The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 429: Sneaking into the protagonist group is a skill

Chapter 429: Sneaking into the protagonist group is a skill

"Li, we have a field mission, it's very urgent!"

The person in charge of the field medical room shouted to Li Ming.


Li Ming responded, quickly packed his things and followed the team.

His medical skills are among the best in the medical department, so he is always called upon for urgent tasks.

Although he and Rocky entered TVA at the same time, due to the speed of time and Li Ming's frequent field trips, Li Ming has been here for more than half a month.

"The time is set in 1985, Wisconsin. The coordinates have been sent to you."

The person in charge said to the field medical staff.

"A time hunter team was attacked, and there are two seriously injured people who need treatment."

Loki was a little annoyed.

"I know, don't go out!" Loki stopped the TVA team members from leaving the tent. "This is a trap. The time criminal is outside. If you go out, you will die like these people on the ground."

Loki's expression was serious, but Mobius knew Loki too well and saw right through him.

"I can help you seize the time, but I need a guarantee." Loki held out a finger.

"He lied to us. There is no one outside."

Then he continued to say to Mobius and others: "I just hope that you will have such good luck after you go out, so that Mr. Miracle Doctor can have a chance to save you."

"Reset the timeline."

Two people died on the spot, one was taken away, and two were seriously injured.

Li Ming did not strike up a conversation with Loki, but first did his job and treated the two wounded.

At this time, Loki started his performance again.

Mobius had been staring at him, and suddenly asked with interest: "What?"

Loki opened his mouth: "Thank you for the reminder, Mr. Miracle Doctor."

By the way, now that he has come outside TVA, his strength has returned.

Loki's expression changed: "Like resetting the timeline in Minecraft?"

"I almost believed it," Morbius said to Loki.

"Correction, two people were stabbed with knives and have received good treatment." At this time, Li Ming suddenly interrupted.

Li Ming's heart moved. Isn't this the time when Loki and Mobius took action for the first time in the plot?

Sure enough, when Li Ming arrived at the scene, he spotted Loki and Mobius in the crowd at a glance.

"After I get you out of the tent safely, take me to see the Time Guardians. They are in danger. I want to remind them face to face."

Not to mention, seeing the seriousness of what he said, many TVA team members were really frightened.

This was a carnival event, and the incident took place in a large tent. According to the person in charge, the five-man team was wiped out.

Li Ming felt a little strange.

The reset process of Loki's timeline was interrupted by him. Why did Loki say it seemed like it had been reset?

Li Ming took out his time controller and searched for Loki's original timeline. He was surprised to find that he couldn't find it.

But in his portal perception, that timeline is clearly still there.

Thor is currently on the Nidavela neutron star!

He thought carefully about the reason.

If there is any difference, only Li Ming has been to that timeline.

It seems that because he is a reincarnation, TVA cannot search the timeline he has changed.

Li Ming just wanted to experiment in this world.

He deliberately pretended to take care of the wounded, delaying until the reset equipment had been placed before being the last to leave.

Of course, he also took away the time reset device.

After returning to TVA, Mobius glanced at the time controller.

"The timeline has been reset," he said.

It's exactly what I thought.

Li Ming thought to himself.

As long as he makes changes to the timeline, that timeline will be out of TVA's control.

No wonder he had been bouncing around in the Marvel timeline for so long without anyone from the Time Variation Administration coming to trouble him.

The operation failed, but Loki's performance was acceptable, and Mobius was satisfied that he didn't cause more trouble.

But Justice Lavona Losraier was worried about Loki.

"Be careful Loki, the Time Guardians are paying close attention to this case. I have never seen them take it so seriously." She warned Mobius. Mobius agreed wholeheartedly.

But then he turned around and called Loki together to read through various files and continue to think about the possible hiding place of the time criminal.

There is almost no concept of time within the Time Variation Administration. They have been searching for who knows how long but still found nothing. Even when they were eating in the restaurant, they had a lot of files in their hands.

However, when Loki was searching for commonalities in the files, Li Ming suddenly "just happened to" pass by.

"Haven't you found any clues yet?" Li Ming asked Luo Ji, "Mr. God?"

Loki was a little depressed when Li Ming retorted, so he threw a few files into Li Ming's hands.

"We are indeed not as smart as Mr. Miracle Doctor, so please tell us the clues hidden in this."


Mobius sighed helplessly and gave Li Ming an apologetic look.

"let me see."

Li Ming grabbed the file and started checking it. After a while, he seemed to have discovered something.

"Are you looking for a possible hiding place?" Li Ming asked.

"Yes, thank you for telling us what problems we are facing." Loki spread his hands and said with a smile. He felt that he hadn't found any clues yet. What could this TVA clone do?

"Then why don't you put yourself in my shoes?"

Loki suppressed his smile slightly: "How to do it?"

"If you can't find time, think about where you can hide."

Mobius became interested: "For example?"

"For example..." Li Ming put the file on the table and pointed to the paragraph above and replied, "The end of the world."

[The end of Lamandis, the planet is destroyed, and no time crime energy is detected. 】

"Maybe this is a coincidence?" Mobius was a little skeptical.

But Loki seemed to be inspired. He found other files and started comparing them. Then he slammed the table, attracting the attention of everyone else in the restaurant.

"That's it!"

He placed several files in front of Mobius.

"You see, every point in time involving complete destruction, meteorites, tsunamis, earthquakes, whatever, is OK, but the same thing is that no time crime is detected in these scenarios."

"Because no matter what changes the time criminal makes in the doomsday scene, unless the doomsday is reversed, all his traces will be covered by the timeline that is doomed to destruction."

If Loki said this alone, Mobius would still be skeptical.

But this was what Li Ming discovered first. Li Ming is a TVA employee and it is impossible for him to collude with Rocky, so——

There is a high probability that this is the truth!

"The end...if this is the case."

Mobius suddenly pulled out a candy wrapper, which was left behind by the time prisoner.

Doomsday, candy, now that there are two variables, the scope of clues has been narrowed down a lot.

Just look for the doomsday scenes that happened during the candies’ release period.

They went straight to the archives without eating, and Li Ming followed behind.

"Here we go, the Alabama hurricane event in 2050!" Rocky quickly found the most likely scenario.

He patted Li Ming's arm: "You are indeed much smarter than other people in the Time Variation Administration."

"Mobius?" Li Ming raised his eyebrows.

Loki shook his head in disgust: "He is suitable to be a priest, not a detective."

"Let's catch him!" Mobius, who didn't hear what they were saying, was excited.

Not only because he found the time and position, but also because his guess was correct, Loki could indeed help.

And it seems that Loki does have a tendency to change his ways.

"of course."

Loki also smiled and answered, but when Mobius looked down at the file, his eyes were a little complicated.

"Maybe I can come with you." Li Ming suddenly said at this time.

Loki's eyes immediately returned to normal.

"There are too few interesting things in TVA." Li Ming explained, "And I heard that there are hostages there, so I think the doctor can definitely help."

Mobius only thought for a few seconds before making his decision, and he nodded.

"Okay, welcome to join!

(End of this chapter)

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