The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 437 You guys join a team and I’ll harvest it

Chapter 437 You guys join a team and I’ll harvest it

Loki only made a fuss for a while and then gave up. After all, Li Ming could fly, and with Loki's two small daggers, unless he knew how to fly with Li Ming, there was no way he could hit Li Ming.

"You are indeed not just a TVA employee." Loki said.

At this time, he had already brought Li Ming, Sylvie, and old Loki to join them, and he introduced them to Sylvie one by one.

“This is the younger version of us.”

"This is our version of the future."

"Um, our alligator version."

Sylvie raised her eyebrows, her face full of "Are you serious?"

"It's best not to challenge him. I saw him bite off a Loki's arm with my own eyes." Loki reminded.


Although Li Ming criticized the Sacred Timeline in TVA, he also knew that the Sacred Timeline could not be said to be completely wrong when the Legacy had just ended the multiverse war.

"Because Loki always survives," old Loki answered.

Maybe at some point, this place would be full of mysterious visitors.

That's why there are so many Lokis in the Void.

Loki quickly calmed the alligator.

So during this process, the people left behind must have gone through countless trials and errors before deciding on Loki as their successor.

The person left behind can control the timeline, but not directly modify it, but guide the timeline to develop along the route he desires.

Alligator Key barked.

The purpose is for Loki to succeed him and become the new Legacy.

Because it at least guarantees the apparent peace of the multiverse, of course at the expense of the development of countless other timelines, which belong to the peace under the hegemony.

Even during this process, Saul may have been a candidate for succession.

In the plots of the two seasons of "Loki", except for Loki's choice in the end, which is not clear, all other plots are designed by the people left behind.

"Why is this place full of Lokis?" Sylvie was surprised.

Loki looked at Li Ming.

But the reason Li Ming had in mind was different.

So he found himself a successor.

But after all, he was the winner after the Kang War in the multiverse. The remaining people did not want to leave on their own. The sacred timeline that had been maintained collapsed and the multiverse fell into war again.

"What do you want to do?" he asked.

After identifying Loki, he probably tried many times before he found that the Loki in this timeline could meet his requirements and come to him.

This is not because the people left behind have any preference for Loki, but simply because he is tired of the long time. The Sacred Timeline is like traveling into a masterpiece game. Although it is extremely playable, it requires millions of reloads. Every time, I always feel numb.

"Okay, I know it wasn't you who made the first move."

"Overthrow the sacred timeline." Li Ming replied, "I only hid my identity but not my purpose."

"I often travel through different worlds and help universes in trouble. You are not the first Loki I have known."

"So when I discovered that there was a Time Variation Administration here, I decided to help you overthrow it."

Li Ming gave very good reasons.

"What to do now?"

Loki paid attention to his surroundings and found no trace of the Time Guardian.

He also asked other Loki variants, but they were also unimpressed.

"I know where the real guardian of time is!" Sylvie said suddenly, pointing at Elios, "I briefly possessed that angry dark cloud just now, and found that it was guarding the place behind the void. .”

"Such a big monster is just a watchdog?" Loki's eyes widened.

"And how do we get into the place behind it through it?" He tortured his soul, "Shall we use a knife to cut through it?"

Sylvie shook her head: "We can possess it and then go around it." "I can't possess it." Loki said with a frown.

"You are me, and you can do what I can do."

Sylvie convinced Loki.

Now there is only one question left.

"We need to wait until the timeline is cut and Elios chases those things before we have the opportunity to possess it from the side." Sylvie said.

"The problem is, Li has asked TVA to suspend outings, and nothing will come in again." Rocky felt it was very difficult.

"I'll get its attention."

At this time, the old Loki suddenly said.

"No, you will die!" Loki quickly refused.

"I have been hiding all my life, and it's time to stand up for once." Old Loki's eyes were firm.

In his timeline, he faked his death and ran away from Thanos. Then old Loki did not go to Thor, but spent a long time incognito on a planet. When he wanted to see his brother, TVA caught him.

"Our tragedy should not happen in other timelines."

Under the influence of Loki, the old Loki's ideological awareness has also become higher, and in terms of strength, the old Loki is higher than the Loki present.

He is the true number one mage in the nine realms, and Asgard rises from the ground.

It's not like a certain Loki who used a blanket to cover himself.

But Li Ming stopped him: "With your old arms and legs, you'd better rest and let me do it."

Loki was surprised: "Lee, won't you come with us?"

Li Ming made an excuse: "Only I can buy you enough time."


He is not a character in the Legacy script. What if the Legacy sees him and takes action directly?

In fact, Li Ming had always been vigilant, and the portal back to the abyss was ready, because he knew that the people left behind were always paying attention to Loki, and maybe he would be eliminated as an unstable factor.

But to his surprise, the remaining people did not take action against him.

Even so, Li Ming would not wander around in front of the remaining people.

And he is also very interested in Elrios, the key to the Legacy's victory in the multiverse war.

Can swallow time and space, if he can control it...

Of course, Li Ming also knew that this would not be easy, otherwise the other Kangs in the multiverse war would have figured out a way long ago.

Seeing that Loki was very worried, Li Ming still gave them some information.

"According to my understanding, the most terrifying thing about the people behind the Void Land is not their strength, but their choice."


Loki was even more confused.

The Riddler, get out of Gotham!

But Sylvie didn't think too much. When she was ready, she directly pulled Loki and started to stand in place.

"Are you ready?"

"Okay, how are you going to attract that big guy's attention?" Loki asked.

"Of course." Li Ming responded with a smile, "Thunder!"

He slowly flew up into the sky, and as he got higher and higher, the sky around him became darker and darker.



After the atmosphere built up to a certain level, bursts of thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and the violent thunder rushed towards Elios, immediately attracting its attention.

Seeing the wildly dancing thunder and lightning, Loki seemed to see his brother in a trance.

(End of this chapter)

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