

When they saw the train man, Neo, Kane, and even Morpheus and others who were observing the matrix in the real world were surprised.

"Cassian?" Neo was full of doubts. As far as he knew, Cassian had been missing for a long time.

"Hello, John."

Cassian twitched the corner of his mouth slightly as a greeting.

It was John who killed his Jaina. Now that Cassian can talk to John calmly, he has given Li Ming face.

"Get on the train." Cassian pointed to the train behind him.

Seraphim went in first, followed by Kane, but when Neo was about to go in, Cassian quickly thrust the contact lens into his hand.

At this time, Neo also saw that the light strips on the train formed a sentence, and then returned to normal.

"Let Helen put on her glasses."

Neo immediately understood and knew that this was Li Ming's handiwork.

"Sorry." Neo suddenly said to Cassian.

He was referring to the assassination of the Pope.

"Humph, come in."

Cassian snorted coldly, but he noticed Helen behind Neo and saw his own shadow in Neo.

With Seraphim opening the way, Melovinchi was very "easy to talk to" and said that he would open the back door to the resource center for Neo.

But after Neo stepped into the back door, Melovinchi suddenly turned his back. He ordered his strongest men, the Ghost Twins, to capture Helen. Kane wanted to resist but was no match for the two top killer programs of the Ghost Twins.

Seraphim simply pretended to be defeated by the other horses.

But Neo had already activated the savior's super learning program at this time. When he entered the back door, he automatically copied this code. Although he couldn't open the door by himself, he could come out from behind the door.


Neo directly broke the backdoor program and returned here, surprising Melo Wenqi.

"I take back what I said before, you are more powerful than your predecessors." Melo Wenqi exclaimed.

He had previously said that Neo was no better than the saviors he had seen in other worlds.

But what surprised him even more was yet to come.



Melo Wenqi's residence was suddenly breached from several places, and a group of people in black suits and black sunglasses poured in from outside, and they all had the same face.

"We meet again, Mr. Anderson."

Agent Smith only has eyes for Neo and only greets Neo.

"Agent Matrix, but is this self-replication?"

Merowenki had never seen such a matrix agent before, and he quickly used his authority to pull both the Prophet and the Creator into a temporary meeting space.

"I didn't write the program." The prophet immediately denied it.

"I did not give Matrix agents such dangerous authority." Creator Mies also said quickly.

Through the data sent by Merowenqi, they can all see how amazing Agent Smith's copying ability is, and even their program codes can be copied.

"Only the savior has this kind of authority." Mies added.

The prophet suddenly remembered: "This matrix agent was once killed by the Savior entering the body. Perhaps it was then that he obtained part of the Savior's code authority."

"Then why didn't he return to the matrix after his resurrection?" Mies frowned.

They looked through Agent Smith's records and found that Agent Smith often thought about philosophical topics.

"So he thinks that he and the savior are two sides of the same body, so he just wants to kill the savior to complete himself." The prophet concluded with a very ugly look on his face, "He is out of matrix control."

"Fortunately, you held an impromptu meeting instead of talking about this in the team voice chat, Melo Wenqi." The lady sighed, "Otherwise, how would we explain to Mr. Michelle that one of our anti-virus programs had a bug, and because of A philosopher who became a virus that harmed the Matrix?"

"Mith, check Smith's code to see if there are any traces of external interference, especially reincarnations."

The prophet suddenly said that they were all reincarnators, so when she encountered a sudden accident, the first thing she thought of was whether there were reincarnation factors.

The Creator carefully checked several rounds of Smith's codes and records, and finally shook his head helplessly.

"There are no traces of interference, if any there is definitely a record in the Matrix."

He concluded: "This incident was a pure accident."

"It's just that Agent Smith didn't come into contact with the Savior code before, so it never happened. But the problem is that we can't predict the behavior of the Savior, and it just happened this time."

The three people on the field fell into silence, and finally it was Melo Wenqi who broke the silence.

"Why is this world so weird!"       "Can you delete Agent Smith directly in the resource center?" asked the prophet.

Mies tried it for a while and finally shook her head: "I can't do it within my authority. He is out of jurisdiction."

"What about Mr. Michelle?"

"Your Excellency has all the authority over the matrix, so it should be fine." Miss replied.

"Should I inform you?"

Melo Wenqi's question caused the three of them to fall silent again. They all knew that letting Michelle come out should delete Agent Smith, but they would definitely be kicked out, and they would no longer have anything to do with the Matrix.

But even with all their entanglements, they couldn't stop Agent Smith's actions.

Now Agent Smith has both Matrix authority and is not restricted by the Matrix. His only goal is to capture Neo and then assimilate Neo to complete himself.

Melo Wenqi's side originally had a numerical advantage, but there were more Agent Smiths. The men in black suits swarmed in, and even the ghost twins could not stop them.

Fortunately, Neo is far stronger than the savior in the plot. He uses the various weapons collected in Merowenchi's lair and uses them superbly.

Long sword, axe, double fork, long stick, etc.

The Smith agents were sent flying everywhere, just like the scene in "Kung Fu" in which Ah Xing, who has opened up the Ren Du Second Line, fights against the Ax Gang.

"Not enough, more is needed!"

Upon seeing this, Agent Smith shouted, and the other Smiths began to attack Melo Wenqi's cavalry, constantly assimilating and copying Agent Smith, and even the ghost twins who could convert virtual and real were suppressed by them.

"Since you can't beat me, you might as well join us." Agent Smith said, extending his hand of assimilation to the ghost twins.

The ghost twins quickly entered the disembodied state in an attempt to escape, but it was no use, and a few seconds later they also became Agent Smith.

Moreover, Agent Smith has been upgraded again, and now Agent Smith can also switch between virtual and real.

Suddenly, Agent Smith was flying all over the sky like a fool, and Neo's pressure suddenly increased.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Cassian hid directly back at the train station, followed by Kane and Seraphim, and Neo didn't want to waste any more time.

He closed his eyes, and an invisible force temporarily separated the agents. Then Neo flew into the sky with Helen in his arms, crashing through the ceiling and leaving.

After regaining consciousness, Mei Luo Wenqi looked at the mess, and his face turned completely gloomy.

Not only because his lair was ransacked by agents, but also because of Agent Smith, the Matrix's plan for the savior completely failed.

But Melovanchi wanted to escape but was a step too late. He was surrounded by Agent Smith.

In the plot, the reason why Mei Luo Wenqi can command so many killer programs is because he has mastered the termination codes of those programs through coercion and inducement. Mei Luo Wenqi himself has no special abilities.

And now Meiluo Wenqi is a fifth-level reincarnation in heaven, so naturally he will not be helpless and immediately start a fight with the agents.

But there is also a saying that two fists are no match for four hands.

Let alone four hundred hands now.

Even though Melo Wenqi also had high-level permissions, he was inevitably caught in the face of a group of viruses.

"Merowenki, one of the Ancients of the Matrix, your code has been very useful to me."

After Agent Smith finished speaking, he directly assimilated Merowenqi. Seeing that the matter was irreversible, Merowenqi had no choice but to abandon the program and return to reality.

The three reincarnators are the three giants of the Matrix, so they naturally set up escape strategies for themselves.

"Damn it, he took away my authority."

Merowenki swore angrily: "I was kicked out of the Matrix."

"I'll add permissions to you again." Mies responded quickly.

But Melo Wenqi rolled his eyes: "No need, I'm just guarding outside the matrix to prevent the human resistance from taking the opportunity to destroy the matrix."

Mies thought to herself, "Old Fox." He knew that Mei Luowenqi was actually afraid, because the authority could be added again, but he could not escape. If he died again, he would really die.

On the other side, Li Ming also encountered some trouble. In order to use his authority to broadcast live to him, Smith No. 1 kept getting closer to Neo, but was actually caught by the expanded Agent Smith, who wanted to recruit him.

Smith No. 1 was just an ordinary person, so of course he couldn't defeat Agent Smith, so Li Ming directly took back the various permissions of Smith No. 1 and gave up resistance.

It's just a vest, he can just send another one in.

But when Agent Smith assimilated Smith One, a sudden change occurred.

Li Ming had already withdrawn from his consciousness, but after Smith No. 1 was assimilated, he was surprised to find that his consciousness could still possess people!

He tried it, and his consciousness was suddenly pulled into Agent Smith's mental space.

Only the spirit exists in the mental space, and physical strength, matrix authority, and the like cannot be brought in, so a problem arises.

Compared with Li Ming's mental body, Agent Smith's mental body was like the glow of a firefly compared to the bright moon, making him look weak, pitiful and helpless.

Li Ming had an idea and stretched out his claws directly like Agent Smith.

After a while.

Agent Smith in the matrix slowly opened his eyes. Although his appearance remained unchanged, the consciousness in charge had become Li Ming.

He smiled.

"The name of Smith No. 1, Wat Jia, is really the right one."

 Thank you Alata Soy Sauce for your monthly ticket support! ! !




(End of this chapter)

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