The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 397 Turn over the table to learn more

Chapter 397 Turn over the table to find out more

As a good politician, Ponte Baker knows where he stands.

Become an enemy of the King of Gotham.

In fact, he had no evidence that the disappearance of the spacecraft was related to Li Ming.

But regardless of whether the spacecraft was driven away by Li Ming or not, this was an opportunity for Ponte Baker.

Alien spacecraft is not within his scope of authority. In other words, even if the alien spacecraft is found, it is not his credit.

But if Li Ming can be beaten, it is Pent Baker's credit.

As long as Li Ming has the slightest suspicion, he can use it to attack Li Ming's authority.

The alien spacecraft incident was simply a sharp knife put into his hands. Although the "Gotham Act" clarified that Li Ming was the controller of Gotham, American officials were not allowed to interfere.

But international forces can.

If he can use this opportunity to pull Li Ming off the altar, then Ponte Baker will definitely shine in front of the world.

This is why the current commander-in-chief Georgia obviously has a good relationship with Li Ming, but still chooses to stand aside.

The "Gotham Act" is a mess left by the previous president. If Georgia can limit or even overturn it during his term, Georgia can also gain a lot of prestige.


Not a problem at all.

The overwhelming pressure of public opinion was now on Li Ming. Countless reporters and demonstrators from all over the world also poured into Gotham. The streets and alleys were filled with "enthusiasts" who were marching or making noises.

Of course, according to surveillance on Sunday, there were many agents mixed in, all with the purpose of finding the whereabouts of the alien spacecraft.

"There is no evidence to show that there is a direct relationship between the spacecraft and Mr. Li Ming. The current public opinion is all baseless speculation."

Penguin, the representative figure of Gotham, said publicly in an interview with reporters.

On the other side, the current mayor of Gotham, the Riddler, also supports Li Ming.

"In fact, it is still unknown whether the spacecraft is an alien product. Now that the storm is focused on Mr. Li Ming, it is obviously a conspiracy against Mr. Li Ming!"

But their appeal worked well in Gotham, but had little power outside the world.

In fact, the world doesn't even want to hear their voices now.

People like to watch the excitement, and watching the excitement of the King of Gotham, who is also a superhero, is much more fun than pursuing the truth.

Amid the indiscriminate bombardment by media from various countries, most people in the world have already acquiesced that the alien spacecraft is in the hands of Li Ming.

With the beautiful country taking the lead, the international conference quickly voted to order Gotham to hand over the alien spacecraft.

And the well-known younger brother of the beautiful country, Australia, is even more flag-raising for his master, bearing the brunt of claiming that if Li Ming does not hand over the spaceship, he will sanction Gotham Group's local industries.

Because Australia is rich in natural resources, it is an important source of raw materials for the Gotham Group. This is equivalent to trying to choke the Gotham Group's neck.

Following Australia, many other countries are also echoing, and various dumping and anti-monopoly labels have been slapped on Gotham Group's head, in an attempt to force Li Ming to submit.

This is their tried and tested method to deal with major companies, because when large international companies like this build an industry overseas, it is often difficult to give up with a large amount of initial investment, so they are often cut with their blunt knives.

That is to say, Gotham Group has not gone public, otherwise the stock price would have plummeted.

But the next day, Gotham Corporation's Vice President Freya Stark, who of course should now be called Freya Oswald, made a public statement.

"The Gotham Group is considering dismantling its industries in Australia and certain other countries and moving to other regions."


Pente Baker, who is always paying attention to the movements of the Gotham Group, was very surprised. Although Freya was talking about certain countries, since she named Australia, the other countries she mentioned must also be the ones involved in this attack.

"Is Li Ming crazy? Does he know how much damage this will cause?"

Ponte Baker frowned fiercely.

He has done a lot of analysis of Li Ming's behavior patterns, such as Li Ming simply ignoring him, or defending himself, falling into a self-evident trap, etc.

But he never expected that Li Ming would directly choose to flip the table.

Ponte Baker had a lot of information about the Gotham Group, and he quickly estimated in his mind the amount of money Li Ming would lose by making this decision.

That was a number that would make Li Ming feel heartbroken just thinking about it, even if he was an opponent.

But Li Ming's courage soon paid off.

Turning the table over means reshuffling the cards. With the Gotham Group's current size, they are looking for new locations to place their industries, which is a real hot commodity for other regions.

Brazil, also a resource-rich country, took the lead in extending an olive branch to the Gotham Group in an attempt to replace Australia's position.

A country with a large population like Asan has set its sights on Gotham Group's various manufacturing industries, and constantly offers various preferential treatment to attract Gotham Group to join.

Even the Maple Leaf Kingdom, Japan and other countries, which are the younger brothers of the Beautiful Country, have also joined the battle for the Gotham Group.

Now countries such as Australia and the United States cannot sit still. It doesn't matter if they give their master a few loud shouts of strength or harm the interests of some countries indifferently.

But if the Gotham Group really moves away, the large-scale unemployment population, plummeting taxes, and international status will really be a thorn in their side.

Therefore, Australia and other regions did not care about the beautiful country, and quickly showed their goodwill to the Gotham Group again. It was okay to shake the money tree occasionally to get some gold coins, but they could not run away. However, although the external pressure has been greatly relieved, if the beautiful countries exert strong pressure and Australia and other countries succumb, the Gotham Group will still have no choice but to move out and suffer huge losses.

"Is the alien spacecraft really in Li Ming's hands?" Peng Te suddenly thought.

Apart from this reason, he couldn't think of any other more reasonable explanation.

If you are willing to suffer huge losses, there must be something more valuable than these losses.

Compared with money, all he can think of is alien spaceships.

After thinking about this, Pent's eyes lit up and he came up with another good idea.

He went straight to the White House and told the commander-in-chief Georgia about his suspicions.

Hearing that Li Ming might really be hiding an alien spacecraft, Georgia completely sided with Pent Baker without hesitation.

Dealing with Li Ming was mainly due to Punt, but finding the alien spacecraft was his real political achievement, the kind that can be written into the history books!

Thinking that in the future, all students in the world will see his name Georgia when they learn about extraterrestrial contact, the current commander-in-chief became short of breath.

Originally, Georgia was thinking of not coming forward, and if the situation was reversed later, he could come out to smooth things over, but now this idea was forgotten by him.

But after a while, Georgia still had some concerns and expressed them in front of Pent.

"Li Ming is a person with super powers. We still don't know how strong his abilities are."

Pente had thought about this question for a long time, and he answered confidently: "Li Ming's ability to control tornadoes is indeed very strong, but in front of the army, it is not worth mentioning."

Georgia thought the same thing. When a person with super powers encounters an army fighting in a group, no one can overtake them after a volley of fire.

Their thinking about superpowers is that they are a little more powerful than ordinary people, but not much.

After all, the most powerful superpowers they have ever seen are Superman in Metropolis and Wonder Woman in Rome.

But at that time, Superman couldn't fly, and Wonder Woman had never shown her full strength, so it wasn't to the point where they were afraid.

Pente Baker then placed a proposal in front of Georgia.

Georgia took a look, and then said in surprise: "This is..."

"Tatong leader, if we can get rid of Li Ming, then the Gotham Group in his hands will be a huge piece of fat."

The Secretary of State's words were full of temptation.

"Okay." Georgia thought for a while, and finally agreed to Ponte Baker's proposal, "Send troops to Gotham!"

Although the non-interference of Gotham territory has been written into the constitution, with the vote of international organizations and the special circumstances of the alien spacecraft incident, American officials bypassed the "Gotham Act" and directly launched armed action against Gotham.

The news of the army's deployment to Gotham quickly spread throughout the world, and even the crusade against Li Ming was greatly suppressed.

In fact, many people know that the United States officials are very worried about the existence of Gotham, a lawless place.

It would be fine if it was an ordinary area, but there are two super-first-class companies in Gotham, Gotham Group and Wayne Group, which make the officials salivate all the time.

Therefore, it is also expected by many people that the "Gotham Act" is being torn up on the grounds of an alien spacecraft.

Although strictly speaking it violates the constitution, many things will ultimately return to a confrontation of strength.

Many outsiders who were originally noisy in Gotham quickly evacuated, and the local people in Gotham were also panicked.

Many underground forces even moved overnight.

They have all gone through Gotham's great reshuffle during Borderlands. With that experience in front of them, no one dares to say that Gotham will be safe this time.

Although there are still many residents in the city, it is sometimes unreasonable for officials to go crazy.

At this time, the three pillars of Gotham's municipal government stood up. Penguin, Riddler, and Gordon worked hard on all sides to stabilize the situation in Gotham.

The Penguin even mobilized many Gotham citizens and once again launched a campaign to defend Gotham. Under the leadership of Gordon, he guarded various traffic arteries in Gotham, just like the Borderlands.

They don't care about alien spaceships. Only Gotham is what the local people care about most.

After such a fuss, although Li Ming has not yet officially responded, the cohesion of the people of Gotham has become stronger.

Moreover, in New Gotham across the river, many demonstrations in support of Gotham also broke out. When the army arrived at the outskirts of Gotham, the parade also entered the metropolitan area.

But this time, almost no one is optimistic about Gotham's side. They are very good at fighting gangs, but no one believes that they can compete with the army.

Including Gotham itself.

Therefore, Bruce and others placed their main battlefield on public opinion, hoping to prevent things from going to extremes through their own influence.

Clark also came to Gotham, ready to launch the spaceship at any time to prevent Gotham itself from being invaded by war.

At this time, a complete aircraft carrier formation is about to arrive at the shore of Gotham, and Gotham will be unable to take any countermeasures in the face of the sea attack.

But unexpectedly, a live broadcast signal was suddenly received on TVs around the world. The live broadcast location was the aircraft carrier formation outside Gotham, but the source of the signal came from within Gotham.

Just when everyone was puzzled, the ships of the aircraft carrier formation suddenly shook continuously in the picture.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind and rough waves.




(End of this chapter)

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