The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 387: Fighting against angels, stealing home on the 2nd way

Chapter 387 Fighting against angels, stealing from both sides


Li Ming saw the wings behind Michelle and immediately knew what his enhanced bloodline was.

No wonder Michelle is so interested in angel flesh and blood, it turns out he is right on target.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

Although he was surprised that Michelle could withstand the Star Destroyer Cannon, he looked very embarrassed, so Li Ming immediately added another round of bombardment.

The Star Destroyer was cooling down, this time a salvo from the rest of Templar Two's turrets.

As soon as Michel regained his breath, he saw the oncoming bombardment. He didn't intend to block it any more. He fluttered his wings behind his back and dodged this round of bombardment.

Then Michelle took out a long spear that was all white and covered with inscriptions. It exuded a holy light and rushed to the gap in front of Temple No. 2 like thunder.

Even though Li Ming closed the space channel in time, Michelle stabbed forward with a spear, and the independent space where Temple No. 2 was located was directly defeated!

Michelle continued to rush towards Temple 2 without losing any strength. Before it even made contact, nearly half of the Cybertron shield carried on Temple 2 had been consumed.

Suddenly, Temple No. 2 in front of Michelle disappeared out of thin air, and it was Li Ming who recovered it into his personal space.

It takes killing a Thanos to get one Temple II, and he doesn't have many ships in total, so he has to save some.

But this is not the Marvel world. In Marvel, Li Ming has six infinity stones, and he has nothing to fear in the universe.

But outside the Marvel world, he only has one space gem, so he can only be cautious.

Li Ming put on the Extremis Steel Suit, and then put on Emperor Weishan's Patronus Charm. He also took out the Gotham Scepter in his hand, but it was not in the style of a staff or sword, but a sharp weapon that shone with thunder. ax.

Storm Battle Ax, the same model as Thor.

When he was performing his original mission before coming here, Li Ming went to Nidawi to have the dwarves build it.

He only used three Infinity Stones before Eitri enthusiastically expressed his willingness to help.

Since the Gotham Scepter can combine different weapons, Li Ming has been eyeing the Storm Axe. The power of this artifact has been perfectly reflected in Thanos.

The desperate battle suit will not prevent Li Ming from using source power, especially now that the quality of Li Ming's source power and divine power are almost the same, and the power of the Storm Battle Ax in his hand is even more powerful than Thor's.


When he saw Temple No. 2 disappearing, Michelle knew it was the work of the reincarnation.

"There are actually people who can isolate space detection. No wonder Neptune's idiots failed several times." Michelle said while sizing up the attacker.

Of course, in space, Michelle used spiritual voice transmission.

The inexplicable armor on his body seemed to be to hide his identity. He couldn't see any reason for it, but the ax the man was carrying made him feel a great threat. It was a weapon that could definitely break his defense.

"Are you Li Ming?" Michelle asked.

But Li Ming didn't mean to talk, so he directly picked up the storm axe, and rushed over with the thunder.

What to talk about? Let me try to kill you first and then we can talk.

Michelle also had the intention of delaying the attack and recovering from his injuries. Seeing this, he could only set up his spear to resist.


The intersection of the spear and ax erupted with strong energy, sending both of them flying back a lot. Li Ming retreated further than Michelle.

With just one move, Li Ming found out that although Michelle was seriously injured, her overall strength was still superior to him.

Michelle also realized that Li Ming was not as strong as him, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He is in a bad state now and is really worried about meeting a well-matched opponent.

In this case, he doesn't need to use his trump card.

"Were you the one who sniped at Neptune?" he asked again.

The two of them were floating in space, and Michelle's wounds were constantly being covered with white light to recover. He felt that the further back he went, the better his chances of winning, so he continued to inquire for information.

But Li Ming didn't ignore it this time.

Because he also silently started to accumulate energy for annihilation.


Of course, Li Ming would not admit it directly, and Michelle had no evidence anyway.

Unexpectedly, Michelle suddenly shouted in surprise: "It's really you!"

He pointed at Li Ming and said very clearly: "The flesh and blood of the angel is on you!"

Li Ming was shocked, how could he tell?

"It's unnecessary." He said with a cold face.

"Hmph, you have the angel status in your hands, what else do you want to say?" Michelle snorted, and then an uncontrollable smile appeared on her face, "I thought I could only find out a name, but no To think that they actually delivered angel flesh and blood directly to my door!"


Only then did Li Ming understand why Michelle was so sure, but he had never heard of this thing before, and he didn't feel anything unusual when fusing the Avenging Angel.

The slight surprise on Li Ming's face was noticed by Michelle, and he suddenly realized.

"It turns out that you, like Neptune, don't even know what the most valuable thing is angel flesh."

Michelle scoffed.

"That's good, it saves me the trouble."

The spear in his hand shone with light, and he shot an angelic force directly towards Li Ming. Li Ming did not expect Michelle to be so cautious, so he could only use the interruption to charge up, and used the power of the space gem to teleport behind Michelle. The storm battle The ax was full of annihilation energy and struck down directly. Michelle was startled and reacted very quickly. She quickly turned around and used her spear to resist.

This heavy ax made Michel fall several hundred meters in space, but he exuded strong angelic power and actually blocked Li Ming's half-charged annihilation.

But the price was that a gap was cut on Michelle's spear.

A trace of surprise flashed in Michelle's eyes. His spear was the Spear of Longinus, an artifact from a certain mission world. It was extremely suitable for his angelic abilities, but now it was destroyed by a reincarnation that was much weaker than him.

Li Ming was a little disappointed with his result. The blow just now was enough to kill two Thanos, but he didn't expect that he only destroyed the opponent's weapon.

He was a little uncomfortable with floating in space and fighting, so he teleported directly to the moon. Li Ming knew that if Michelle still wanted angel flesh and blood, he would definitely follow.

As expected, Michelle also came to the moon. The matrix is ​​now not as important to him as the flesh and blood of angels, not to mention that he can reset it.

As long as Mies can keep the matrix from being destroyed, it will be fine.

If a sixth-level reincarnator can't even do this, then stop messing around.

"Your Excellency Michelle, the matrix... there is something new in the matrix, please apply for reset."

As soon as the idea emerged in Michelle's mind, she was slapped in the face by the girl.

"What's wrong?" he asked, suppressing his anger.

"The Savior is out of control, he's fused with Agent Smith and is impacting the Matrix."

Mies said with a sad face that if the matter was not irreversible, he would not contact Michelle.

In the matrix, relying on their authority, they can exert greater strength than the outside world, but how can the other side cheat them?

"The Savior has my authority. I can only try my best to keep him out of the resource center, but he has assimilated too many programs. I may not be able to hold on for long."

The girl said it was okay. He didn't say that he was struggling to support himself now, for fear that he would be assimilated by Neo.

There was a leak in the house, and it rained all night, and bad news came from Merowenchi.

"Your Excellency Michel, many robots have appeared in the human resistance to help. Our mechanical army cannot stop them. They are advancing towards the mechanical city where the matrix is ​​located."

Michelle laughed angrily: "There are so many enemies arranged right under your nose, but you didn't notice them at all. It's really great."

"You are worse than Neptune!"

Miss and Mei Luo Wenqi didn't dare to say anything at all, and they were scolded.

But Michelle couldn't get away for the time being. Li Ming didn't give him a chance to breathe, and kept attacking him with his storm ax.

Although Michelle's attributes can suppress Li Ming, most of his injuries are still not healed, and Li Ming's source power is not inferior to his angelic power. The two of them are still evenly matched in the fight.


Michelle, who was in the team communication, was stunned and was hit by an ax on the shoulder by Li Ming. He quickly distanced himself.

"Mith, please hold me back. Even if the matrix world is destroyed, the savior cannot enter the resource center."

Michelle quickly took the time to arrange tasks.

"Meiro Wenqi, you and Cassian will guard the Mechanical City for me. If you can't hold it anymore, take the matrix host and hide!"

The situation was critical, and he had tried his best to lower his psychological expectations, as long as his teammates could delay him for a while.

Michelle looked so pale that she took out a bottle, which contained holy water that exuded a strong holy aura.

Li Ming knew that this should be his trump card, so he combined the desperate armor on his hands into a huge energy cannon and fired directly at the bottle.




But an inexplicable force field appeared in front of Michelle, intercepting all Li Ming's energy cannons.

In the next second, Michelle drank the holy water in one gulp, and her condition quickly returned to its peak, and her momentum continued to rise.

"Oh haha, I have to fight hard."

As soon as Li Ming muttered these words, Michelle rushed to him at a speed that was almost teleporting, and pierced his heart directly with the spear. Fortunately, Li Ming remained vigilant and avoided the vital point at the last moment.


Michelle's spear also seemed to have space capabilities. Li Ming wanted to transfer directly in space but found that the space was locked, so he could only rely on body speed, so his lower abdomen was still pierced.

There was a hole in the Patronus Charm.

Li Ming felt a burning heat coming from the wound, and understood that it was the special effect of the spear, which caused him continuous damage and prevented him from recovering.

But the Patronus Charm still played a big role. Michelle thought that this shot would directly tear Li Ming apart, but he didn't expect that there was only one wound.

But now the person taking advantage of his illness to kill him has become Michelle. The Spear of Longinus in his hand emits a dazzling light, covering almost half of the moon, allowing the humans fighting on the earth to see it in the daytime. moon.

"It is also your honor to die under the holy flame."

Then Michelle stabbed Li Ming with a spear, and a stream of holy flames shot out from the spear head and swept towards Li Ming.

But what Michelle didn't expect was that Li Ming also exuded blazing fire that was not inferior to the Holy Flame.

"Playing with fire? I can do it too!"




(End of this chapter)

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